For as long as I can remember, I've taken notice to how most people are prone to lying in order to comfort others and make them feel less awkward. When someone pronounces my name incorrectly and I've corrected them on multipal occasions, I see myself just accepting it and nodding. Not really lying, but not being entirely truthful either. When I was little (little, meaning six) I would ride my bike all over the neighborhood. There was one particularly busy intersection, which a child of that age should not have been anywhere near, but I was adventurous. I remember riding into the gas station and pretending to pump gas into my bike. Again, I'm not sure why I did this with no regards to how dangerous it might be. I was invinceable and the world was at my disposal. Next door to my house was a doctor's office, which I would park my bike in front of and go into, pretending that I was an important person who had a purpose there. The woman at the desk would always smile at me and offer me a fruit newton. I would reluctantly accept the generous treat, but I had a strong beliefe that cookies shouldn't contain fruit. She had to have wondered why she never saw me eat any of them. Again, the eagerness to ease one's awkward feelings always prevail.