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My Shitty attempts at writing
This is where I'm posting my writing. I know it's shitty and needs lots of ******** help. So sue me. It's my first time writing something. The brat said I should write the story he and I came up with since I had most of the details. Thus, I'm trying,
R&J Ch. 2
The Many Misadventures of Romeo and Juliet on stage
Ch. 2 Why are all of our friends assholes?

“What the ******** are those son of a bitches SMOKING?!” Ichigo was about ready to tear out his hair in frustration. What were Aizen and them thinking when casting two males as the lead roles?! He let him head slam down on the desk in front of him. After they had called out all the casting and handed out playbooks, everyone had been allowed to converse over roles and just generally amass through the theater. They would start the read through tomorrow. Ichigo had been put through a series of major abuse from his friends. Finally, the bell saved him from having to put up with any more jeering and he had sped off to his next class of the day, math. Class had yet to begin, so everyone was still talking to their friends.

Orihime was sitting in the chair beside him with a sheepish expression on her face, rubbing the back of her head, slightly stirring sunset long locks of hair. She didn't quite know how to calm down the irate tangerine haired teen. Both of his hands raked through spikey locks, sending them into further disarray. “Well, you know how Aizen-san likes to test his actors all the time. I think he's doing this to see how wide of a range some of his actors can go to make a good play. Besides, in the classic productions of Romeo and Juliet, the casts were all males since back then, since females weren't allowed to act. So, they've had male Juliets before.”

Ichigo sent her a dry look. “Orihime, they had grown males play the male roles and young boys play the roles of females. So, yes, they've had male Juliets before however, they haven't had teenagers play the role of a female before.” The sunset haired girl just rubbed the back of her head again with a sheepish giggle. Ichigo let a harsh breath pass through his lips in annoyance. “God damn it all. This SUCKS.”

“Look on the bright side, you have a large role?”

Ichigo sent her an annoyed glance. “That doesn't comfort me in slightest, Hime. I'd rather be in the background with no lines than play Juliet.” He propped his chin in his palm with a sigh passing through his lips. “And they couldn't have possibly made it any more awkward from Grimmjow and I...” He wanted to bash his head against the desk again in aggravation. Of all people they had to chose for Romeo, WHY did they have to pick the person that he very rarely got along with and fought with more than got along with?

Orihime giggled lightly at this. She was wondering how they both were going to pull this off partially, but knew they'd nail this. “Oh, they could make it more awkward. They could make you two kiss all through out the play like in the original version and act like idiots through it all.”

Ichigo sighed heavily. “They ARE.” At the confused stare he received from Orihime, he elaborated with reference to his and Grimmjow's earlier conversation with Baraggan after the man had deemed them Romeo and Juliet. “We asked him already if we had to kiss through out the whole stupid play and he said we did. It sucks like hell. The scene after their 'night together' is going to be to ******** awkward. I asked Baraggan and them what made them think I ever wanted to kiss that.”

Orihime smiled wryly, patting his cheek with one hand and lowering her voice so no one would overhear them. Not like they were listening to the two of them anyways. “Ichigo, you aren't fooling people with that bullshit. I believe quite a few people have already figured out the two of you are ******** around with each other. It isn't exactly a secret amongst us all. Well, then again, Renji's probably one of the few shinigami that hasn't figured it out yet. It's pretty obvious from how you both act around each other.” She giggled at the gaping expression on his face. “What? It's true~! OUCH!” She rubbed her head with a pout, eyes slightly teary at the edges as she glanced up at the teen behind her. “That hurt!”

“Good.” Grimmjow snorted lightly, bringing his hand down on her head again, mussing up her hair. She whined lightly, swatting at his hands to get him to leave her alone. He snorted and sat down on top of the desk behind Ichigo with a scowl of irritation. “For the record, Kurosaki, I dislike this just as much as you do. This sucks like hell and I don't want to kiss you either.” He glared at Orihime as she snorted derisively at both of them. “What?”

“Again, it's like.. clearly obvious you guys are ********.” They both glared over at her in annoyance. “What? I'm only stating facts. Oh, and Ichigo, fix your shirt collar because I can see the bandages and the terrible cover of makeup. You both are terrible at this stuff, you know!” She giggled as Ichigo adjusted the collar on his shirt with a light flush to his cheeks, hiding the obvious hickeys and bite marks that littered his neck and collar bone.

“Shut up, Hime. It's not like you're too good at hiding the fact you and Ulquiorra are dating.” At this, Grimmjow snorted lightly. He still wondered WHAT that girl saw in Ulquiorra anyways. The guy was like a freaking brick wall. He had the emotional range of a rock and was often sarcastic and pessimistic. It made him wonder how the 'opposites attract' saying worked when two people had little to nothing in common like Ulquiorra and Orihime.

