Today was the day though. After weeks of planning she was ready to make her one hundred and eighty-second try. Underneath all of the elaborately designed clothing she was garbed in daily was a simple white dress. In her own opinion, it was more beautiful then the silk. White cotton with drooping sleeves it made her look like a simplistic angel descending in human form. It had always been Avery's preference to wear this but her maid of honor insisted on the added layers for the sake of her job, which Avery reluctantly had to agree to wear. The tender aging woman was her dearest friend and if she were to lose her job then there would be nothing to distract her in the periods of time where she was not plotting escape or when there were no classes. Shaking her head out her hair looked untamed and unkempt and while putting it in a bun made it look a bit more put-together it looked just like the other kitchen maids. Avery was not sure if her plan would work but there was a chance. Supposedly there were a few new guards near the east entrance and even though she was sure they had heard of her escapades they would be unfamiliar with her in simple clothes. The sun was just peeking over the horizon and taking a small leather pouch with a brush, knife, and money she started out of the castle.
The grass glittered with fresh dew drops but as much as she wanted to stoop down and breathe in the smell of the earth she was too nervous as each step brought her closer to freedom. Avery's heart was beating furiously within her breast and chewing on the inside of her lower lip she finally found herself standing before the impressive iron gate. The crisp morning air was sending a chill to her marrow but with the blood rushing through her veins, Avery hardly noticed as she nodded to the guard. His face was young and boyish, probably just out of knight school and seeing him frantically trying to remember his lessons before finally pulling the lever she smiled in unhidden excitement as the outside was opened up to her. Before anyone could see her face, Avery darted just as it was high enough for her to pass and ignored the path to town as her feet carried her straight for the forest. As a child she had heard of a meadow filled with all different kinds of flowers and if she could just see them once then she imagined that her parents would have to admit that traveling that far marked her as a princess, a woman, that could take care of herself.
The first few steps into the forest had been liberating as there were still no frantic shouts signalling that she had gone missing or some rabbit hole that had been placed by a trickster of a higher power to try and foil her plot. It was by the first mile, though, that things started to go poorly. Besides the stories Avery had no idea how to get to the meadow and when you spend your entire life in a castle, as big as it could be, you tend to lack muscle to carry you very far. To preoccupy herself, Avery had spent most of her time brushing her hair as she walked but with her hair now silky smooth she sat down next to a creek and stared glumly into the muddy water. This had not been half as fun as she had expected. It was just as she was deciding to find her way back, though, when she heard something. Footsteps? It had to be her guard. Smiling in relief, even when she knew she was in for quite a bit of trouble, she started towards the rustling and soft voice eagerly. Home seemed like a pretty good place by then.
((PM me if you want to continue this. If you don't want it to be footsteps but singing or something like that don't worry, you can. Don't be intimidated by the length, if you are, because I am bored so I just kept typing. Having at least two paragraphs is fun but I don't require them. Literacy is required though.
Anyways, if you want to roleplay something else besides this just PM me and we can talk! See you then!))