Nothing like going home to ruin a perfectly good day!
Well, at the beginning of the day, in gym class, we had to run the 200m dash, sprinting, and after the final one, we all were panting and I thought my chest was going to cave in. Our teacher, Mr. Havenaar, said, "Well, if you just drop dead, I could just burry you over there," and we all started to laugh, which made it worse. rofl Then, I had to take a Supa Study in chorus class, since I hadn't done my math homework. And sure enough, not ten minutes into my work, none other than Ariel herself comes in, asking for someone to help stick up the art pictures, and I shot out of my seat. We walked downt he hall, then decided to go to the art room to get a ladder. We carried it over, and Ariel made me go up, even though we both are afraid of heights. The funny thing is, when Ariel was up, you have to literally SLAM the stapler onto the picture to get out, but then it only comes out crooked. She did it once, and we broke it! ninja Then, she stuck me up, and I tried, though without much luck, and she started to move the ladder, so I jumped off. We had no idea of how to carryit back, so we picked it up by the legs, it still projected high up, and wobbled over to Suicide Hallway. There we were faced with another challenge: getting it through the door! Dun dun dun! eek We tilted it sideways, but we dropped it and it made a loud sound! We quickly picked it up and RAN down the hallway to stick it back. Still five minutes till, I stole my supplies from the classroom and snuck out. Just as Ariel had shut her locker the librarian had walked into the boys bathroom! lol Then, next period in Social Studies, Mr. Chaney and my partner in poaching, Jackie, were arguing, and then Jay, the class clown, said he couldn't find a map. Sure enough, Mr. Chaney went to look it up FOR him, and it was on the first link! Then, in lunch, Ariel made another chart thing, and as Jessica was drawing a picture of her character, I acted as her consience, saying things like, "OH! Erase, erase!", or "Dont mess up!" Its hilarious! Though, then, back at home, as soon as I got oustide to play basketball, Nick ran in screaming, and ran INTENTIONALLY, I'm serious, into the wall! And he started crying, went inside, and my mom came out yelling at me! Then Hope and my dad wouldn't stop antagonizing me! When we left my dad's house, Hope took some of my things from a while back. She thought that since I hadn't seen them in a while that they were just hers! What the heck! We had this HUGE fight, and when my dad dropped me off, I stormed inside. Which almost brings me to tears, thinking about what he would've thought, because I love my dad, and I always hug him before he drops me off, though, not when I'm super duper ticked off. crying Then, when I got inside, stormed up to my room, lay on the floor for who knows how long, I come downstairs and my mom yells at me again! Holy crud! I know it's selfish and rude to say, but sometimes I actually believe that no one likes me! I know my mom can't stand me, nor can my dad at times. And when I try to lock myself up, they yell at me even more! That's why I want to come to school so early in the mornings and dont want to go home! gonk So, well, that was my day. I feel like crap, but that doesn't change the fact that I'll still be made to go to school in the morning. xp
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