Orihime flushed lightly, sticking out her tongue at the blue haired teen. “I don't make it as obvious as you two do. Besides, everyone's been wondering for a while when the two of you would just tell your pride to stick it and make the first move.” She ducked out of the way of the hand that swatted at her head. “So, what are you two going to do?”

Ichigo shrugged lightly, slumping in his seat and resting his chin on top of his arms. “Who the ******** knows. We'll figure it out. All else fails, we act awkward in rehearsals and wow everyone in the actual performance.” It could work. That's what a lot of actors did for situations like this, they acted nervous in rehearsals and then when they were on stage, all of the butterflies went away and they were beautiful actors and actresses.

Orihime nodded lightly, propping her chin on her palm, elbow resting on her desk. “Just watch it. Also, don't tell Rukia anything about this or that the two of you are actually ********. She'll have a field day if she finds out and the 'secret' will be all over the school in less that a half hour.”

“Trust me, already know.” Ichigo scowled lightly, knowing how much of a loudmouth the petite raven haired girl was. When those violet eyes got to twinkling, you always wanted to run the other way because that meant she was plotting, which was never a good thing. At all. Because whenever Rukia plotted, you were ******** three times over. She had an uncanny knack for gossip as well and generally blabbed to everyone when she found out juicy secrets.

Orihime nodded lightly and opened her mouth to speak again before the door opens and the teacher walked in, telling everyone to get back into their seats. “We'll finish talking at lunch. Meet me on the roof?” At twin nods, she shuffled back over to her seat, Grimmjow taking the seat she had occupied before and sitting down.

Grimmjow stared over at the tangerine haired teen with a frown, flicking the side of his head as Ichigo frowned down at his notebook. Tea colored eyes met sky blue as Ichigo looked up at the hollow sitting beside him. “Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out, Ichi.” Ichigo only nodded idly, looking to the front of the room, attempting to pay attention to the teacher's lesson.

Ichigo stepped out onto the rooftop, lunch finally having arrived after three agonizing hours of classes. After he had left the hour after drama, all of his classes had his friends in them and he heard nothing but grief from every single one of them. Rukia by far was the worst. She wouldn't quit hinting at it being 'the perfect opportunity' for something to happen between him and Grimmjow. Ichigo swore he was going to strangle her in their English class if she didn't shut the ******** up. Unfortunately, he also had classes with Grimmjow's own friends, which only made things worse because they would start jeering as well. Ichigo walked over to the blue and white lump already lying down on the ground and lightly nudging it with his foot. “I hope you know, yer friends are annoyin' as s**t and I was about to kill their stupid asses through all of the morning.”

Grimmjow frowned, brows furrowing even as his eyes were still closed. “Trust me, I'm ready to kill the whole drama department if they don't get off my a**. I haven't stopped hearing comments every five seconds of 'sucks to be you' or 'hope you have fun'. Even Ulquiorra's been makin' fun of me! I swear, ONE MORE damn word, I knock someone's teeth in.” One eye opened, looking up at the tangerine haired teen as he sat down beside him. He sat up on his elbows with a light yawn. “M'tired.”

Ichigo rolled his eyes at the blue haired bane of his existence. Sometimes this idiot pissed him the ******** off. “That's your own fault, dipshit. I told you five times we had school today and we were going to be tired as hell.” He flicked the other on the forehead sharply. “You only have yourself to blame.”

Grimmjow snorted lightly, leveling him with one of his looks, raising an eyebrow. “I don't ever remember you forcibly stopping me. So you're partially at fault too, brat.” A smirk crossed his lips in amusement as the other frowned at him lightly. He raised one and brushed his fingers teasingly across the other's cheek. “Don't give me that look. You know I'm right.”

Ichigo shook his head lightly. “You think so?” He placed his hand against the blue haired teen's chest, a smirk curling at his own lips as he leaned down and pressed their lips together. Grimmjow threaded his fingers through tangerine locks, bringing Ichigo closer and deepening the kiss. They broke away when someone loudly cleared their throat near the entrance to the roof.

Ulquiorra raised one eyebrow at the two in an almost patronizing manner. “When the two of you get caught by the wrong person one of these days, I WILL say 'I told you so'.” He moved forward across the roof, Orihime trailing behind him with a quirky grin on her lips. At the middle finger was flipped his way via Grimmjow he snorted lightly. “First of all, you know very well I don't swing that way, especially for a sibling. Secondly, you are lucky that I haven't told anyone of your little trysts I've managed to walk in on numerous times. So don't b***h.”

