Marti's scowled darkly behind her blindfold. She didnt remember much about what had happened.All she knew was that Opo had darted around a corner into an alley and after shed gone after him someone had pulled the wool over her eyes..literally. After shouting a muffled warning to her pet, only to have something hard brought down across the back of her head.After some time shed come around to find she was still blindfolded and her head ached profucily. beside her she could hear muffled shuffaling."who's there", she whispered hoarsly. her mothers voice answered her. "marti's? marty is that you?baby girl, whats going on?Why are we here?" martis turned her head."i don't know why really. mama..what are you doing here?"She felt demy shrug lightly." All I remember isleaving your aunts house and on my way back someone jumped me and the next thing i knew i was here". marti's frowned and whistled softly. Opo chattered and came up beside her."opo, get this blindfold off will you?" the marak chittered and went to work.
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