Samurai Champloo personality tests' results |

taken from:www.theotaku.com
Your Result
 You are Jin. You're quiet, mysterious, and dignified.
taken from:http://www.quizilla.teenninck.com/quizzes/216695/which-samurai-champloo-character-are-you
Your Left= Mugen

You look at Fuu; look at your own hands, and then grin, pointing to your left hand. “I choose this one.” You say. She gives you a nonplussed look. “Morin… That’s not what I meant.” You hold up your right hand, waggling a finger in her face. “You said pick a hand. You never said it had to be one of yours!” She opens her mouth to argue this, but then realizes that you’re right. “Oh fine… Come with me.” She grabs your wrist and pulls you off down the hallway to a room. She pulls open the door, and shoves you inside, slamming it shut again. You hear the lock give a ‘click’ and you blink. “You have Seven Minutes!” Fuu calls out loudly. You sigh.
“He-hello…?” You call out, suddenly nervous. “Anyone there?” You feel someone grab your shoulder and you jump, letting out a small scream. “Jeeze Morin… No need to get so upset about it…” You blink when you recognize the voice. “Oh! Mugen… I’m sorry I reacted that way…” You look at the ground. “But you did kind of startle me…” He chuckles, moving to sit in front of you. “Oh really?” You blush as he leans in closer until his face is mere inches from yours. “Then can I do it again…?” You gulp. You actually really like Mugen… You’ve had a crush on him ever since you met, but still… He does kind of wander. “I guess that would be alright.” You whisper. He chuckles. “Oh good.” You moan as his lips crash onto yours, and he pushes you backwards onto the floor. You respond almost instantly, starting to pull off his shirt. He quickly goes after the sash of your kimono, and you blush, letting out a soft sight. You two break for air as you pull off his shirt, and he manages to get your sash the rest of the way off, and you let out a soft moan as he starts to rub your sides, pushing his way into your mouth. You giggle, and play with his hair while he explores thoroughly. He pulls out slowly, and takes a second to catch his breath before he moves to your neck, looking for your soft spot. He misses, and you smile. He finds it, and you moan. You rub his chest and back as he sucks on the spot, moving a hand to the small tie on your under-dress… with a swift tug, it comes undone, and he moves his mouth lower, placing a kiss on your collarbone before he moves to your chest. You gasp softly and then moan loudly when he finds another sensitive spot. You decide to not let him have all the fun, and run your hands down to his waistline, running your first two fingers back and forth between the fabric and his skin. He smiles against your skin, and you slide your hand the rest of the way past his waistline. He lets out a loud groan, and you smile smugly. You take the opportunity to roll over on him, pushing him down onto the bottom. He smirks, and you gently bite his neck, smiling. You find his soft spot quickly, and start to suck on the spot, making him groan softly. It makes you smile more. You move from his neck down to his chest, and then his stomach. You slowly lick around his navel, and he looks at you rather expectantly. “Isn’t that my job?” He asks softly. You chuckle. “You’re right.” He flips you over, and gently slides a finger into you, pulling your legs apart. You gasp, and then let out a moan. He smiles. “That’s my girl…”
You’re sitting in Mugen’s lap, still trying to catch your breath as you wait for Fuu to come let you out. It’s amazing really, what two determined people can do in only Seven Minutes. Especially when you have to get redressed afterwards. You smile and Mugen starts to nibble your neck. You shiver, and he chuckles. “Gotcha’.” He whispers softly. You smile and look at him. “You certainly did.” He smiles. “You know, I think I could get used to only kissing you.” You wink. “Oh it’s not kissing that I’m worried about.” You have the satisfaction of seeing him blush lightly. “O-oh…” He whispers. “Well, I mean… I could get used to only you… Period.” You giggle and kiss him deeply, smiling against his lips. “Same here.” You whisper. You both blush when Fuu opens the door and blinks. “Ah, your time’s up.” She says softly. You stand up, and head for the door, but Mugen grabs your wrist, pulling you back against him. “Un-un. I’m not letting you get away that easy.” You grin and wrap an arm around his waist as he leads you out into the main room of the Inn. You two sitting talking until the game is over, and then he takes you up to his room.
You two have been together for the past several months, and every time he even so much as looks at another woman, you lace you fingers with his and blow into his ear. Every time, he shivers smiles at you and says. “I know, I know, Morin. Just testing you.”
I Hope You Enjoyed It! ^_^ Come Again!
taken from:http://www.quizilla.teenninck.com/quizzes/17215470/samurai-seduction
Summary: I'm Jin and my lover is Mugen. What a lovely combination~ XD
KittyNajona · Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 08:22pm · 0 Comments |