Silvermoon - RPG Character Bio |
Name: Silvermoon
Race: Windling (a type of faerie)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: Unknown
Height: 17"
Special Abilities: Shapeshifting, shamanic powers, elemental powers, astral sight.
Silvermoon's past: Silvermoon was the third child born to his parents, he has six brothers and one sister. As a child Silvermoon showed an innate ability to manipulate energy and spirit walk, or astral project if you will. He was reported to be a natural born shaman. When he was old enough to understand the abilities he was born with he was taken on as a shaman's apprentice by a family friend, a well respected shaman by the name of Silverleaf. Windlings are long lived fey, their lives reported spanning several hundreds if not thousands of years. Naturally as grew older he began to rebel, as any adolescent does. His powers were strong and he became a full fledged shaman at an early age, however he was getting sick and tired of all the studying and frequently used to go off into the forests alone sometimes for weeks at a time, worrying his friends and family sick.
As a means to discipline Silvermoon, he was sent to a form of 'bootcamp' if you will. Though it was not that straight forward. He was sent to work as one of a company of personal guards to an elven noble family. Silvermoon enjoyed his posting there and working with the elven people. He ascended though the ranks quiet quickly and became head of the guard and a close friend of he family's eldest son. The two were almost inseperable, well they were until the the eldest son married. Then as in most cases the elf put his wife first and his friends second, this didn't phase Silvermoon in the slightest.
Time passed and Silvermoon being the hormone charged young man he was eventually ran into a spot of trouble, his lusty ways got him into trouble with a good few of the men and women he bedded. Thought most notably he had a child with one of the household's elven guards. A young elven woman named Amanthiel, his senior in maturity but most certainly his junior in age. Silvermoon did the honorable thing and married Amanthiel. However this resulted in both Silvermoon and Amanthiel being dismissed from the guard, despite his friend's desperate pleas to keep them on. The elven lord would here none of it and they were dimissed, however they were given quite a considerable pay package. They used that money to build themselves a home half way between the area Amanthiel called home and the area Silvermoon called home. In order to make ends meet and have enough money to look after their son Elvenstar or Edhellenel as he was also called the pair joined the local patrols taking it in turns to go out on patrol and look after their son. The vast majority, in fact all of Silvermoon's siblings were involved with the patrols in one way or another, some hunters going out to bring back food, others hunted down enemies and those that would cause them and their families harm. when Elvenstar was old enough, he was encouraged and did indeed join the patrols but that is another story for another time.
As time went on relations became strained between Amanthiel and Silvermoon, money was tight and they were seeing less and less of each other, taking on extra patrols to stop them going into poverty. On one of these extra patrols Silvermoon was working a shift with his sister Applespider, his father and his uncle. It was on this shift that he became aware of what had happened to Applespider since he left home. His father and uncle had been sexually abusing her for a long time. When Silvermoon discovered this he flew into a rage and beat his uncle to death and it was only Applespider's interference that prevented him from doing the same to his father. Though he did beat his father to within inches of loosing his life. His father disowned him, but at this point the rest of his family had not.
Months later while on patrol Silvermoon ran into his grandfather Fireiron. The pair fell to talking and explained to his grandfather what had happened over the years. Silvermoon's father had been saying that Silvermoon had died from his wounds after being attacked by a bear, and Applespider had been too shaken up to speak up and say otherwise. Fireiron offered Silvermoon a chance at a different way of life, the life of a sky pirate. Piracy whether at sea or airborne was frowned upon but it paid better and would give Silvermoon the earnings he needed to look after Elvenstar and Amanthiel.
Time passed and luck had been on Silvermoon and Fireiron's side. A good many years passed and Elvenstar grew into a fine young man. Luck soon ran out for the pair, the where caught in the act and exiled from the realm. Silvermoon and Amanthiel's marriage was annulled as a result. To be exiled in essence meant to become dead to those you held dear. And so Silvermoon and Fireiron took up their trade in other planes. Silvermoon was devastated at having to leave Amanthiel and Elvenstar behind, but there was nothing he could do, he knew his brothers and sister would do their best to look after them for him. So began a new phase in Silvermoon's life.
Days faded into months, and months into years. For decades Silvermoon and Fireiron terrorized the airways living life for each moment and making use of Silvermoon's abilities to their advantage as well as their own innate shapeshifting.
Many decades later Fireiron passed away, Silvermoon was distraught that he had lost the man that he saw as his father. He took his grandfather's death very hard indeed and took to drinking, leaving the airship and it's crew behind, but taking his grandfather's will with him. He turned to drinking, he drank to forget, he drank to numb his pain, he became dependent upon drink. He wanted very much to end his life, but his own sense of honour prevented him from doing so. To take his own life would be to bring further shame to his siblings, to his family and to his own name and to his grandfather's memory. So instead he took to actively looking for trouble, hoping to die in battle. That would not be so.
It took a near death experience to sober Silvermoon up, and it worked, he realised how precious life was and how much of it he had wasted wandering around in a drunken haze. He then decided he would seek out what his grandfather had left him. This would lead him into the arms of a fiend named Jascen, who later became his lover. To a remote island and a journey of self discovery, a full awakening of his own innate abilities and eventually his murder at the hands of a jealous rival. he knew he would be slain and willing accepted that fate so he could save Jascen and many others. Taking comfort in the knowledge that he would either be resurrected, or more likely, reincarnated in following with the beliefs of his people.
Present: Silvermoon has be resurrected, and bartered away his ability to feel sorrow and shed tears to bring his lover, Jascen back from the dead.

Vox_Draconis · Tue Mar 02, 2010 @ 10:45pm · 0 Comments |