This line from David Bowie's "Drive In Saturday" amuses me too much.
"And try to get it on like once before when people stared in Jagger's eyes and scored"
I really like this a lot, probably too much considering that it is a David Bowie lyric. Does that mean he scored too? So, that means he was feeling Pete's pain from all of those years that he never got to score with Jagger. He must have whined to David because David was in that same situation. That must have meant that Brian and Andrew looked into those eyes and they were very fortunate to score and they know it. Sot hat must have meant they felt other men's pain.
Considering the "Bowie/Jagger" rumor, that is something that could have hinted at any type of pairing. So, now I would like to see this line put to some very good use. I bet that if given the chance, Pete would have screwed Mick without any second thoughts. He would go for it. He can't stop himself, and neither would any other man. I think Keith would end up doing that too. And Brian along with Andrew. It's basically like, everyone wanted some of that. I don't blame them.
Currently listening to "Love In Vain" by Robert Johnson, covered by The Rolling Stones live in 1972.