“Tch, whatever.” Grimmjow scowled lightly, wondering how he and Ulquiorra supposedly shared the same genetics from their mother because they were absolutely NOTHING alike. He also didn't know what it was, but Ulquiorra always managed to walk in on those compromising situations when people generally didn't want anyone to see. Grimmjow was beginning to hate the trait more and more as time passed, because he'd managed to find him and Ichigo at the most awkward of times on numerous occasions now. “Yer lucky no one's figured out yer ********' th' princess, so we're even, a*****e. I've covered your a** more times than I could count now. An' mom's even getting' suspicious.”

Ulquiorra shook his head lightly at the jab at their 'mother'. “If you wouldn't give such ridiculous scenarios, there wouldn't be suspicions in the first place, you know. Besides, I'm pretty sure both of our parents already figured out why you spend so much time over at Kurosaki's place a LONG time ago and are just letting you think they don’t. They'll most likely drop the news sometime randomly and offhandedly.” He sat down by the two, Orihime sitting beside him, resting her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes. “So what will you two now that we have this new development for the play? You two always interact as little as possible in drama and generally tend to play roles that don't ever talk to each other.”

“We'll play it all off somehow.” Ichigo sighed lightly, as he shifted to face the other two. He ran his hands through Grimmjow's hair as he laid his head down on Ichigo's lap. “We normally avoid each other on purpose. Everyone knows we don't get along and don't like being around each other. We'll just have to adjust a bit to allow breathing room for the play.”

Grimmjow reached up and laced his fingers with Ichigo's, closing his eyes. “We always figure out a way. We can just do it again. If all else fails, we can just come out and say that we're lovers to everyone. I don't particularly want to, but it's an option.” His eyes slipped open, sky blue eyes and tea colored eyes meeting for a moment, a small smile worming its way across his face. “We'll find a way.”

Ichigo smiled lightly back down at him, leaning down and kissing him again tenderly and sweetly. They shared the kiss for a moment or two before breaking away for air as Ichigo rested his forehead against Grimmjow’s. “We’ll figure it out. Just have to make it work without the whole school knowing about everything that goes on in that theater.”

“Such a cute moment.” Orihime smirked lightly to herself, curling up against the pale skinned, raven haired actor. Things were becoming more and more interesting the more time that went on. “So, how are you going to do all the kissing scenes without it being completely awkward? Especially the scene after their night together.” She giggled as they both grimaced at the thought.

Ichigo made a face, pulling back to sit up straight. “It’s gonna be awkward enough to have to do this in front of everyone, I don’t think we’ll have to act like we think it’s odd.” He was not thrilled at the prospect of kissing his boyfriend in front of everyone, especially in front of his friends, who would never live it down. He’d tried to keep his reputation as clean as he possibly could and make it to where his friends had nothing to make fun of him for. Well... relatively, anyways.

Grimmjow nodded in agreement, his lip curling. “And we’re going to have to do this through the WHOLE damn play. This is going to SUCK. We kiss in almost every act, I think, and every single scene we are together in.” He ran a hand down his face with a groan. “And we have to play lovey-dovey, which neither of us do much to begin with.” He stuck out his tongue. “I swear I’ll be wanting to puke through all of Romeo’s monologues about how beautiful Juliet is and how much he loves her. The balcony scene will be the death of me, I swear.”

Ichigo snorted lightly in amusement. “Actually, this might be amusing to watch you try to be sweet to me and be a hopeless romantic sap. I might actually enjoy this.” A wide grin tugged at his lips at the prospect. This might actually be really fun to watch. “’Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.’” Ichigo fluttered his eyelashes, sighing softly.

Grimmjow raised one eyebrow in amusement. “Do you have that entire play memorized?”

“Pretty much.” Ichigo shrugged lightly. “Also memorized Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth. Oh, and a Midsummer Night’s Dream, after hearing nothing but it last semester.” At the dry looks he received he held up his hands. “What? I have a lot of spare time on my hands, alright? Besides, I always read Shakespeare stuff.” He looked away cheeks dusted a light pink in embarrassment.

A light grin tugged at the blue haired teen’s lips as he sat up, taking up the tanned hand of his lover, lifting it to his lips and kissing the knuckles of the other’s hand, causing another bright flush to overtake his cheeks once again, splutters leaving his lips. “I take thee at thy word: Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized; Henceforth I never will be Romeo.” His sky blue eyes lifted, amusement in their depths. How he loved to watch his lover squirm.

Ichigo flushed heavily, eyes narrowed at the idiot he had somehow managed to fall for. He decided, however, it was best to play along. “What man art thou that thus bescreen'd in night so stumblest on my counsel?

Grimmjow grinned at the other, glad he decided to play along. “By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee; had I it written, I would tear the word.” He turned over the other’s hand, pressing his lips to the palm gingerly.

Ichigo smiled lightly at this. His boyfriend could be such a romantic, he just had to chose to do so. “My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?

