D: I had a really big headache the other night. I woke up at four AM because of it. Not 'I woke up to find I had a headache' but 'My headache woke me up.' I hallucinated at first--I thought I was driving an olde (With an e!) fashioned car, and I was having trouble backing it out into the busy New York streets. Eventually the sleep and dreams wore off, and I realised that it wasn't a car that was giving me problems, but my own head.
Now, I have a very high tolerance for pain. When I had to have an operation some years back the nurses would always ask me "On a scale of one to ten, how much does it hurt?" I would always shrug and say "Eh... four." Later I found out that most people say twelve after going through the same operation. Well, this headache, on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, was a fifteen. Dx
I very much wanted to get up and take some asprin, but I was afraid to. I get a lot of head rushes these days, and they're always worse when I first get up after a sleep. I was afraid that I'd get a headush, and then not be able to focus because of my headache and pass out. D: If I passed out, I'd go completely stiff, and probably hit my head on one of the many dangerous things around my room.
So I figured, I'll wait the headache out! Sure, it was a Monday, but I didn't have school so I could always sleep in if I needed to. So then I rolled around in bed for about an hour, and I tried everything to get my headache to stop. I sat up, I layed down, I held my head and didn't, I rubbed my eye (which the headache was spreading to), I even tapped on the spot that was causing all the trouble with my knuckles. Everything would only breifly releive me, but my headache was quick to come back.
Finally, at 5 AM, I risked getting up and getting some asprin. Hurrah! I swallowed the two nasty pills. :D
And then nearly threw up. D: I have a very sensitive stomach in the mornings (Sugary cereal is too much for me! ;__; ), and asprin is something to avoid when you have an upset stomach. I sat around in the bathroom for about fifteen minutes, untill my stomach finally setteled. I went back to bed, and fell asleep as soon as I realized my head wasn't hurting. :'D
Half an hour later my mum got up for work, and made a lot of noise talking to the cats. Dx
To this day, that spot on my head still kinda aches. Perhaps I have brain worms?
Leamony · Wed Feb 01, 2006 @ 02:48am · 2 Comments |