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So I'm really only going to be talking about whatever I feel like. Probably I'll speak about most of my friends online but that's about all. I am not too keen on getting people to know me IRL. That always leads to craziness.
I seem to be made to hurt people
I don't know how I do it. It's a gift. Or a curse. I prefer to think it's a curse.

I hurt people. I don't mean to... I do it... I can't sleep... I can't stop crying... and I can't stop being.

I'm reminded of all the times in my life tonight that I just want to rewind and get a better perspective of things. Why was it that I didn't do something that correct way?

I blame it all on myself. I haven't learned anything. No matter how strong I think I am, or how strong I think my body is... my mind... my soul... I'm really fragile. I'm weak. I'm flawed and pointless.

I remember my cousin and I see his laughing face. I remember how jovial he was and how full of life and promise he was. He had so many friends and was so bright. He was a genius actually. He was going to go to college full ride wherever he wanted to go. He would have been accepted anywhere. He died. It was sudden. He didn't get to say goodbye. That was many years ago when I was younger. I believe I was 15. My grandmother died two years later. The one I was close to. She died quickly. I didn't get to say goodbye. My first love died in the same year. He killed himself. I don't know the rhyme or reason. I have some thoughts. He didn't tell me about it. He was just gone one day after we hadn't been able to see each other in a while. I don't know if it was because we couldn't be together or if it was something else. I know it had to be something else. I'm not worth such things. He died, I cried.... and I turned inward. I didn't talk to anyone. I didn't even talk to my brother, my sister, my mother, or my father. I remember that now. That's when I didn't want to get close to anyone else again. I didn't want to hurt again.... Things wouldn't be that smooth. There were more lessons from the cruel teacher.

That's when I tried to live in the now. How it was starting to make sense, but I still hadn't learned my lesson apparently.

I've heard it said once that life is the cruelest teacher. She first gives you your test and then afterward the lesson. It's so true. I hurt tonight like I did all those times and more.

My sister was the most grievous loss to me. This happened on December 1st. 2004. She had developed cancer just as my mother had. Breast cancer. My mother had overcome it and is still in remission today. I hope to whatever is out there that my mother will remain okay. What's worse... I had still not learned to live in the moment. It eluded me. I was still a bit off and afraid to connect. I was afraid of hurting. My sister and I were very close. When it came time for her to die she even gave me warnings. She was reaching out to me and she didn't want me to worry. She didn't want to spell it out. In the end, she did.... Weeks before she died she had even told me that her doctors had finally told her she had a 0% chance of living with her spreading cancer. It was in her spine, her bones, everywhere. I was in denial. I didn't go to the hospital when she went in. I didn't believe it was happening. I could have, but I didn't say goodbye. I didn't say goodbye! God I miss her. I miss her so much right now. She was the bravest person I know. Even to the end she was planning her treatments and would not let her doctors tell her how things were going to happen. She told them. She was going to take care of children you know. Child psychology. She wanted to help kids like me. Kids that had been beaten up and raped as a child. She would have been marvelous at it. She helped me so much. Kristal, I love you and miss you. I'm sorry that I continue to be a disappointment. I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye. You must have been so disappointed in me as you lay there.

I still haven't learned my lesson....

My brother is dying... He's addicted to god knows what. Probably everything. His doctors say his brain is deteriorating.... He's been in rehab.... that didn't really help. I'm in denial. He tells me everything is alright. He knows I couldn't take it. Deep down I know what's happening and I'm afraid. I'm afraid to go home and be with him. I'm afraid he's going to die. I'm afraid. I'm a scared little boy.

I hurt people on what seems an everyday basis. Now I've hurt some very special boys. They are both marvelous and full of promise. I've ruined it all. They hurt because of me. I am not worth such suffering.

I don't have anyone I can talk to. Everyone's gone. I can't bring the words out anymore. Not to those that I'm surrounded by. I tried talking to my roomate. I love Rob. He and I have quite a history. Though I can't talk to him. I can't tell a stranger. A bartender doesn't even have enough time for me.

I can't die either. I can't make myself die. It would hurt someone. I feel trapped in this life. I don't want it to end. I have to like the pain. I have to love and need it to keep going. So that's why I'm slipping away.

I'm going to disappear a while. Sorry that I left. I don't know what else to do.