An amused glint passed through sky blue eyes. “Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike.

As Ichigo open his mouth to respond, a giggle brought them both out of their moment and back into reality. Ichigo flushed lightly and pulled back his hand as he realized they were both still on the roof with Ulquiorra and Orihime watching the two of them. “S-sorry. We got a little carried away.”

Orihime grinned lightly in amusement, waving her hand in front of herself. “Oh, no, it’s fine. No need to apologize. It’s fun watching you two flirt, anyways.” She smiled brightly as another flush overtook Ichigo’s cheeks, turning them bright crimson in color. “Isn’t that right, Ulquiorra?”

Ulquiorra clicked his tongue. “You get amusement out of watching them. I get sick watching my brother flirt with his boyfriend and watching them stick their tongues down each others’ throats.” His nose wrinkled ever so slightly. It seemed he had that ability to find them in the midst of making out and couldn’t count the number of times he had found them stashed away in dark rooms with their tongues down each others’ throats. It was a trait he also found annoying and wished to be rid of. Desperately.

Grimmjow flipped Ulquiorra off yet again in annoyance. “I don’t ASK you to find us when we’re making out. You just have a knack to always just do.”

Ulquiorra frowned minutely. “Something I wish I didn’t have. I don’t exactly enjoy finding you two making out in the most random of places.”

Grimmjow opened his mouth to quip back at him before the bell rang. He scowled lightly in annoyance, knowing the next few classes they all had together with their friends. ******** joy. Now he had to listen to another three hours worth of bullshit from Nnoitra and Szayel as they purposely pushed his buttons to irritate him. He sat up and stretched, slowly getting up off the ground. He pulled Ichigo up to his feet and looked back at Ulquiorra and Orihime. “We’ll catch up with you guys in class.”

Orihime tugged Ulquiorra towards the entrance to the roof with a knowing smile on her face. She knew what they were doing and was happy to comply. “Alright~! Try not to be late.” They both then exited the roof swiftly, leaving the other two alone.

Ichigo wrapped his arms around his blue haired lover, burying his face in his chest. “This is going to majorly suck. By the way, since play season has started again, weekends only, a*****e. My a** hurts too damn much today and I’m tired beyond belief.” He punched the other lightly on the chest as he felt laughter spreading through the other.

“Fine, fine. I’ll attempt to control the hormones until Fridays, mkay?” As he felt the nod, he reached down and kissed the other on the top of his head. “Alright, lets go before Miss b***h decides to chew us out for being late.”


Finally, FINALLY that blasted bell had rang and everyone was racing from the building to head home. Ichigo was attempting to race through the halls and get out of there before any of his friends caught him. Was he successful in this endeavor? Pft, of course not. Either Renji or Rukia managed to catch him and he was stuck listening to their rambling. Now what was it? They were trying to follow him home, which was the LAST thing he needed at this point. He yelped as a harsh kick was delivered to his shin.

The petite (midget) raven haired girl in front of him placed her hands on her hips, lips turned into a scowl. Her violet eyes sharpened in her annoyance, trying to bore holes through the tangerine haired teen’s head with just the frigid glare itself. “Kurosaki Ichigo, are you even LISTENING to me?!” Not really, but he certainly wasn’t going to say that out loud.

Ichigo gritted his teeth, rubbing the spot on his leg tenderly. For such a tiny little thing, that b***h could sure pack one hell of a punch. And kick. He still had bruises from all the other times she’s kicked and or hit him to make him pay attention. It wasn’t his fault her conversation topics were boring as ********. “Yes, Rukia, I’m paying attention. No you guys are NOT coming home with me. I have s**t to do, a dad to avoid, and lines to practice.”

The firey redhead beside her, Renji, frowned lightly at this. It seemed to be the same excuse as always. “You never want us over, Ichigo. Is there a reason none of us have ever gone to your house before?” None of their group had ever seen the tangerine haired teen’s house. No one ever been invited over either. The redhead was quite reclusive and tended to keep to himself most of the time. The most everyone knew about him was that he was family oriented and had two sisters and a father. They all also knew Ichigo’s mother had passed away when he was nine. That was about it.

Ichigo sighed softly, knowing it was going to come to this eventually. “For one, my family’s batshit insane... Namely, Dad. And... I just.. I like my life to be private. I don’t like everyone knowing everything about me. I like to keep things to myself is all, you know?” He shrugged awkwardly, not knowing how else to describe it. There were aspects of his life he wasn’t ready to tell his friends. He wished they’d respect that a bit more.

Rukia studied him for a moment before sighing softly. “Alright, fine. We’ll leave you alone... But one of these days, Ichigo.” She warned before her and Renji took off in the direction of their own homes.

