11 years ago...HollyRose cemetary...
Dark eyes stared down at the grave, one tiny hand reaching out to touch it gently. Demy reached out, bringing her childs hand back into the warmth of her jacket."nah nah, sweety, dont touch." marty glanced back at her, and blew spit bubbles in reply. The demon smiled faintly and watched her Husband from a distance. he was kneeling in front of one of the graves,A silver haired man sitting next to him.Marti's wiggled in her mothers hold, getting loose and running up to them."Hi daddy!" Startled out of his slight trance, grave glanced around until he spotted what had interrupted him. he smiled faintly at the five year old peering up at him."Hullo sweety", he whsipered softly. Demy started forward to take her back but grave stopped her with a wave of his hand.
"She's ok babe, as long as she's quiet". Demy watched him then stepped back."if you say so". He nodded and held his little girl tightly. Marti's stared up at him for a moment then closed her eyes, remembering when shed first laid eyes on her father.There had been a lot of crying she remembered.her crying..her mothers crying. But then she'd stopped...having seen a man.She knew he had to be different from her..and yet..not different. he'd taken her up in his arms, holding her, and talking softly."Oh dem-you did so good. She looks so much like you."then he'd turned marty to face him."hey little one..you nearly killed your mom..yes you did...but it all went well and you came out healthy...thats what we wanted."He smiled down at her warmly."what'll we name you?Emily?No..Annie?uh-uh..to common...How bout..marti's?ya you like that.marti's it is then..marty for short...it means Honey....right dem?marti's means Honey..right?Ya see?Im learning!"
marti's opened her eyes and smiled,resting her head against her fathers chest."I love you daddy". he placed a gentle hand on her back."I love you to..Honey".
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