Namida's Meme
1. Let’s start by introducing your character! Their name, birthday, ethnicity, and position in Temperance sounds like a good way to begin.
Namida: *is forced into the room by Bao, nicely donned in a white dress shirt and slacks* Damn it Bao. I'll shove a foot up your a** next time.
Bao: Shut it or you'll get worse. >:3
Namida: *scowls then settles in the available seat* Namida Sho, June 22nd, European descent, probably English but I don't know. Never did care for wherever I came from. I'm a Potential, but I have doubts become a Guardian at all.
2. Why did you pick their name? Did it influence their character design at all?
Bao: *sits down in another chair beside an irritated Nami* Namida just came to my mind without any inspiration really. Her character design actually came first, then her name.
Namida: *folds arms and scowls crossly*
3. Your character got their position for a reason. Why did they choose their occupation (or why were they forced into it?)
Namida: I was supposed to start off as a Potential like everyone else and how my mothers had, but I got stuck in the hospital. Other than that, I don't care what position I take.
4. That’s cool, I think. Okay, okay! So let’s talk about specialties. As the creator you gave your character some specialties and areas they struggle in. What are these areas and why did you pick them for your character?
Namida: Let her answer. *makes shooing motions towards Bao*
Bao: She's strong in DV and Ops as a result from her lineage which she has little information on, but she's lacking in any Spells or Summoning techniques. She doesn't like to play with foolish magic and prefers the hardcore arts that get the job done. In this case, breaking a bone or ten and killing a Shadow with her bare hands.
5. Everyone should have a spell that’s specific to them! Talk about or make up a spell your character would use as their ‘signature’. Describe this kick-a** spell!
Namida: .....
Bao: Nami doesn't have a spell, but if she could have one, it would probably something to do with having her right eye being able to reads moves ahead of time.
6. Now, does your character specialize in offensive, defensive, strategic (traps, energy zappers, etc) or healing spells?
Namida: Offensive and defensive. Let's keep it at that.
7. On that vein, describe your character’s elemental alignment. (And it doesn’t have to be specific like air, earth, fire, etc. There are specific elements like “northern sky” or “ocean waters” or “swamp” if you’re inclined. Be creative. :3).
Namida: ........ *stares over at Bao*
Bao: *sighs* Namida doesn't have a real alignment (probably something to do with darkness), but if a type of mineral applied it'd be a Geode. They're rather rocky on the outside and unpleasing to the eyes, but if you can crack her open (not literally!) and look inside, she's rather beautiful.
8. As their graduation present, your OC receives a BRAND NEW dual vehicle and it’s the DV of their dreams. Name it, categorize it (bike, car, tank, flyer, watercraft, aircraft, etc), and describe it.
Namida: What are you talking about? I'll make my own. But if you insist, a bike with sensitivity control and autopilot.
9. AND the DV is in their favorite colors. What’s their favorite color?
Namida: Black. Maybe white.
10. Your character is in a jam! They summon their beast! What is the beast’s name? Write a detailed description of them and their personality. (If your character does not have a common summon, explain why that is).
Namida: .... I'm not in Summoning. You asked the wrong person.
Bao: IF she had one, it'd be a king penguin, we all know that. *wink wink*
11. By pure luck you’ve impressed Freya, who opens up her weapon room to your character. They are allowed to take ONE weapon from this room. What weapon did they choose and why?
Namida: Sais, daggers,or a huge hammer.
12. Okay, so what is their greatest asset? Speed, strength, accuracy, high pain tolerance, strategy, evasion, reflexes, offensive, and/or defensive?
Namida: Does it matter to you? *irritated by the questions at this point* Strategy is main, then speed comes next. I value all.
13. Hacking skills are pretty useful but often overlooked. How does your OC feel about hacking?
Namida: I hack every day. (In Temperance that is.)
14. Oh no! Your character is having a terrible nightmare! Describe it for us.
Namida: My mothers being brutally slaughtered by a rogue Shadow. On worse occasions, my brothers maimed and left bleeding to death at the feet of it.
15. Let’s talk about some relationships. List characters your OC has some kind of relationship with, good or bad. Exclude romantic relations.
Namida: Unknown relationship with everyone. I suppose so-so with Torrin.
16. Is your character in a partnership/have a girlfriend? If so, who are they and what is the nature of their relationship?
Namida: What the hell are you talking about?
17. If your character wasn’t/isn’t dating anyone, who do you think they’d be compatible with/attracted to and why?
Namida: ....
Bao: Compatibility rate with anyone: very small. At least from my knowledge. She doesn't show any genuine interest in anyone right now and would probably be oblivious to someone who would be in her unless that person outright tells her.
18. Alright guys. In the most delicate and tasteful way you possible can, describe your characters sexual style. Are they vanilla sweet? Do whips and chains excite them? *Fans herself* Goodness!
Namida: .....what the....?
Bao: ...... I have no idea. *shrugs and holds up hands in defeat* Nami.... It'll come later to her.