Ichigo sighed softly, the tension releasing from his shoulders. He hurriedly went on his way, rushing home while making sure no one was tailing him. He finally let out a sigh of relief as the small clinic neared up ahead that his family lived in. He slipped inside, calling out a quick ‘I’m home’ before he was greeted by a screech and a flying kick through the air as his crazy father attempted yet another surprise attack. He rolled his eyes and ducked, letting his father land face first on the wood floor as he slipped off his shoes and walked further inside the house.

A small head of brown hair poked out from the doorway leading to the dining room. The young girl smiled up at the tangerine haired teen. “Welcome home, big brother~!” She was donned in her usual middle school uniform still, an apron wrapped around her waist as well. Another girl walked down the stairs and passed the older teen, looking about the same age as the other girl, with black hair pulled into a ponytail. She was already donned in normal pants and t-shirt.

He tugged on the black haired girl’s pony tail lightly, causing her to swat his hand away. He smiled down at the blonde, petting her head affectionately. “Thanks Yuzu. Grimmjow will be over in a bit. He’s changing into normal clothes beforehand. We have to practice some lines for the new play, so we’ll be up in my room for a bit.”

The blonde haired girl’s eyes lit up and sparkled with excitement. “Oh~! What play are you guys doing this semester? A Midsummer Night’s Dream was so good last semester!” She gushed, loving the drama department’s performances. Everyone in their department was so good with acting, it was amazing. She loved watching them re-enact all the classic stuff. She loved watching her brother too. Her and dad would always wait for his moments on stage and gush to him later at how cute he was.

Ichigo smiled lightly down at his sister affectionately, letting her have her awestruck moment of excitement. “We’re doing Romeo and Juliet this semester.” He smiled softly as Yuzu’s eyes brightened and she gushed about how romantic that was and she couldn’t wait to see it. She then began to pester him over which part he was playing. “Ehh, I’m kind of important.”

“'Kind of important', Ichi-nii?” The dark haired girl raised an eyebrow in amusement. “So, you are important and not telling us. Who is it?”

Ichigo turned, waving his hand idly in the air. “I'm not telling you, figure it out for yourself, Karin.”

“Ichi-nii!” Yuzu whined lightly. “That's not faaiiiir!”

“Life isn't fair. Deal with it.” Ichigo took off up the stairs. “Five bucks says you can't guess it on the first try, Karin!” He grinned lightly to himself as he stopped at the top step. How he loved to irritate his younger twin sisters and make them just guess.

A head of dark hair poked out from the kitchen with a glare in her eyes. “Five bucks says I can! Ten says I can guess you AND Grimmjow.”

“You're on!” With laughter from the tangerine haired teen he stepped in his room and shut the door behind him.

Below still, Karin turned back to her sister and looked over at her father. “Seriously, ten bucks says Grimmjow's Romeo and Ichi-nii's stuck as Juliet. I guarantee you I'm right.”

Isshin chuckled as he came back into the kitchen. “Sosuke does have a very sick sense of humor most of the time, doesn't he?”

Karin looked over at him with narrowed eyes. “You already know, don't you?”

“Since I'm relayed all information regarding casting in plays involving Ichigo from Sosuke, yes, I'm very well aware of his role and Grimmjow's role already.” His lips tilted upwards in amusement at his daughters. “Hit the nail on the head.” He laughed heartily as Karin pumped her fist into the air with a noise of excitement. “Both of you dress decently tonight since everyone's coming over for dinner.”

Yuzu grinned lightly with a nod. “Of course!” At a knock on the door, Yuzu poked her head out of the kitchen. “It's unlocked! Come on in~!”

Ichigo slipped off his shirt as the door was knocked on. He turned back to it, furrowing his eyebrows. “Come in.” The door slipped open and a bright grin and sky blue was the sight he was met with. Ichigo rolled his eyes and beckoned the other inside his room. As Grimmjow slipped the door shut behind him, he stepped over behind the other male and wrapped his arms around his waist, nuzzling the tangerine haired teen's neck as the other made to put on another shirt.

Ichigo snorted lightly as he looked over his shoulder up at the other teen. “I'd very much like to finish changing clothes, thank you. Dear god what anyone would think if they came and saw this scene.”

An amused snort sounded from the sky blue haired teen's lips. “I kinda like you without the shirt.” A wide, lecherous grin crossed his lips. “Actually, I prefer you with no clothes at all, but hey. I'll take what I can get.” He cackled lightly at the punch delivered to his chest via his irritated lover in his arms. “What? I'm just stating the truth.”

“I'd rather you keep your mouth shut, asshat.” Ichigo rolled his eyes. How immature his lover could be sometimes. He'd known the a*****e since they were both very small, when the other had originally moved next door. They'd met and become very good friends from the start. Very few people in Karakura High School remembered or had went to school with the two at that time, so rarely did people ask about the two's state of relationship from the past. Everyone assumed the two hated each other and always had when in fact, it was quite the contrary. They were still best friends outside of school, which had evolved to lovers over the years.