Amano Yoshi
Community Member
  • [04/25/11 06:40pm]
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  • [02/27/06 11:38am]
  • [10/22/05 07:04am]

  • User Comments: [16]
    Prince Lyre
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 04:39am

    Ah Yoshi-kun, "I'm sorry" just sounds so hollow but what else can I say? I've never had a close relative die. Or a friend. Well, a friend that wasn't like 90-something. I worked in an old folks home after all. It just doesn't seem fair when someone dies so young. Someone who's good and kind and full of promise. I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff but I can take a guess. I can guess that you feel like the pillars of your life are getting yanked out from under you. I can guess that you feel like you can't trust anyone, especially not yourself. I can guess that you feel responsible for everything bad that's been happening in your life. Yoshi-kun, you're not perfect. It's ok to be sad. It's ok not to be strong sometimes. It's ok to run away from everyone and hide for awhile when you feel like you need it. It's ok to take the time to heal. It's ok to feel like s**t sometimes even though it sure as hell doesn't [i]feel[/i] ok. I'm sure that they would understand. I'm sure they knew that what you needed right then was to be alone. Some people can't handle death. Nobody chooses that. It just is. You can't blame yourself for it. And I'm sure they know that you need time to heal from their loss. Some things don't go away in this life. Some things don't change. You have regrets. I have regrets. Everybody does, even if we say we don't. I know you don't feel like you learned anything. Maybe it wasn't time for you to learn something. Maybe years and years down the road you'll learn from what happened. From the people who left. On behalf of the people who are still left, I'd like to tell you that it's not your fault. You didn't choose to be who you are. You couldn't choose what obstacles you were going to face in this life. Unless you want to be a hermit and pretend you dont' feel anything your past is going to follow you forever. Because you can't erase your memory. And would you want to? Really? The past is a reminder that nothing lasts forever. Not pain, not life, not happiness, not sadness. Everything ends. Even your sadness and pain. Sometimes life is s**t. All you can think then is that the bad times don't last forever. And when something good comes along you just enjoy it to the fullest and when it's over just say wow that was great. I wish I'd taken more photographs. That's the only way to live in the moment. Because the only people who can truly live in the moment are people who don't care about anything. You only hurt so much because you care so much. And we wouldn't want to change that in you Yoshi. I'm only sorry that it brings you so much pain. You're a good person. In your heart and in your spirit you're a wonderful beautiful person that I'm glad to have met. You've inspired me, made me laugh, patted me on the back when I felt like s**t. I'm glad to be your friend. It's an honour. And I don't care if you make mistakes. Cause I make a lot of them too. All the time. So does everyone else. Life isn't a movie where you're the hero that somehow manages to do everything right. That just takes way more luck than any human being has. So please, don't try to change yourself or feel like you have to learn a lesson. Just be our Yoshi. Cause we love you that way.

    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 05:04am

    There's no one in town I know
    You gave us some place to go.
    I never said thank you for that.
    I thought I might get one more chance.
    What would you think of me now,
    so lucky, so strong, so proud?
    I never said thank you for that,
    now I'll never have a chance.
    May angels lead you in.
    Hear you me my friends.
    On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
    May angels lead you in.
    So what would you think of me now,
    so lucky, so strong, so proud?
    I never said thank you for that,
    now I'll never have a chance.
    May angels lead you in.
    Hear you me my friends.
    On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
    May angels lead you in.
    May angels lead you in.
    May angels lead you in.
    And if you were with me tonight,
    I'd sing to you just one more time.
    A song for a heart so big,
    god wouldn't let it live.
    May angels lead you in.
    Hear you me my friends.
    On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
    May angels lead you in.
    May angels lead you in.
    Hear you me my friends.
    On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
    May angels lead you in.
    May angels lead you in.

    (Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat world)

    I was listening to this...and I thought maybe it would...I dunno...I guess I just feel you should see it. I cannt begin to imagine what you feel, the death I've seen...has meant nothing to me. But just trying to see the people I love so much gone kills me inside. I can only guess your feeling worse than that...Lyre is right, it isn't your fault, everyone is afraid of being close then hurt...

    I don't think theres much for me to right, lyre has spoken really for me as well. I love you Kel, I'll keep you in my heart and mind everyday.

    Amano Yoshi
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 08:30am

    Thanks to both of you... You're a couple of the best yourselves. ^_^

    Prince Lyre
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 07:30pm

    *luffles on teh Yoshiness* heart

    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 08:10pm

    Oh Yoshi babe.

    You know, sometime I think we should get you and my friend who's going through chemo for his cancer and my other friend who's battling AIDS and have you guys wander around town just stoping random people and telling them these stories.

