"You stupid ********!"
It was a loud scream that echoed down the loud hallway, she had no reason to scream but this stupid monster was getting her so pissed.. It. Wouldn't. Stay. Still. She dodged lightly to the left and punched this ugly.. freak of nature in the face and it sprawled on it's back while she shook her hand. She smirked at it. "That should teach you.. you stupid blood sucking leech.. " She reached inside her jacket, her.. wonderful.. black leather riding jacket, and pulled out a nice long machete and threw the sheath to the side, taking the seemingly human's thing's head off. But it was apparent as the head rolled to a stop that this was no human. The now wide open mouth had a row of sharp teeth that were retracting back in to his gums. The girl flicked the blood off the machete and cleaned it on her jeans, picking the sheath up and putting the machete back in it.
It was right then that she heard voices. She flattened herself into the shadows and pulled out her gun, almost silently cocking it and waiting as she heard a car door.. then a trunk close. Who were these idiots? Were they trying to get themselves killed?! If they had came five seconds earlier... There were footsteps now, two distinct patterns. She flattened herself in to the shadows more and peaked around the corner: there were two males. One was wearing an old leather jacket, jeans.. had a necklace on, was white had had short chopped brown hair with green eyes. The other however, had longer slightly swept hair with blue eyes and a different jacket. Who were these two..?
"Dammit Sam! Someone got here before us! I told you not to drive so slow!" The short haired one said. The other one, apparently Sam, turned to him with his mouth open.
"I was going as fast as I could without breaking the law, Dean!"
"Well newsflash! It wasn't fast enough!"
".. At least it's dead."
"Yeah I guess."
"Question is who killed it..?"
"That would be me." With those words she stepped out of the shadows, uncocking her gun as the two boys in front of her raised their machete's. "Oh calm down, I'm not a vampire. I would have killed myself a long time ago if I was." The short haired one, Dean, looked at Sam and then back to her, giving her a look of distrust.
"Prove it," He half growled at her. She raised her hands high in to the air, then reached slowly inside her jacket to pull out a silver knife.
"See this? This is silver, if you don't think so, give me your knife and I'll do it." She replied, Dean pulled out a knife and tossed it so it clattered on the floor at her feet. She slowly bent down, bending at the knees and grabbed the knife. She pushed up her sleeve and pressed the blade against her skin, cutting it and showing the boys for sure that she wasn't a vampire. In return she got a whole canteen full of holy water in her face. She gasped, but it had no more effect than making her pissed. She stood up and shook out her hair.
"YOU PRICKS! I JUST DID MY HAIR!" She growled at them and Sam and Dean looked at each other before lowering their arms. Sam smiled apologetically at her.
"Sorry about that it helps us to know your not-"
"A demon, I know." She interrupted him. This gained her a surprised glace from Sam. The next few moments were just her and Sam spitting random demon facts at each other to see which one knew more, eventually stopped by Dean.
"Well Mr. and Mrs. Know it all, if your too busy, I'm going back to the car and listening to ACDC while you bore me to death." Dean's voice was completely filled with sarcasm.
This caused the girl to smirk at him. "No matter how much you listen to them, you won't be as cool as them." With that she walked by him towards the car, an impala. "By the way! My name's not Mrs. know it all! It's Cheryl..."
Dean and Sam both looked at her with surprise and followed.
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Persephone Cosplayer
[ 𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 / TOR ] - engaged
This is my face, I guess.
People suck.
I don't dissociate enough for this s**t.
Where'd I go?
[ A galaxy far far away ]
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