Grimmjow grinned widely in response. When would Ichigo ever learn? “Are you sure I should keep it shut? Cause I can think of a whole lot of things I could do if my mouth was open.” He started cackling again as he received an elbow to the chest out of irritation.

Ichigo glared up at him in annoyance. “Is sex ALL you ever think about?” He seriously wondered about his lover sometimes. Because that seemed to be the only thing that was ever on his mind. Sometimes, Ichigo seriously itched to just punch his boyfriend and be done with it.

Grimmjow looked up in thought. “No, not ALL I think about. I have four main trains of thought. One is sex.” He received an elbow to the chest again. “Two is what bullshit excuses do I have to make to my friends so they don't follow me home.” At this he received a light nod of understanding from his lover, who he knew had to do the same exact thing all the time. “Three is theatrics.” He grinned lightly, earning a roll of the eyes from his lover. Typical.

Ichigo stared up at him, unamused by all these relevations. Why was his boyfriend such an idiot? Then again, why did he have to fall so hard for such an idiot? “And the fourth?”

A ghost of a smile brushed across the taller teens lips as he leaned down and nipped lightly at the other male's ear. “You, of course.” He smiled as a bright flush crossed the others cheeks in embarrassment. He turned the other around in his arms, pressing a kiss to his temple, one over each eye, over both cheeks, one on the tip of his nose, before brushing their lips together in a chaste kiss. “The thoughts that are on my mind all the time almost always involve you.”

Ichigo flushed a crimson red from embarrassment, looking off to the side. Why the hell did he always have to do that kind of s**t out of the blue? “I hate when you pull this romantic crap out of nowhere and startle the s**t out of me.” Light laughter from the other spurred him to hit the other on the chest lightly from embarrassment. “Shut up! It isn't funny!”

“You're so ******** cute.” Grimmjow pressed his lips against the tangerine haired teen's cheek as he protested that he was 'NOT cute', before pressing his lips against the others again, this time a bit harder than before. The response was instantaneous as the tangerine haired male responded positively in turn, leaning up against his lover, drawing their kiss even deeper. Ichigo's hands slowly slipped upwards and wrapped his arms around the other's corded neck. Just as Grimmjow slipped his hand up the tangerine haired teen's bare sides, both were startled out of their make out session as the door slipped open with a groan of disgust.

“How is it I ALWAYS manage to find you two when you have your tongues stuck down each others throats?”

Grimmjow pulled back with a peeved expression, looking over his shoulder at his half brother. “Again, I don't ASK you to find us. And next time, ******** KNOCK.” Just a LITTLE bit longer, would it KILL you Ulquiorra to wait just a LITTLE longer? His little brother's knack for finding people at the worst of times was wearing his nerves thin. Seriously, could he get NO time for just him and Ichigo?

The raven haired male rolled his eyes, coming inside the room and kicking the door shut behind him. “I did knock actually. About five times. You two were too busy sucking on each other's faces to bother listening.” Emerald eyes stared unamusedly at his (somehow) older half brother. “I was sent up here to play middle man and make sure nothing happens up here.” He rolled his eyes yet again. “I swear, you two don't hide anything. All of us know.”

Ichigo slipped himself out of Grimmjow's hold with a scowl, slipping his shirt over his head with a scoff of annoyance. He moved and sat on the chair beside his desk. “Whatever, are we going to practice or not?”

Grimmjow gave a groan of frustration, falling back to sit on the tangerine haired teen's bed. “Yeah, yeah, since Ulquiorra killed the damn mood.” A playbook was tossed at his head in response, to which he glared at his half brother in irritation. “Where should we start out?”

Yuzu opened the door with a bright smile. “Aizen-san, Ichimaru-san! Come in, come in~!” She stepped back out of the way as the brown haired play director and the silver haired lights and sound director sauntered into the quaint Kurosaki home. It was a home they'd been in numerous times and never a dull moment was there in that little house. Isshin excitedly scampered out going to greet the two. “Sousuke! Gin!”

“Isshin.” Sousuke Aizen smiled and laughed heartily as he and Gin were both accepted warmly into the house. Over the years, the two families had slowly been brought together to form one large one. At first, Isshin had been a little weary of the two men, being they were both very secretive and strange, but after learning their story, he'd opened up and accepted them with open arms. “I trust the boys have been playing nice upstairs?” An amused glint sparkled in his eyes.

Isshin grinned lightly at that, nodding lightly. “I sent Ulquiorra up earlier to keep them company. So they should be.” It was almost a joke between everyone in the house. It wasn't like they all didn't know that Grimmjow and Ichigo were together since they didn't bother very much to hide it.

Gin hummed in amusement, sauntering inside the house further. “Knowing Ulquiorra, when he went up there, he probably caught them at a bad time yet again. He always seems to have a knack for always finding people at the wrong time.” A snicker passed through his lips, Sousuke joining him with a soft chuckle. It never seemed to matter when he tried to find someone, he always found people at terrible times. Gin often felt sorry for all the stuff the poor boy had witnessed, both with his half brother's lack of tact when hiding what he does behind closed doors and all that he'd seen in their house through the years.

“Don't I always?” The monotone voice called down the stairs. The pale, raven haired, emerald eyed young man descended down the stairs with a blank expression on his face. “Tou-san, Otou-san.” He nodded lightly over at Sousuke and Gin. He nodded his head back towards the stairs. “The dynamic duo will be down in a moment. They're playing kissy face upstairs before they have to come down because they THINK no one knows that they're ********.”

Karin scoffed from inside the living room. Her brother was so stupid sometimes. “They're stupid if they think we're that dense. We've all know that they're ******** for a long time now. Duh. It's not like they hide it.” She rolled her eyes before going back to watching TV.

“That is exactly what I told them earlier.” He sauntered over into the living room standing behind the couch and resting his elbows on it. “Tou-san, we managed to read through most of the scenes where we all speak. I'm very much beginning to hate having to act... generally nice and pleasant.” He made a face, causing Karin to snicker lightly.

“Let me guess, playing Benvolio?” At the idle nod she received, she grinned lightly. “I'm on a roll. Guessed three people on the first try.” She looked back over at Aizen with a sardonic smile. “You have a very twisted sense of humor. I'm beginning to very much enjoy it. And make profit off of guessing your casting correctly. Already know the dynamic duo is your Romeo and Juliet by the 'cryptic' coding Ichi-nii used earlier.” She rolled her eyes, turning her eyes back to the TV.

“He's terrible at hiding things. Both of them are.” Ulquiorra had the desperate urge to roll his eyes. “Grimmjow's worse, however I think. The only thing they're good at hiding is the fact that they're still best friends after all these years. But, I think they play on the 'I hate you' role just for entertainment, anyhow. I still don't think anyone suspects they're remotely friendly to each other outside of school.”

“That'll make it all the more entertaining when they come out as a couple.” Sousuke grinned lightly, sauntering further into the living room and sitting down in one of the chairs. “Is Kisuke and Yoruichi joining us tonight as well?” He had been wondering about those two for a while. As a former theater production actor and manager, Kisuke Urahara was a sought after guru in the theater world. He settled in Karakura after disappearing off everyone's radar, sans the few he still kept in contact with. The last Sousuke had heard was that he and Yoruichi were vacationing in Hakkaido.

Isshin grinned at the mention of the energetic, extremist blonde haired man. “Yep, he and Yoruichi are coming tonight. Tessai's watching over Jinta and Ururu tonight, but Urahara said he was bringing over his nephew who's staying with him for a couple of weeks while his parents are out of town. Said he was around Ichigo, Grimmjow, and Ulquiorra's age.”

Sousuke nodded lightly. “Speaking of the dynamic duo-”

“Yeah, yeah. We're coming.”

Gin grinned up the stairs at the two teens as they emerged and descended down the stairs to join the others. So the prodigal sons return from their above heaven. “Oh, decided to join us finally? What took so long?” The grin on his face widened in amusement, already knowing the answer to his question. Hell, everyone already knew the answer to that question.

Ichigo looked off to the side with a scoff as Grimmjow veered off towards the living room. “Nothing important.” He shrugged idly and nonchalantly.

Ulquiorra and Karin simultaneously rolled their eyes. Ulquiorra, in a fit of irritation, crossed his arms across his chest petulantly, grumbling under his breath. “Too busy sticking their tongues down each others throats. That's what.” He hissed as Grimmjow brought his fist down on the top of his head sharply, rubbing the sore spot all while glaring through one eye at his half brother.

Grimmjow glared evenly right back at the raven haired, emo b*****d of his half little brother. ******** smartass b*****d. “Don't know what yer talkin' about.”

Ulquiorra sneered at him, his emotionless mask cracking lightly from the strain as he gave way to his pettier emotions and let them take control for a few moments to relieve tension. “Bullshit you don't. You know exactly what I'm talking about.”

“Oh, what's that? You're secretly dating the princess and ******** her behind everyone's backs?” He received a punch on the arm for that one, which he was happy to take just to see that mask his brother kept cracking. “Just be sure to use protection.” He patted the other's pale cheek all while cooing. He could see the veins throbbing in the raven haired teen's forehead. Just a biiiit more... “Then again, I could lend ya' some if ya want.” He cackled wildly as he ducked the stray punch thrown at his face, and continued avoiding the attempted punches his younger brother threw at him wildly. “Ya' can't hide stuff fer s**t, Ulqui!”

