Gaianame: Raven Dragonfire
Name: Lord Raven Anima Dellanotte (Translation: Raven Spirit Of-The-Night)
Age: 2000
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Humanoid Dragon
Weapon(s): Twin Blades Named Bellemorte and Pluie De Sang, ((Translation: Beautiful Death and Blood Rain) Spell-Casting A poison Dagger.
Personality: Strong willed, peaceful but has a temper deep within himself, is also very intelligent, is overprotective of his pendant.
Bio: Raven was born in a town named Shadow Grave, his father and mother both died while he was at a young age, since then he traveled the world. He was forced to raise himself, he is a highly powerful spell-caster and a shape-shifter. He is also the last of his kind which makes him very valuable to hunters.
Appearance: Large black wings, Pale white skin, black leather trench coat,Long silver hair, Deep blue eye, Black Boots, Black sleeveless Shirt, Black Jeans, Blue Teardrop shaped Pendent around neck. Blue veins in his fingernails
Raven DragonFire · Sat Sep 11, 2010 @ 09:45am · 0 Comments |