19. Does your character have any scars/tattoos/markings? Talk about their significance/meaning and how they got them.
Bao: There's a single scar that runs from the corner of her right eye and runs back along her temples and down to her ears. It used to be really bad, but it's gotten better. The rogue Shadow that had taken out her mothers had grabbed after her which resulted in her right eye being pierced into and broke the temporal bone while slicing open the skin on the side. It was a long surgery to repair it and it remains a reminder for the the night her mothers died. It also represents, at least to Nami, the utter failure of the Guardians to let a rogue Shadow slip by and eliminate two graduates from their own school which put a bitter hatred that's gathered predominantly in her right eye.
20. Every character needs to wear clothes (even if they don’t want to!) why don’t you describe their style and explain why they dress the way they do!
Bao: She dresses much like a guy and even looks like one save her short stature and her being in Temperance's educational system. If she was a guy, how the heck did she manage to get in in the first place, right?
21. Does your OC have any quirky skills unrelated to Temperance? (Balancing spoons on their nose, juggling, tap dancing, etc)
Bao: She doesn't have any quirky skills as far as I'm concerned.
Namida: Actually. *interjects with a blank expression* I can pop all my joints in my body at once.
Bao: *stares at with weird eyes*
22. It’s a perfect day outside so they decide to take a stroll. What time of year is it and what are the conditions of outdoors?
Namida: Cold, during the winter. No one would be outside to bother me. They'd be huddling underneath some blanket.
23. If your character could be defined as a flower, what kind of flower would they be and why?
Bao: Namida? A faux white rose. Simply because her hair is white and she's rather prickly at first sight. Trim away the thorns and though she seems innocent enough, she has a lot of darkness swirling in her heart.
24. Is your character even remotely religious? What deity or god/dess do they serve? (Don’t know any? Make one up~)
Namida: No religion.
25. Create an acronym out of your character’s first and/or last name.
Nimble Apathetic Moody Indifferent Disinterested Agile
Shy (believe it or not, she has her moments) Hotheaded (at times) Odd
1. Hi there! Thanks for allowing me in for another interview, I really do appreciate it - and so do your fans! If you’ll have a seat I’m going to go ahead and jump right in. Let’s start with something simple: If you could name a celebrity look-alike, who would they be? How about a link to a picture?
Namida: *twitches eyebrow* You just had an interview with me a minute ago? What is the meaning of this?!
Bao: This time Nami, you're answering. I did enough the last round.
Namida: Fine... No look alike for me. *blank stare*
2. If Brooke or Shannon were looking at you hard enough, what would they see in your aura? What color would it be, and how would your aura act? Would your aura be restrained and stick close, or would it be reaching out?
Namida: Heavy, black condensation in my right eye. Other than that a mix of a dark, brownish yellow and slight traces of various shades of red with a gray overlay. I don't like people prying into my business so I'll leave it at that for you to figure out yourself.
3. Not to get too personal, but let’s talk about your family for a bit! Can you give us a list of immediate or close family members and a description of your relationship with them?
Namida: My mothers were the closest even though I have not seen their faces in nearly six or seven years. My brothers are annoyingly clingy, but they're my brothers and I love them.
4. You have the option to get a pet - any pet! What kind of pet would you get, what would you name it, and why would you choose this animal?
Namida: .... *sets squeaky penguin plush on lap* Pengu-kun....
5. Let’s talk about genres for a bit. What’s your favorite kind of movie?
Namida: I don't have a favorite.
6. How about music?
Namida: No opinion. I prefer instrumentals.
7. Alright, so this is kind of the same question but different. Are there any songs that suit you well? A theme song, sorta?
Namida: There is one exception. Eon - Celldweller.
8. Who is your favorite teacher/staff member and why? If you’re a staff member, choose someone other than yourself.
Namida:.... I hate them all.. But I'll tolerate their presence....
9. You are given a chance to return in time to undo a mistake or event in your past. Will you take advantage of the opportunity? If so, explain.
Namida: None and no. The past has already happened, let it be so.
10. Have you known someone whose died? Who are they and how did they die?
Namida: My mothers. How they died? Slain by a rogue Shadow. *darkened expression* It will not get away next time unscathed. Or alive at all if I can help it.
11. Temperance's Guardians are indisposed at the moment, and you have the option of choosing THREE other potentials to help defend against a Shadow invasion. Who do you pick, and why?
Namida: Bah, useless Guardians. I knew they were no good. I'll fight on my own. And damn it, Torrin better not get in my way.
Bao: *whispers to Torrin* That's just a cue for you to jump in. Namida's too proud to admit it.
12. What do you like for breakfast? Or maybe it’s not so much what you like, but what you typically have for breakfast?
Namida: I'll eat anything.
13. What about your favorite alcoholic drink? (Don’t try to give me that guff about being under age. I KNOW many of you too well!)
Namida: I don't drink. Period. Waste of my life.
14. You have gotten completely sloshed on alcohol. What kind of drunk are you?
Namida: ..... I'm not going to even answer that....
15. Not to sound like too much of a perv, but what kind of underwear do you wear? Explain why you pick that type?
Namida: ...... *punches interviewer's face*
16. Are there any sensitive areas on your body? Spots that make you… *Grin* Squirm? =w=
Namida: *surprised you're still okay* ....... *punches again*
17. Based on this moment in time, what does your future look like? Career, marriage, partnership, kids, death?
Namida: ....... nothing in mind. No interest, nor will anyone find interest in me.
Posted by: SoupyBao Sat Jun 02, 2012 @ 04:31pm