    I'd bet we could get some heads to explode.

    Because you can't say, "I'm sorry" because that's not enough and you can't say "I know how you feel" because you don't and you can't say "Gee, that's really too bad" because then you sound like a lame a*****e. So you just let it sink in and your head explodes.

    I will say that you have been through far too much for someone your age. You are damaged goods, pumpkin. But it is not your fault... and I think you know that. You can either be damaged, with big gaping wounds for everyone to see, or you can let them scar over and build up that strength you've been talking about not having.

    I don't want to meet the man who wouldn't cry over this anyway.

    Know that you're in my thoughts and I'm sending good vibes your way. I think we both know you should go see your brother. If only for closure. And because he'd want you there no matter what he says. Keep talking to people, we're all pullin' for ya. *kiss*

    Alexander Endleton
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 09:50pm

    I am at a loss for what to say in this circumstance, Amano. You have dealt with a great deal of hardship, but it does not need to define you. You are far too strong and caring a person. The world is enriched by your presence.

    I shall remember you in my prayers and ask the Divine to send you the strength and comfort to help you move through this time in your life. I believe in you, and I know that you will come out of this far stronger for having endured it.

    I hope to speak to you again, when and if you feel like returning to Gaia.

    Amano Yoshi
    Community Member

    Wed Mar 01, 2006 @ 05:24am

    Wow... I feel bad for putting this up right now....

    I feel so emo...

    I didn't wanna get pity... just in a bad place...

    Really gang... I'm doing much better at the moment....

    It can't rain all the time. wink

    Community Member

    Wed Mar 01, 2006 @ 03:56pm

    Don't feel bad it was good that you got this off your chest and didn't let it fester.

    We all care and we all want you to come back when you are ready and not before. Take the time to get yourself straightened out and we will be here waiting to welcome you back "home" xd

    Community Member

    Wed Mar 01, 2006 @ 11:11pm

    In truth, I don't feel worthy to write here. I haven't had the privilege of knowing you for very long at all. For some reason, I hope you'll still listen.
    ~I agree with everything Lyre said, but I won't just tag a 'me too!' on the end. I wouldn't feel right about it. I just wouldn't.

    I can't say that I've gone through the same trauma as you have. I can't say I've cried as many tears or found any more answers. I do know this: (and if I am repeating Lyre, it's only because it was a MASSIVELY good point) It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to hide. It's okay to break down and cry. It's okay to not be strong every second of every day.

    I realize you don't want pity. I hope a plea will do. Please don't feel like you need to change or learn a lesson. Please don't feel like you hurt everyone you touch. Because you don't. The truth is that sometimes the people who we let in, the people we love the most and who love us the most are the ones who can hurt us the most and vice versa. That doesn't mean that you've ruined anything or that there's something wrong with you. That doesn't mean that you need to change. And as far as the mistakes you've made and wish you could've corrected-- it's because of the bad decisions that you know how to make good/better ones.

    I like you, Yoshi. I think you're a nice person. Your flaws, your history, your woes, your triumphs all influence who you are. You are not your imperfections. I really wish you could see the things I see in you. Guess what? Amazingly enough, I've never seen a flaw. And if I have... well, I guess I just thought it was beautiful.

    Everything I had to say otherwise was already quite eloquently stated by Lyre. I hope you'll return, but take your time.
    With <3,

    Community Member

    Wed Mar 01, 2006 @ 11:49pm

    We've spoken amano-san,

    Know that i love you

    And all is forgiven in my eyes ...

    *gives a hug* ...

    Well talk more over the next week or two ...

    *hugs* Well sort this out together ... I promise.

    Eri Kitsune
    Community Member

    Thu Mar 02, 2006 @ 09:48pm

    Community Member

    Fri Mar 03, 2006 @ 12:50am

    Honestly, I agree with some one above me, I have yet to notice their usename...I think it was Sonata.
    Anywho, he said he wasn't deserving to comment in here, or something of the like...and I'm in his boat.
    I have no poems to offer, not personal stories...nothing more then some typoes and kind words.
    I myself hardly know you, the things your internet self HAS taught me, though, is that your an excellent role player, and a nice guy.
    But this is the internet. I can hardly get a fair notion to the true amano while looking at pixels and a monitor.
    So, in turn, I just want to tell you that the only people that are diseases on society, are people that you will never be like...
    Your stronger then that, and I'll have to assume better.
    Sure, you've suffered some lost friends and family (I doubt that 'friends and family' covers it...) but would they, would your sister Kristal, want to see you in such pain.
    I'm, frankly, quite sure someone has said this before me...but whatever...I'll say it my way.
    They probably want you to be happy, not to recline into your own self-pity and darkness...you should live your life the way that makes you happy...in honor of them kinda...
    They can't be alive, so let their memories live somewhat through you?
    Anywho, I hope you might suffer a reviving epiphany in the near future...(suffer isn't the right word, but it sounds nice...)


