Name: Marti's (Honey)
Heritage:Full blooded demon with like a pinch of human blood in her from her fathers side.(ok so shes not full blooded..get off my case!!!)
Looks: Her hair is a reeeeeally light green color, she has tan skin, and very dark blue eyes.A tatoo of a black wing is located on her back between her shoulder blades and a three-headed dog is on her lower back.
Style: Camoflouge capris that are a little to big for her, A plain white muscle tank top, black knee high lace up boots, a silver dog chain around her neck and one of those old style japanese hats(eaither that or a bandanna,depends on where she is)
History:Born to the parents she was born to, marti's or marty, is continuously saving her mother from some thing or another and since she sees her father(you'll have to ask my friend for his description cuz thats his character) on very rare occasions except on an occasional trip to the guild she reluctantly joined and whenever they cross paths on one of her many scavanger hunts, saving someone is quet often. Unlike normal teens who chase after one another in hopes of finding love and worrying about her apperance, marti's is happy to jump into any kind of brawl, even if she didnt start it, and proudly displays the many bruises and cuts she recives in the process. She uses her magic as little as possible, claiming it attracts to many unwanted visitors, such as her 'Uncle' dante.(DMC..My friend would also know more about him then me)Whom she also crosses paths with continuously,usually finding him trailing after some demon or the demon trailing after him. Good natured and quick witted, marti's and her pet, a flying bat like monkey named Opo, is someone to keep happy...and preferably not kill...youd regret it when she caught you later.
Fave Quote:You might hate me but trust me, they love me at the chelsea and adore me at the ritz
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