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My Digital Escapades
Sobbing's Personal Thoughts and Recollections
This entry was taken from my ROdiary, so anywhere where I say "Lazy" I am reffering to my sister Jimbo, who is LazyNinja on rodiary.com and I am kaptainkwazoo



We were calling around pet and supply shops and stuff and the first one we get tells us that they don't sell aquariums because they are unreliable or some shizz. The lady tells us how they aren't made properly anymore and they leak/fall apart/bust/whatever. So us, being the stupid things we were, were like ZOOMGGAAHZZ!!! And we decide to look for a different type of container or a nice pot or SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I DON'T KNOW. I JUST KNEW I NEEDED ANOTHER CONTAINER FOR MORE FISH. So we went to Lowe's and looked at the Rubbermaid containers and checked to see if they had water plants [they didn't =.=]. But we bought a lemon tree and a little potted Rubarb from the garden section. [OMG WHEN IT GROWS UP WE CAN HAVE RUBARB PIIIIIIIIIE OMGOMGOMGDIES. OMG SHUT UP THIS IS ABOUT FISH. *scribbles over plants*]

ALL OF A SUDDEN WHILE WE WERE LOOKING AT THE TUBS. MY MOM. WAS LIKE. STFU. WE DON'T GET THIS. LET'S GO SOMEWHERE ELSE AND LOOK AT AQUARIUMS. And my sister, Lazy, was like "Okay! biggrin " and me and dad were like "BUT DIDN'T WE ALL AGREE THAT AQUARIUMS WILL EXPLODE UPON CONTACT WITH WATER OMG? D:" and mom was like STFU NO. *WALKS OFF* except she doesn't swear cause she's a Laaaddyyyy and it wasn't really as spazzy as I make it out to be >.> BUTSHEDIDWALKOFF.

So me and Dad sigh and just follow her, because she is walking out of the store without us lol. And Lazy is just like "*follows like a puppy* :3"

It didn't take me long to realize that what the lady at that pet store said is just.. no. Over-dramatized. If Aquariums gave out so easily there would be lawsuits and s**t. Not to metnion boycots from the fish enthusiasts. Srsly, say you have a $600 fish and you tank explodes while you're at work. Nooo. That's not guna be something that happens very often. I can understand leaks, but leaks you can fix easily. I mean it's a pain in the a** to fix because you gotta take the water out to reseal the seem, but.. it's going to be a little trickle of water, not a waterfall [unless you leave it to get worse]. But I'm pretty observant with things like that, so I'm not worried about it.

So we get to WALMART biggrin and we shuffle to the fishie section and Dad sees a tag that says Tank Stand - 55 gal $77. Dad totally iggies the TANK STAND part and thinks the 55 gal is $77 so he is like OMGWTFBBQ WE BUY. I GO FIND SOMEONE. GIRLS, SIT ON IT UNTIL I GET BACK. DONT' LET ANYONE TAKE IT. And we're like "+D OKAY!!1". But before he ran off, we pointed out to him that was the price of the stand and to just find out what the real price was. Then he left. I get bored while he's gone so I go leave Lazy and Mom with the tank and I go look to see how bad off the Walmart fish are. OH MY GOD IT WAS LIKE. THE FISH PLAGUE. AAAAAAAAAH!!!!11! WTF WTF WTF. ALL of the Goldfish tanks were almost bare and what few fish were in there LOOKED LIKE THEY WOULDN'T SURVIVE THE NIGHT. OR THE NEXT 5 MINUTES. They had ONE tank that had like 10 baby Ordanas in it and they were just driftiiinng... o_o; ALL OF THE FISH, NOT ONLY THE GOLDFISH, had severe cases of ich, fin rot, fungus, ANCHOR WORMS, and GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE. HERPES. WTF. I DUNO. I was sooo sad. omg. I couldn't stand to look at them for much longer to see what other ailments they had. Oh, and they didn't have any Betta in stock. I'm sure those fish were the dreggs that were left unbought after the holidays and they just haven't gotten anymore fish in lately. But seriously. They could at least take care of them. I know Walmart is cruel with their fish, but COME ON. IT'S SO UNSIGHTLY. I WANTED TO VOMIT JUST LOOKING AT THEM. EVEN PEOPLE WHO DONT' HAVE A CLUE COULD TELL THERE WAS SOMETHING .HORRIBLY. WRONG.

Anyway... u_u I sulk back to Lazy and Mom to see if dad was back.. I tell Lazy what I saw and I don't think she could believe that it was as bad as I was making it out, so she went to see for her self. I leave Mom with the Tank [lol XD] and follow Lazy to catch her when she fainted. Thankfully she didn't faint. So I stayed with her while she wibbled over the poor fish for a few minutes. When we got back to Mom, Dad was there with her and they were having a 'discussion'. [Aka, Mom was telling him HOW IT'S GUNA BE. LOL. CAUSE SHE IS THE BOSS. I <3 MY MOMMY.] Apparently Dad found out the real price of it and he was like " crying Nevermind let's look at something else." and mom was like "OH HELLZ NO."


