Well folks, whatever. Alot has gone down since xmas. Some of its brought me down, some of it hasn't. All I can do is take a step forward. Perhaps I'll look back, perhaps I won't. So if you know me now, or knew me when and want to know me now, then show you're interest. Y'all know where to find me. If you don't then simply ask.
"I'll dance if you ask me" So whats new? Well I got my drivers licence on the 4th of Jan. Almost instantly forgot half the signs of the road. whee Drag launched the car a couple of times at the robots. (always fun), and I've attepted handbrake U-turns on two occasions. I've decided that the tires are hard cheap peices of rubbish. I can spin the tires pretty easily. So launching gets kinda tricky sometimes. I got myself a motorbike, dunno if I mentioned that before. I runs ok, except the battery needs replacing, the right indicator needs to be fitted and the front tire needs to be renewed (was looking for a different word for replaced sweatdrop ). I've taken another Job at a different internet cafe, and as such this has presented itself with an opportunity to ride my bike more, (ie to work and back). Its fun, it really is. But yesterday my concentration slipped as I stared thinking of stuff. I completly zoned out on the bike. I didn't even notice the guy in the truck I was following had stopped. Luckily I manged to snap back to brake hard and stop myself from going through the back of the trucks canopy. lol. Ah well, that was interesting. Overtook a car today on my way to work. Now thats quite an event as Im usually very cautious about riding that bike. I don't mind taking it easy, after all Im still learning what I can and can't do on that bike. So I'll continue to only do the things I think I can do, and such. Though secound gear is worrying me, its slipping, and its very annoying. Its more noticble when you gun it. Oh well.
"I like my bikes like I like my women...naked xD"
I thought that was awsome when I said it. Im pretty sure I didn't get steal that quote from some one, so I'll take credit for it unless some one says otherwise. Hope those who read this journal, will come back and continue to read it. I'll try and post interesting stuff here on a semi regular basis.
"Stay Tuned" SPanda
Super Panda454 · Wed Feb 01, 2006 @ 01:12pm · 0 Comments |