Decided to go back at it to pass the time. If you haven't read it its in earlier journal posts. Here's the characters of this story.

Zhao Shi : Imperial Chancellor and Principal Strategist to the Shu Empire. The protagonist, a valiant warrior and cunning thinker. Second Dragon General of the 3 Empires and Candidate to Regent since Yo Shimaru was imprisonned.
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Xin Xao : Fourth Dragon General of the 3 Empires and Imperial Shu Cavalier General. Strong and determined, a man of unwavering loyalty but has his own independance.
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Yo Shimaru: Emperor of Shu. Noble and Wise, he sacrificed himself for his empire. Beloved, a true benelovent ruler.
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Xu Ku : Emperor of Wu. Headstrong and full of guts, Never shows himself weak but does whatever it takes to stabilize his empire. He is the First Dragon General of the 3 Empires.
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Luo Meng : Emperor of Wei. A true tyrant. Seeks paradise surrounded by wine, gold and women. He recently overthrew the Fo Emperor, Tsao Gane.
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Kurogane : Former Emperor of Fo and Former First Dragon General of the 3 Empires, he conspires to regain his pride and glory. A fierce and undefeated warrior. Wishes to meet a warrior that matchs his power. He is also Zhao Shi's nemesis and rival.
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Xu Xu : Personal bodyguard to Emperor Yo Shimaru and younger brother of Xu Ku, the brawns of the Ya-Xu Duo. Fat, dim-witted and childish, he makes up his not so smart self with his monster strength.
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Ya Shimaru : Personal bodyguard and younger brother to Emperor Yo Shimaru, the brains... and brawns to the Ya-Xu Duo. Cocky, Laid-back and fighter, Loves to get in any brawl. He is the third Dragon general.
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Tsao Fan : Feudal lord of Wei, Head to the Tsao Clan and Kurogane's older brother. A majestic leader who strives to liberate Fo. A man of ambition who won't let anyone stand in his way.
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Takonoichi : The son of a wealthy merchant, Koichi became a legendary warrior and retainer of Zhao Shi after the death of his previous one. He is a force of nature and is said to be as strong as Kurogane himself. He is the fifth Dragon General.
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Blade : A mysterious wanderer who went to serving Zhao Shi. A man of the Southern Tribes, he wishes to refine his swords skills and become the greatest swordsman who ever lived.
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Finikkusu : Former Chancellor of Fo and current Chancellor of Wei, he is the puppet master. Controlling Kurogane with his wisdom and later inciting Luo Meng's Rebellion, he now controls the Wei Empire from the shadows. A twisted and controlling man, he wishes to seize control of the 3 empires.
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Luo Yan : Emperor Luo Meng's son and Crown Prince of Wei, a man proud of his heritage and a harsh leader. He is cunning and a strong man who doesn't like to lose.
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Rin : Former Empress of Fo and wife of Kurogane, a woman of unequaled beauty and a venomous femme fatale.
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Jun : Former Crown Prince of Fo and son of Kurogane, an arrogant youth but a smart mind, looking to restore his empire and become Emperor.
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Shinryo : Kurogane's master, considered his "old friend", an old man who prefers living a calm life but is forced into the military and political life because of his military and strategic skills. A wise but old man.
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Yu Shu : The son of a prominent clan of Wu and one of Xu Ku's loyal generals, a young hero who has quite the experience on the battlefield, acts as a mentor to his sister, Yu Ming
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Yu Ming : Younger sister of Yu Shu, she went to serving as a bodyguard of Xu Ku. A young woman warrior who strives to prove her worth even if she lacks the experience.
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Soo Chin San : A self-proclaimed "man of the land", a wanderer who later joined Zhao Shi's service to become a warrior. Rough and rugged, nicknamed "Uncaged Bull" for his ferociousness in battle.
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Kowan : An exiled member of the southern tribes, not the brightest man of the tribes but he is a warrior of unwavering loyalty. Joined Zhao Shi to fight for the good of the land.
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Kuufuu : A mysterious man of no honour nor loyalty but with hidden ambitions. Posed as a ninja of Shu and later joined Wei, he has opposed Zhao Shi many times.
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Han : The leader of the Shu Ninjas, places all his faith and trust in his empire. Operates silently and in the shadows. He is the sworn rival of Kuufuu.
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Yi : A general of Wei, he is Finikkusu's retainer. He is an odd man, who admires beauty in all things. He used to serve Fo.
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Mei Mei : The daughter of Kurogane and former princess of Fo, she left Fo to be with Xao. She is a beautiful maiden who cherishs her love, Xao. However, she misses her family and wishes for peace.
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Zhao Tsu : The adopted father of Zhao Shi. A retired archer of Shu, he was a caring father and lover of the arts. He was slain by Finikkusu for an odd orb.
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Zhao Kai : The adopted brother of Zhao Shi and Zhao Tsu's son, he became a general of Shu after being saved from a hermit. In charge of ensuring good terms beetween Shu and Wu, he is good friends with Xu Ku and Yashimaru. He puts the blame for his father's death on Zhao Shi. He is sarcastic but smart.
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Yan Gai : The Grand General of Wei, he served Luo Meng since the beginning. An old but battle ready man, he enjoys to fight and loves victory even more.
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Luo Yin : Daughter of Luo Meng, she left Wei and became the Empress of Shu. An independant yet wise woman, she defies her father's tyrannic rule.
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Lang : A hermit and a sorcerer. He united rebels to strike out at the Feng Dynasty. He speaks in riddles and has very unusual mannerisms.
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Rang : The Great King of the Southern Tribes. A very harsh and rough man but he respects his men. He tries to protect his people the best way he can.
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Han Zhu : The Imperial Chancellor of Wu. He is a childhood friend of Yu Shu. A calm and calculating man, he is considered a genius and a poet.
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Ishu Kamikaze : A wild wanderer who lives for the fight. He is a bandit who plagues the lands of the Three Empires.
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Guan Shang : One of the Grand Generals of Shu, he is an honourable man... with a long beard. He would sometimes support Zhao Shi's forces and act as a voice of reason.
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Kou Chi : A Major of Shu who defected to Wei, he hates Zhao Shi and his attitude. A solid and tough guy, he is known as the Shield of Wei.
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Zang Po : A former cannon general of Wei, he joined Shu because he admired Zhao Shi's courage and strength. He is a jovial man who enjoys to drink wine.
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Zang Sanniang : The daughter of Zang Po, she joins her father in battle. A calm and mature girl, she transforms into a beast on the battlefield. Her father fears her and doesn't drink in her presence.
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More characters will appear as the story progresses! ;P Also decided to start over the story and show a bit of the life of each character.