The accident that had changed her life was a mere fire. A candle left unattended, so it was thought, that had been placed too close to the window curtains and had soon engulfed the whole house. Kyra escaped but her family was reduced to mere ashes, and for most of the citizens, that was where the story ended. What Kyra recalled was much more fantastic though. She had laid crushed by one of the beams that had supported her roof, her lungs feeling as if they were ready to collapse in her chest as her petite frame had tried to reject the foul air. Out of the blaze walked a man then, tall and strong he had moved the wood as if it were no more than any ordinary thing to be lifted and hoisted her up, calmly walking her out of the inferno. His arms had slowly lowered her to the ground and their eyes met, his bright golden eyes searing into her soul a new love that could not be explained. The sounds of the townsfolk come to help had torn them apart and the mysterious stranger had run away, Kyra never to see him again.
So why did she wait? If he had cared about being repaid for his kindness or had felt the connection between them as Kyra had, he surely would have returned already. For Kyra, she could only think that it was faith in what was to come. She had always had an innate ability to sense what was to come and with her stomach in anticipating knots these last few weeks, whatever it was was sure to throw everything into chaos, good or bad was yet to be seen.
((PM me to continue! Not very good but it's vague enough that we can make it into something good or if you have other ideas, or would like to see my other RPCs/starters, PM me!))[/red]