We went out looking for a 20 Gallon CONTAINER and came back with a totally kick a** 55 Gallon Aquarium w/ 30-60 Gallon Power Pump, Heater, Water Conditioner, Food, Other s**t, and DUUUDE. BEST. DAY. EVARZ. OMG. We got home in time to watch the last hour of American Idol, which made my day even more stuuuupendous because I thought I was going to miss the entire thing! biggrin UM. WHATELSE. OH YEAH. I TOTALLY AM A MANIAC. HAR HAR HAR. It was all late and stuff, but I was DETERMINED to set up the tank!

Mom and I carried it in my room and it COVERS THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF MY DRESSER. LOOOOOOONG. YES BAYBEE. And I have a pretty old, solid dresser, so it can support the 550+ pounds of weight. AWEESSOOOME. Oh man. I was so excited.


So I gave all the weird gadgets to Lazy and told her to figure them out while I was the water donkey. [I don't have any braaiinnznzzz LOlloL +D] It took me all night going back and forth across the house with a jug of water to fill it up. XD Dad suggested filling it with the garden hose when the sun came up, but I was a bit paranoid about how clean the hose was, so I just settled for carrying it myself lol. I'M INSANE. I was up for hours filling the tank with water. I carried almost 500lbs of water. 0.o; Mom, Dad and Leana made a few trips, but I think I was the only one in the house with enough energy to do it. Plus I was the one who wanted it filled RIGHT. THEN. Dad wanted me to do it in the morning, cause he felt bad about not being able to help. But I was like "NO. GET OUT OF MY WAY. I'LL DO IT. O_______________O !!! <3"

Then after I went over every inch of the tank checking for leaks me and Lazy put the water conditioner in it [to take out chlorine from water] and also added Aquarium Salt to keep our fishies nice and healthy. n__n

AND THEN. WE WAITED. biggrin DD We stayed in the bedroom for the rest of the night [cause well, it was really late by then anyway] and talked about what we were going to do with the fish. We decided that we would put our old fish in the new Aquarium, because if the new fish we get are sick, it's going to be hell taking care of the water. I want that tank to be as healthy as possible. So we let the water cycle from 12pm to 11am [not quite long enough but eh.. I'm a horrible person. Plus my goldfish can take it.]

I went to sleep with the soouunndd of my Aquarium to soooooth meeee biggrin WHICH I REALLY NEEDED CAUSE I WAS SO TENSED UP FROM ALL THE DONKEY WORK. LOL.

This morning I rolled out of bed ready to get back to work on the Aquarium. As soon as Lazy and I could stand without swaying on our feet we began the process of removing the gravel little by little from the Rubbermaid Tub [what fish were currently in at the time], cleaning it and moving it into the new Aquarium. That took us both an hour or two to do. After we did that, we cleaned the ornaments and pruned the little plants and arranged them in the Aqarium. I went and netted one of the fish, put it in a clean plastic cup with it's own tank water and went through the boring process of getting the fish used to the new Aquarium water. That means keeping the cup suspended in the water and slowly pouring out small amounts of the cup water and adding small amounts of Aquarium water for a while before you allow the fish to swim into the tank [the sudden change of water temperature/PH balance/etc could put them into shock.. I tried to get two temperatures as close as I could though. Original temp for the fish was 68 deg. and Aquarium temp was 2 or 3 deg. higher o.o;]. So I had to do that twice. It was no problem to do with my Panda Moore [his name is Udon biggrin ], but with my little calico fantail [and hiis/her? name is Konohamaru].. WTF. First off, he was SO HARD TO CATCH. HE IS SO SNEAKY. HE KEPT HIDING BEHIND THE PUMP PARTS AND TUBES AND s**t. AAAHH THAT LITTLE b*****d! Then he JUMPED OUT OF MY NET. HOW DID HE MANAGE TO DO THAT. OMG STOP FLOUNDERING. I mean, I am always as calm and gentle as possible when I am netting my fish, but THIS FISH IN NUTS. He's just NATURALLY nuts, it's not a sudden thing that has happened cause of stress or anything lol. WTF. Srsly. Stupid fish. XD

Then when I get him in the cup and to the Aquarium in the other room, I could only keep him in the cup for a few minutes. EVERY time I tilted the cup to remove/add water he would try and swim out. Like FULL BLAST. GOT HIS LITTLE ROCKET JETS ON. Eventually I was like--OKAY. FINE. GO IN THE ******** TANK. IF YOU DIE OF SHOCK YOU'VE ONLY GOT YOURSELF TO BLAME. OOOOMG. And of course the little s**t is fine -_-; I love that fish so much, I swear. It's so ******** stupid. Just like it's mommy. >.<;; EEEEEEEE.

OKAY. SO. They were staying on the left side of the tank with their big log at first because it is familiar to them, but by the time I had gotten the littlest one in [Konohamaru] my Panda [Udon] was already venturing off to the other side of the tank, so they were kind of lost from each other.. lol. Then When Udon found Konohamaru, he lead him around the tank giving him the grand tour because apparently he had already mapped the place out [it was so cute].

Then when Udon started looking for food in the gravel I knew he was going to be alright [because that is what he does 24/7]. Konohamaru turned back into his curious self and started inspecting everything, of course within a fin's length of Udon [they are always inseperable, even before the move].

I will probably take pictures of the new Aquarium soon and post them here, for those who are interested. ^-^

Now I'm going to go take a nap, clean my room then do a full water change on the Tub and get it ready to hold the new fish that we will buy tonight or tomorrow.

Congratulations if you read this whole thing without falling asleep. sweatdrop

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