This is the dilema I face. I came to work with just fifty bucks, wich I want to keep for a happy happy saturday night out. Trouble is Im hungry, luckily though I got a R10 tip wich raises my cash float to R60.
I could spend that extra ten buckaroo's on some of the yummies we have here. But I know that won't fill me up at all. I can't leave the shop to buy something more substansial either. I do however have a telephone, and I could maybe perhaps phone some one to bring me stuff.... Tricky situations aside, I went out and bought myself a electronic guitar tuner do-hickiy gizmo. Its pretty sweet actually. Now I can play all I want, especially as it sucks major a** to try and play a out of tune instrument along to something that is in tune. I just find it so damn fustraiting. Well that problem has been solved. And this sunday will be the last day I work here at Gardens Online. Who knows what will happen after that. Although I have another job, Im still unsure of the future. I don't see myself working at timeline all the damn time. I simply refuse. Athlon is a good friend and all but he isn't paying much. Im just there for a change. So I shall update my CV, and start looking for something better. I have no idea what I can acutally do. But I hope I can find something sweet. Ian mentioned he might be able to get me a job that pays as much R30 per hour. The hour's are wierd but for that cash its worth it. Once I have my CV all niced up I'll print a couple out and start handing them out at nice establishments.
Well thats today's whatever news. Peace Out. ~Geoff
Super Panda454 · Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 04:49pm · 0 Comments |