Generally...not a good year for feels too much like 2009..the pain. The people..the rejection. I feel like Humpty Dumpty in the sense that I'm broken and "all the king's horses and all the king's men" can't put me back together again..Try as they might. I'm fairly certain I was better off alone...I wasn't such a burden's only a matter of time before they leave again...and I know they will..everyone always done...even before her..I don't know why...I'm just not the type of person people like to spend their time they will leave. They will get sick of me being such a burden..a troublesome load upon their backs that never seems to they'll just reject me all together. It's already been done once..but he's back...I think...for how long?
Sempiternal Hell · Fri May 20, 2011 @ 01:29am · 1 Comments |