    Community Member

    Fri Mar 03, 2006 @ 08:29am

    Yawshi.... cry
    I actually cried when i read your journal. You always made me happy when i was feeling sad, you always lifted my spirits just by being you. If only i could give you the same gift you've given me all those times then everything would be ok again.

    You are not a horrible person, and you sholdn't be placing all this blame and guilt on yourself. Everyone that you feel upset about losing knew how much you loved them, they knew how hard it was for you, and they still know you love them.

    I don't know your religion, but it doesnt matter, because i believe in an afterlife. No matter the point if i was raised a buddhist or a catholic or a prodestant, i believe that even if there isn't a heavan and a god, that there is a higher power and an afterlife. They lived out their life, tested and put through hard ships. Those hardships are now being paid off.

    I have only ever known one person who has died, and i was only 6 and i don't even remember the last time i saw the person...i felt so guilty about forgetting about them. But i take solace in the fact that i know some how that they knew i loved them. Life may seem hard, and i say that the true hell is having to live, having to go through day after day with anxiety fear pain depression and all that other stuff.

    I believe you to be one of the strongest people i know, so i don't want you giving up on anything, or i may just have to hunt you down and tie you up with licorice and ... ya pg 13 remember? XD in all, i lovez you and your awesome, and if u disapeared of anything id be sad, so don't you see how many ppl love you already, just do what you can, live so you have no regrets. You have a blessing in disguise in the fact that you know what its like to miss out on opportunities, so let that help guide you in the decisions you make today nad tomorrow and in the future. Your knowledge is vast beyond your years, use it to your advantage and find happiness <3333 i love you alot, -Ari

    Community Member

    Sun Mar 12, 2006 @ 05:13am

    Hey Yoshi. If I say something sentimental like 'you can always talk to me' I'll make myself cry.

    I'd mean it, but then we haven't talked as much as I want. So maybe you wouldn't want to?

    If I tried to talk about people I've lost I would definitely cry, and I'm not one of those people who can manage to cry and look pretty at the same time. I get blotchy. my eyes swell. I totally lose what (little) mystique I have.

    But when I do talk to you, Yoshi, I want you to know you make me feel good about myself. I always used to think how lucky, how gorgeous a person you are. Why am I saying that in past tense? Weird. I think you are a gorgeous person. I think you're amazing. Really. You have a maturity someone like me, who's just feeling around in the dark with a bat and flowers, is really awed by.

    People are really hard, ne? That's the number one thing little Disco has discovered in his 17 years of life. It's the first and last lesson people learn, I guess. I think. They have this habit of worming their way into your heart and soul--and then doing something stupid like getting themselves hurt, or leaving somehow.

    Before I get preachy, I'm just going to stop. And hug you. In that sad, pitiful cyber way that isn't anything like the real thing.

    But it's something?


    ********. That's nowhere near adequate.

    The Xemnas
    Community Member

    Mon Mar 13, 2006 @ 04:49am

    Words cannot describe the pain i feel. Not only for you. But for me too. My family is slowly dying. God this brings memories. But I want to tell you something! Don't ever say it's your fault! Never do that! I once told everybody it was my fault for people dying but it wasn't and I knew it. Death is un-escapable. If you love that person you will just have to accept that they are somewhere better. Love, Something we all seek but never find. Well you all may find it. But problably not me. I see excatly what is going on. Because im what one would call: Being on the level. I have been there and Im kinda through it. People die. Its life. If you ever want somebody to talk to I am always here for you. But so is everybody else. Well you can talk to me if you want. Don't blame yourself.. and good night!

    Community Member

    Tue Apr 04, 2006 @ 10:30pm

    To sad to cry, but to smart to dream. The curse of us demons has been laid and printed on you. The tears you bring down fill the ocean, while the accidents were set up millions of years ago. The demons have set your life out, and I watched. I cant name what will happen, or I shall be banished. Just remember, the curse of Sadness is as dreadful as life itself. If I hurt you, please destroy this comment. I only came here...to warn you. :disappears:

    User Comments: [16]
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