†The One Pulling My Strings Is†
†You Can Call Me†
Fea Luppi Ame
Fea grew up in the town of Celestic. The constant mysteries that occured in the city fasinated her to no end. After nightfall, sometimes her and her older brother, Shale, a Breeder in training, would sneak out and explore the ruins. And the few legendary Pokemon sightings around the region would happen mostly in her city. She loved to study the temple dedicated to the legendary pokemon in the old couples house near hers and look around old buildings. Her surronding enviornment is what intersted her in Pokemon.
After turning 13 and recieving a Torchic in Sandgem town along with a pokedex from one of the professors, Shale introduced her to a friend of his named Steven Stone who, being the gentleman he is, bent down and placed a light kiss on her hand. Shale intruseted him with her care while he left for a few days for a breeding camp. In those few days, Fea grew quite fond of Steven. He would train her in battle tecniques, help her with contest moves and even take walks with her down the shore.
One day, Fea saw a dim light and ran toward the ocean, diving in. Steven panicked after a few seconds when she didnt come back up. He didnt waste anytime calling on a nearby person to alert Nurse Joy and ran in after her. He found her, unconscious, clutching a blue egg, deep underwater. He grabbed her and tried his best to swim back up, almost fainting himself. Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny arrived just in time to save the two. After resting for a few hours, Fea woke up, worring about the egg, franticly searching for it. Nurse joy brought the egg back to her but Fea refused to take it yet, filling a small tank with water. She gently place the egg inside, saying it needed water. When her brother returned saying he had another trip to go on he decided to leave her with Steven for a while longer.
After reaching 15 and travling with Steven, who was now 18, she began to notice changes in the strange dreams she had been having about the egg the past 2 years. One day when she took out the egg to change the tanks water, it began to glow brightly. Fea knew nothing else to do but scream, which sent Steven running from upstairs. He stopped at a sight that left him in awe. Fea was holding a small blue bundle in her arms. As small antenna with glowing red ends peeled away from its peaceful face, Fea got a glimse on Manaphy for the first time before it began to cry.
After 4 months with Manaphy, Steven shared with Fea the sad news that he must depart back to the Hoenn region. She had grown stronger since their first encounter and he recomneded that she go to a region by the name of Jirina. He walked her the next day to the port and planted a light kiss on hand just as he had done the day they first met. He wished her well giving her a pokeball with a small 'S' on it. He explained it to be a Beldum, but a special one. He gave it to her as a parting gift before waving her good by as the ship left out of the port.
Being a hot-headed nutcase, Fea is not one to get in the way of on a bad day. She's very tempermental, and will, without hesitation, beat the breath out of anyone. Other than that her persona is that of a calm, kind-hearted person with a bit of an attitude that displays an unintintional feeling of cockiness. She does have a habit of zoning out, which can be identified simply by checking to see if shes looking directly at what shes supose to be paying attention to. Otherwise, shes in a whole differant world, usually with her music.
†Battle/Contest Photo†
ღ Anything that captures her interest
ღ Cute Pokemon
ღ Unpredictable things
ღ Cookie Dough and any type of batter
ღ Certain forms of art. *Visual, Musical, Performing, ect.*
ღ Things that bore her.
ღ Rudeness, Idiocity, and Obliviosness.
ღ People who use living things as tools
ღ Being punished for her explosive temper
ღ Cruelty toward living creatures concitered 'less important' than humans.
†Theme Song†
Shindoukaku by AKFG
Another thing Steven taught Fea was self defense. All types of martial arts moves and even a safety spear for practice. After she left he gave her a real spear just in case, and shes not afriad to use it. She Hates Cockroaches.
Pokemon 1:
Nickname: Blazer
Gender: Female
Moves: Ember, Slash, Peck, Quick Attack
Pokemon 2:
Nickname: Chidori
Gender: Male
Moves: Bite, Charge, Spark, Swagger
Pokemon 3:
Nickname: Amani
Gender: Female
Moves: Growth, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Absorb
Pokemon 4:
Nickname: Stealer
Gender: N/A
Moves: Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Take Down
Pokemon 5:
Nickname: Dusttrap
Gender: Male
Moves: Faint Attack, Dig, Crunch, Sand tomb
Pokemon 6:
Nickname: Luupi
Gender: N/A
Moves: Tail Glow, Bubblebeam, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse