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For you, my love
a collection of poems I've written to give to my special someone when I find him plus a few things of my own ^_~
Miguel/Mira/Ashton confrontation and Brina
I could even see him and Jenna watching Mira with Misha and going... M: "You think she's really here for Misha?" J: "Oh no, 'course not." M: "Should I be the one to confront her?" J: "She's your sister, babe. -kisses, walks off-" So then Miguel takes a few steps forward so Mira can hear him and puts his hands on the back of the couch and goes "Mira?" "Hm?" "What are you doing here?"7:10 PM
Kiki: sister-in-law**7:11 PM
Ash: Mira would kinda look up, surprised for a minute, and then smile a bit embarrassed. "Is it that obvious?" she'd chuckle and leave Misha to her games while she takes a seat on the couch and waits for Miguel to sit down, hoping he will without her having to, you know, ask lol7:13 PM
Kiki: He'd sit down, watching his daughter for a second before looking over at her and being like "Well? Spill."7:14 PM
Ash: Mira would look down at Misha too, but wouldn't look up when he does. She'd watch the girl a little longer. "You've been such great parents to her. Even balancing busy schedules to fit your lives around raising the little handful -laughs when Misha shows her a toy and mumbles some have word have baby-talk thing to her lol- I just...with our own little one on the way...how do you do it?"7:17 PM
Kiki: And it's Ashton who gives her the hard time, right? Not Miguel?7:18 PM
Ash: Yeah. lol For first not telling him she was going to talk to his brother (which Miguel wouldn't know and I can see him kinda assuming Ash knew so he's the one who accidently tells him. lol) and second for not going to her own parents.7:19 PM
Kiki: Right. So then Miguel would look down at Misha's wild dark hair, smile somberly, then look back up at Mira with those eyes that have always been too old for his actual age, and go "We have no idea. We've got the money, the house, the family, the friends, everything the baby books tell you you'll need to pull it off... But we still end up taking it day by day. There are still days when Misha's screaming and Jenna didn't sleep well and I really just want to strangle both of them. There are still days where I say the wrong stuff and make Jenna cry. There are still days where we do everything wrong. We just... we just take it all as it comes. And at the end of the day when I get to see Jenna standing in the nursery singing Misha to sleep... everything makes sense again. There's no "right" way to be a parent. No way to be the perfect mother or father. -picks Misha up from behind and swings her through the air to make her laugh- But there are a lot of ways to be a really, really good one."7:28 PM
Ash: Mira would nod slowly, watching the two and rubbing circles around her tummy the way pregnant women always subconsciously do lol "I think...I think I understand that."7:31 PM
Kiki: He'd look over at her, Misha hugging his neck and calling him "Papa" and everything, and he'd smile. "Not yet you don't. Trust me, Mira. No amount of talking can ever prepare you for being a parent. Jenna and I thought we had it all figured out before Misha was born. It's only when that kid starts crying for the first time that you realize all the stuff people tried to teach you? It's worthless once you actually need it."7:34 PM
Ash: ((Have you played that ship game in gaia? Well, you can choose your crew and different things happen along the way. You're my first mate and look what just happened! lol "Kiki is swindled by a televangelist. You lose 25 lbs. of loot." Silly Kiki! lololololol)) Mira would let out a small laugh. "hahaha So I'm on my own, huh?"7:37 PM
Kiki: ((I can't get to the game because I have to be connected to facebook xP)) Miguel would laugh back, half-wincing at the same time as Misha grabs his hair and pulls hard on it the way babies do- "Well not entirely. You'll have Ashton and your siblings and his siblings... not to mention your parents, Mira, don't forget them. You're lucky there. You've got TWO dads, a mom, an an aunt who's LIKE a mom."7:41 PM
Ash: ((Not the monster game. It's called sky frontiers or something like that lol It's pretty fun. ^_^)) Mira would stand and reach out her arms for Misha, just in case the little one would come to her. "Yeah, I guess you've got a point there."7:44 PM
Kiki: ((I haven't been able to find Sky Frontiers in months... I thought they took it down....)) So end scene or do you think there's still more we can do with it?7:45 PM
Ash: ((They did but then THEY PUT IT BACK UP! I'm so addicted! I love it! <3333 )) If you think there's more to be done we can stay, or move on to say...a week later? Miguel and Ashton and Chance aaaaand....Joey have dinner together (all the good friends lol) to get away from their houses for a while and just have man time, you know? lol Maybe go to a sports bar or something and they're all talking about stuff at home and catchin up on the latest and somehow it's brought up that Ashton shouldn't be too worried about the soon to be bundle of joy and Ashton's like "I'm not worried. We can handle it." type thing and maybe Joey says something like "See, Miguel? You aren't all that bad at giving advice, after all....-leans over- Chance, you owe me twenty!" kehehe and then ashton's like "wait.....-trying to figure it out-" then he goes home that night with a couple beers in him and a chip on his shoulder and confronts his wife?7:50 PM
Kiki: ((YAY!!!!)) Yeah, cool. Well, I've always seen Ashton as the type of guy who can hold his alcohol really well. He gets a bit more giggly, a bit more loud, but he doesn't lose control of himself like Micah or Miguel will.7:52 PM
Kiki: But yes, I can see that.7:53 PM
Kiki: -comes into the house, sees Mira waiting up for him watching tv. Sighs, then drops keys loudly on the table to make her turn around- "Hey, baby," -tone of voice obviously upset "What have you been up to lately? Hm?"7:54 PM
Ash: Yeah, that's what I meant. not that he'd loose control. He's just be louder than he normally is, which would kinda scare just a little Mira at first. lol So when he drops his keys and watnot she'd pause....what should she be watching....CSI lol or some other cop show. They are usually on real late at night. so she'd pause that and turn with one arm over the back of the couch and her chin resting on her arm. "Hey, babe. -points remote to tv- Just been here all night. how are the guys?"7:57 PM
Ash: ((Wow....I kinda failed at wording that....it's all backwards....OTL my head is so messed up lol))7:57 PM
Kiki: "Oh, the guys are fine. Mm-hmm, yeah, they're great. Alcohol loosened their tongues a little as usual. Miguel said some interesting stuff."8:01 PM
Ash: "Oh really? -scoots over and pats seat next to her- Wanna tell about them?"8:11 PM
Kiki: -hard stare- "I'd rather here your side of it, actually."8:12 PM
Ash: -gives him an uncertain look- "Mmm...my side? .....OH my GOSH! Do you think I'm cheating on you? With your BROTHER? When I'm pregnant? I mean, I know what people said about my mom and stuff but that was totally all not true and I would never do that to you! Not ever! Where would you even get an idea like that? That's ridiculous! Oh my word....he's Married! And has a BABY! I would never.... All I did was ask for a little parenting advice! Misha was even in the room the whole time and Jenna down the hall! I would never even think of cheating on you and especially not with Miguel! That's just....oh my gosh!" -says all that really fast and like nearly in one breath-8:17 PM
Kiki: ((Are all your characters like that? Like they TOTALLY don't get what's going on? lol xD)) Ashton would continue staring at her without hardly blinking and then go "Mira?" "... What...?" "Shut up!! I don't think you're cheating on me. I just wanna know why you didn't tell me you went to my own brother looking for help on something that should be a matter for the BOTH OF US to handle TOGETHER?!"8:23 PM
Kiki: ((He's not shouting. The all-caps is to show the words he just puts emphasis on.))8:24 PM
Ash: ((No, But I'm watching a cop show too and what Ashton was saying plus the show I'm watchin irl...lol It just seemed to fit that THAT was the conclusions Mira would also come too. lol But no, not all my characters are clueless. xP )) "Oh..." -she'd settle back into the cushions- "Well, you seemed so confident that we would be these great parents. You're always telling me I'll make a wonderful mother. You looked so...so proud of me...I didn't want to disappoint you..."8:27 PM
Kiki: "Mira, I told you when we got together, the only way you'll ever disappoint me is by lying to me!" "But I never lied to you!" "You didn't tell the truth! It hurts just the same way!"8:28 PM
Ash: ((He's still standing right now, right?))8:30 PM
Kiki: ((Yes))8:30 PM
Ash: Okay so she'd push herself up, kinda struggling at first and going slow, but once she was on her feet she'd be back to normal. lol She'd walk around the couch towards him and hold her hands out for his (either wait for him to take them or take them herself when she sees he's not going to meet her half way) "Ashton, I am so sorry. Honestly, no harm was intended by any of this. I only wanted to know how to be a better mother, for her. -presses his hands to where the baby is kicking- And for you. My love, my dear husband, can you forgive me?" (All said very sincerely. No mocking tone or anything.)8:37 PM
Ash: ((Mira would look about like this http://cdn.24.com/files/Cms/General/d/19... just for reference. lol))8:40 PM
Kiki: He'd look down at her belly where his hand is, sighing when the baby (boy or girl?) is in fact kicking, but then he'll raise his blue eyes back to her and just shake his head again "Not right now, I can't. Mira... God, you can be really thick sometimes... You went to my own brother and didn't even tell me? Why would you do that? Not to mention you've got two fathers of your own you could have gone to."8:41 PM
Ash: (girl) "Ashton! You know I can't go to them!" -pleading with him-8:42 PM
Kiki: "No, Mira, I don't! You really don't get it, do you? You really don't know how good you have it. Miguel's father was straight from the mouth of Hell. My father is dead, murdered by some punk who didn't want a detention. Jenna's father was missing for her entire life. We don't have that anymore! -tearing up- But we're lucky enough to have learned from them to raise our kids to be even better people than we are. And you're just... throwing that away!"8:47 PM
Kiki: "What is your problem with them?? Mira, I told you you're not a coward... And you're not. So why do you keep acting like one when it comes to this?!"8:48 PM
Ash: Mira would step back, never really having experienced this side of Ashton before. She's not sure how to handle it or what to do or say. He accuses her of being a coward...she sits down again. "I'm not a coward..." -more repeating it for her own sake than in her defense- "How can I go to them? Who would I go to? What would mom say if I went to Derick? What would Mel say if I went to Zack? Who would know better how to raise a kid in our generation? Or at all? They both had two kids, but Derick was gone half the time....would he really know? Would Zack be able to help me in dealing with my own daughter when he never actually had one of his own?" She'd look up at Ashton her eyes watering and, at this point really understand why she's been so unable to face her fathers. (Mainly because I just got it too. lol) "Everyone tells me I have two dads...but I don't feel like I have one at all. I'm stuck in the middle of this tug of war between the man that raised me and the man that gave me birth. How can I chose one over the other? Do I even have a right to chose one at all? I'm in a limbo here, Ashton...help me...I...I don't know what to do."8:58 PM
Ash: life* not birth9:00 PM
Ash: ((See? She's not resisting help. She's asking for it! Not all my characters are so stubborn. lol))9:01 PM
Kiki: He'd just give her this "Are you for real?" look and go "Mira. Who said you have to choose at all? It doesn't have to be one or the other. They both love you. They both had equal parts in raising you. They're BOTH your fathers. Your dad, and your dad. Why are you so afraid of that???"9:02 PM
Kiki: "If we didn't work out and you married some other guy, and he was a great man for my daughter to be around, I'd want her to love him just as much as she loved me."9:02 PM
Ash: "Because what if I'm wrong?!" -she'd raise her voice at that question and then go back to normal as she continued- "What if I do chose? What if I hurt Derick all over again? Or hurt Zack? What if I play favorites and don't even realize? What if...-is crying by this point a whispers very weakly- what if I lose one of them because of all this?"9:07 PM
Ash: "Because what if I'm wrong?!" -she'd raise her voice at that question and then go back to normal as she continued- "What if I do chose? What if I hurt Derick all over again? Or hurt Zack? What if I play favorites and don't even realize? What if...-is crying by this point a whispers very weakly- what if I lose one of them because of all this?"9:07 PM
Kiki: "You're going to lose them both at some point. I didn't want to face that either, but then it happened, and you know what? There is so much... so much... that I regret. I never apologized for telling him I hated him when I was 15. I never thanked him for always being harder on me than he was on his other students. I never got to tell him I loved him one more time, and I wasn't there when he died... There's so much I regret, but Mira? If you keep refusing to face this, then when Zack and Derick both die too, you are going to regret so much more. You have to trust them, and you have to trust yourself. Being a good parent isn't gong to come from anyone better than it will from your own parents."9:10 PM
Ash: She would go to him and wrap her arms around his shoulders and bury her face in the crook of her neck and cry. "I'm sorry."(whispered)9:12 PM
Ash: ((brb))9:15 PM
Kiki: ((Okay <3)) Ashton would hold her gently before sighing and going "I know. I've already forgiven you. So it's not me you need to apologize too anymore."9:16 PM
Ash: Back! ^_^9:33 PM
Ash: She wouldn't move. Just cling to him tighter. "I'm scared."9:33 PM
Kiki: Yay!9:33 PM
Kiki: "Mira? Being scared doesn't make you a coward, but letting it control you does. You're not a coward, I've told you that every time you need me to. So don't make me a liar, okay? You be the one in control of your fear. Not the other way around."9:36 PM
Kiki: -touches her stomach- "Do it for her. So she doesn't inherit this and have to choose between her grandfathers..."9:36 PM
Kiki: -touches her stomach- "Do it for her. So she doesn't inherit this and have to choose between her grandfathers..."9:36 PM
Ash: -nods against his shoulder- "Will you go with me?"9:37 PM
Kiki: -lifts her chin- "Do it for me, so I don't have to watch you go through this anymore. Do it for anyone that will make it easier for you. But more than anything, you really need to do this for yourself."9:37 PM
Kiki: [-nods against his shoulder- "Will you go with me?"] "I'll go with you to meet them, but I won't be in the conversation with you. This has to be between you and Zack and Derick."9:38 PM
Ash: -nods again- "For us, right?" (meaning him and the baby and herself)9:39 PM
Kiki: -kisses her forehead- "For us."9:40 PM
Ash: And CUT! <333333 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww​wwww! lol9:41 PM
Kiki: lol I like that =)9:43 PM
Ash: Me too. Very sweet. They are a very sweet couple. lol9:44 PM
Kiki: Mmmm-mmm!! -huggles Ashton and Mira-9:44 PM
Ash: hahaha ^_^ -huggles their daughter- She needs a name now. lol9:45 PM
Kiki: Let's be careful now... don't wanna wind up dragging in another character and complicating all the WEBH plans... >_>9:46 PM
Ash: No no no. lol Just for DTL. Although she could make appearances every now and then. At weddings and what not. But she'd be one of those people that's off someplace far away. Maybe a professional athlete! Zack's gotta have at least one in his family, right? lol She's a olympic...runner...or tennis player...or figure skater... (I like tennis player) So you know, all over the world and always practicing so not a lot of time for settling down in New York to be with cousins. lol Just a thought.... >.>9:50 PM
Kiki: Gah!! Now I have an actress, a picture, a personality, and a theme song in my head already =_=9:51 PM
Ash: Actress?? Who??9:51 PM
Kiki: I like that idea though... She makes appearances at weddings, birthdays, maybe drops in randomly sometimes. Bring her in for phone conversations. We've never really had a true "minor" character... Taylor Momsen (I've had her in my head for something for a LONG time). I see Ashton and Mira's daughter being like... Madonna meets Cherie Currie meets Coco Chanel... Farrah, only rougher and readier. http://brightmanmusic.com/wp-content/upl...9:53 PM
Kiki: http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/imageBank/t...9:54 PM
Kiki: http://content.hollywire.com/wp-content/...9:55 PM
Ash: Well she would have to be very tough, independent, strong, diligent and hard working. I see her life Farrah, too. With her same spirit. Although with her mind more on her sport and less on sex and boys. ^_^;;; lol9:57 PM
Ash: like* not life9:57 PM
Ash: Yes, I totally love that actress for her!9:57 PM
Ash: What should they name her? Something that means strong or strength...?9:58 PM
Kiki: No, exactly lol. She's like the bad girl of the tennis world. The woman who made tennis a world-wide obsession and at the same time gave it the worst reputation. She doesn't get into drugs, but she smokes, she drinks, she parties, she swears like a sailor, her love affairs are scandalous...9:59 PM
Kiki: Hm...9:59 PM
Kiki: Audrey means strength...10:01 PM
Kiki: Avalyn...10:01 PM
Kiki: Melinda...10:01 PM
Kiki: Drew...10:01 PM
Ash: Oh well I saw her a tiny bit more tame lol but yeah. Hmm....Brina? Like Sabrina but without the sa lol xP10:01 PM
Kiki: I like Sabrina and Melinda best so far...10:03 PM
Kiki: ((Btw - I CALL HER!!))10:03 PM
Ash: Awww. Okay... lol10:04 PM
Ash: I guess fair enough since I did get Miguel and Jenna's daughter. 10:04 PM
Kiki: I just feel like I've already got her down pat... Like I felt that connection... you know?10:05 PM
Ash: Yeah. No it's okay. I'd been wanting to play her for a while now but hadn't wanted to add another character. But you seem quite attached so I surrender lol I think Brina (not sabrina because the name actually doesn't have anything to do with strength. it's just a 'river name' but brina as a name instead of a nickname is an Irish name meaning Strong so yeah...sorry I was typing that and then you said called her so I'm backtracking now....back to present xP) Brina Miller sounds very...catchy lol Don't you think? The only reason I would want to stay away from Melinda is because her nickname would either be Mel, which is her famous aunt's name, or linda, which carries a sweeter ring to it that doesn't seem as forceful as she does...you know?10:10 PM
Kiki: Right, that makes sense =) So Brina it is. Brina Miller. The athlete her family has been waiting for - and a tornado they never expected lol
Kiki: And add this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta3EQxSsCFQ and this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njTtTY4VmcM with her name and picture - they'll tell people EVERYTHING they need to know about her xD 10:14 PM
Kiki: And make this her picture - http://i715.photobucket.com/albums/ww155...

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