Karin rolled her eyes as she got out of her chair and sauntered towards the kitchen to refill her glass with something to drink. “Pft, like you and Ichi-nii ******** was any more of a secret. You're both terrible liars, you know.” She hissed as her pony tail was yanked on in irritation via Ichigo who scowled at her. “WHAT? It's true! We've all known forever that you two were ********. It's not like you two really freaking hide it. God.” She disappeared off into the kitchen after Ichigo hissed out her name sharply.

Isshin clapped his son on the shoulder with a bright grin. “She has a point, you know.” He reeled back as a roundhouse kick was delivered directly to his face, sending him sprawling on the ground, whining lightly. “Good kick, son!”

Ichigo rolled his eyes and lowered his foot to the ground as his father jumped back up as if nothing happened. Thus was the normalcy in the Kurosaki household. “Whatever. Next subject please. When the hell's Urahara and Yoruichi getting here?” They were always late, it never mattered what time you told them, they always managed to be extremely late to everything.

Sousuke looked back at the door, his brows furrowing lightly. “Should be here any minute. I talked to him not five minutes ago and he said he was only five to ten more minutes away.” As he finished, the doorbell rang. A light smile crossed his lips. “Impeccably late timing, as always.”

The door opened a second later and a woman with bright purple hair pulled into a high pony tail stepped inside the house with a bright grin. Her amber eyes sparkled with mischief, lips turned up into a saucy smile. “We're here~! Finally! Sorry it took us so long. Kisuke has no sense of direction and turned the wrong way again, even though we've been here ten thousand times. And he should have the route memorized.” She latched onto to everyone, hugging people as she made her way inside. She grinned broadly as she stood in from of Grimmjow and Ichigo, placing her hands on her hips. “It's been a while, you two still ******** in 'secret'? Better yet, still using protection?” She cackled loudly as Ichigo moved to swipe at her, dancing around him gracefully and avoiding him. “You two are too fun. And you can't hide anything, you know~!”

“PISS OFF.” Ichigo made to b***h out the woman who was like an annoying Aunt to him, before Grimmjow covered his mouth with his hand, the other wrapping around Ichigo's upper body to bind his arms to his sides. He began struggling, yelling out from behind the hand, cussing and screaming obscenities behind the hand, trying to kick Grimmjow.

“Yoruichi, don't tease him. You know how riled up he gets.” The blonde haired man everyone had been talking about before stepped inside the house, blocking the view of the young man behind him. He grinned at everyone in amusement, looking at Grimmjow with a smirk. “Think you can keep him like that for most of the evening?”

A grin crossed the teens lips as Ichigo began cussing and struggling more in his hold. “I can very well try. He's not that hard to overpower, you know. Besides, as best friend of twelve years, I believe I know how to shut him up.” He hissed out a breath of pain as his foot was stomped on. “That HURT you little s**t.” A muffled 'GOOD!' was his response, along with a glare over the Ichigo's shoulder from the teen in question.

Urahara laughed loudly taking off his hat as he stepped further into the house. “Before those two kill each other, I'd like to introduce my guest for the evening. His stay with me was scheduled a bit last minute, so I apologize for not letting you all know he was coming in advance.” He grinned brightly, turning and showing off the young teen behind him as he stepped up and inside the home, stopping dead when he got inside. “This is my nephew~!”

Grimmjow gawked in disbelief at the red haired teen standing behind Kisuke Urahara. No way. No. ********. Way. “Abarai?” Abarai. Renji Abarai was Kisuke's nephew? God they were so ******** now. As if Kuchiki didn't have a big mouth, the annoying redhead was even WORSE. Yeah, secrets? Not anymore now.

Renji had a similar expression on his own face, gawking at the two teens in front of him, faintly registering Ulquiorra in the background. “Jeaggerjaques? Wait... ICHIGO?” That was Grimmjow... with Ichigo? What the ******** was going ON?

Ichigo jerked his head to rid the hand covering his mouth since Grimmjow's grip had loosened with the shock. “... Renji?” His own expression was pricelessly shocked. This was the exact reason he didn't ever want his friends over. He grimaced slightly, realizing the terrible situation they were in now.

Kisuke blinked repeatedly, looking between the teens. “You all know each other?”

Grimmjow slapped a hand to his forehead, bringing it down his face. “Peachy. Just ******** peachy.”

Sousuke smiled lightly, standing from his chair and heading towards the kitchen, gliding gracefully as he moved. “I believe we all have some explaining to do, now don't we?”

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