S:1 Ep: 1-3 (The Heart's Sanctum)
(Somewhere in the country side late sunset)
Hempnode was breathing heavily. He wiped the sweat from his brown and stopped marching. He winced and clenched his side. Taljic who had been keeping up the rear of the march approached his friend.
"I...didn't...realize...how far we were...from home..." Said Hempnode trying hard to catch his breath.
Taljic moved to Hempnode's side and bent down to half his height. He was quite tall and had a very good posture but was weighed down by the armor he was wearing.
He threw Hempnode's right arm over his left shoulder and wrapped his left arm around his waist before straightening back up.
"It is not home...home is somewhere you long to be...where you are missed and loved..." Taljic sounded far off as if remembering something distant.
"You..ergh...don't have to help me walk "Shadow"..It is not your responsibility." Taljic did not respond. "Shadow...Taljic...are you alright?"
"I do have to help you Messere Hempnode."
"It's....complicated." There was a strange gleam in Taljic's bright, silver eyes that showed partially through his helmet. He fell silent once more. Hempnode knew better than to push his friend any further. They looked ahead of them at the soldiers who had stopped marching and were now waiting patiently to continue onward. Hempnode who was now too tired for words, nudged Taljic in the chest and nodded in the direction of the waiting soldiers.
"Right." Said Taljic. He drew his blade and waved it above his head, signaling to the men that it was time to move forward....
(King Avan's Chambers night)
The King normally chose one or two of his wives to accompany him to bed each night. This particular night, he summoned Elessa, Noretaku's mother to spend the night with him.
"I gave that brat something to "ease his mind" if you know what I mean." The King laughed as he undressed tossing his clothes about. Elessa sat very still on the edge of the bed looking down at her feet. "Speak when you are spoken to woman!"
"I am sure that Noretaku will appreciate your "gift" Sire." Elessa struggled to hide the worry in her voice. What would happen if the King found out that Noretaku had not bedded this "Chern" girl...it made Elessa's head hurt just thinking about it.
"Damn right he will..the lad's too high strung..a good wench will set him straight...I bet he's having the time of his life right now. Perhaps I'll take him on a hunt tomorrow and he can tell me all about it..the boy's too quiet..teach him to speak his mind." The King lay nude on the bed and patted the spot beside him. Elessa sighed and lay next to her husband....
(Noretaku's Chambers night )
"Prince" Noretaku and Chern have been talking all night. Having had quite a few drinks, Noretaku moved to the bed where she lay with her arms covering her face. Chern who is still nervous and jumpy, still sits in her chair at the table by the room's large window. The moon is shining bright and gives the only light in the room besides a few dim candles. Suddenly Chern jumps up frightened.
"What if someone comes in here and sees me?!" She looked from left to right once then twice and then once more before moving closer to the window.
"They won't Lady Chern believe me...don't even think about trying to...climb out that window again." Noretaku sat up. She looked a bit disheveled. Her hair was was mussed up and her jacket was wrinkled. She made a beautiful woman and a very good looking man. "If you so much as touch that windowsill I will tackle you..."
Chern couldn't help but giggle and it set her at ease. "I think you've had a bit too much wine Prince...Princess...Prince Noretaku."
"That is...correct..." Noretaku stood and made her way wobbling over to a small cabinet and wash basin next to the bed. She filled it with water from a pitcher beside it and washed her face. When she was finished she looked into the mirror in front of her. She hadn't glanced at her self for two seconds before she cringed and turned her gaze to Chern's reflection. Chern had moved slightly closer and was observing Noretaku with her head cocked in curiosity.
The "Prince" chuckled. "You may be tall my friend and strong, but you look like a small child in that armor especially with your head cocked like that." She turned around and leaned against the cabinet with her arms crossed. She closed her eyes. "I apologize...when I drink...I really drink...it's always been sort of an...escape for me." She opened her eyes and Chern gasped. She hadn't realized how bright blue they were until now.
"Prince?" Said Chern
"How..are you sure that no one will enter?"
"No one ever does..my father knows that I like my privacy. I once socked a guard in the mouth for spying on me. Besides Chern, I am in my "Princely" attire and you are a woman in a "man's" bedroom...if anyone were to enter...wait..."
"Take that off."
"The armor...Chern..." Noretaku ran her fingers through her hair and turned back towards the mirror. She took the hairpins from her pocket and began putting her hair back up. "Just the armor...I won't make you strip naked I promise..it's all for show."
"Oh..." Said Chern. Noretaku could hear the clanking and clattering of armor as it fell to the ground. "Is this...better?" Noretaku turned to see Chern in a white shirt that was one size too big and a pair of leather pants. Her short, black hair was a mess.
"Almost..." Noretaku walked across the room quickly, grabbed Chern and touched a finger to her lips then moved away quickly out of arms reach.
"What the hell?!"
Noretaku looked at her finger for a moment. "I don't think it wise to wear lipstick if you are going to be impersonating a male soldier Chern." Chern brought her hand to her mouth.
"I..I must've forgotten..."
"No matter...now this is an odd request...but..."
"..What is it now..do you want me to dance for you because it's not happening!"
"What...no....I just need you to...kiss my neck."
"Why." Said Chern with the look of a cobra about to strike. "Why!?"
"You're making it harder than it has to be..." Noretaku shrugged "I am trying to save your life...think about it...where are you right now?"
"In a castle..."
"Yes but where specifically?"
"In your chambers"
"And who am I?"
"The er...Prince."
"And what is the only reason a woman like you would be in a Prince's chamber...what is the whole reason you were brought in here in the first place?"
"You were supposed to....oh...I get it...you need the lipstick mark...." Chern shook her head. "I'm sorry Prince..I'm just... out of my element please don't think me daft."
"I do not...you were intelligent enough to try and infiltrate my Father's army almost successfully and..." Noretaku chuckled. "You have been smart enough not to attempt to climb out of that window again." Now both women laughed and then fell silent.
Chern took a deep breath and moved towards Noretaku. She grabbed the Prince's shoulder and leaned forward until her lips met Noretaku's neck. She pressed in and then took a step back before reaching for Noretaku's jacket and unbuttoning the top two buttons.
Noretaku did not move or say anything but stood quietly. Chern turned away and took a few steps. Noretaku watched her fuss with her own clothing and when she turned around again her clothes looked disheveled. She brought her hands up to her head and ruffed up her hair.
"You said we had work to do?" She said bluntly.
"...I did..." Noretaku was now the one standing with her head cocked. She quickly turned away and began pacing, her hands clasped behind her back. "I have been..raising an army."
"An army, really? Are you going to fight your father?" Chern sounded hopeful.
"Well...army is...a strong word..."
"Let me guess..farmers with pitch forks and torches...?"
"No...no...I'll show you." Noretaku walked over to the door and knelt in front of it. She removed one of her hair pins and bent it slightly. She stuck the pin into the door's key hole and after a bit of clicking, she turned the handle and the door swung open.
"Are...you...insane?" Whispered Chern.
"Slightly." Noretaku walked over to Chern, took her hand and lead her out of the room and down a long torchlit corridor....
(Camp A Few Miles From The Castle night)
At last the large group of soldiers who had been tramping through the country side all day are resting. The men have set up camp and now groups of soldiers talk among themselves around small campfires.
Taljic sits on a tree stump in front a small fire alone. Finally free of his armor and wearing a long, black cloak and loose, black clothing, he is able to sit cross legged on the stump with his blade in his lap staring into the flames. His black hair falls over his right eye.
Hempnode who had been checking on all of the men creeps up behind him quietly.
"It will never work Ser." Said Taljic in a low voice.
"Damn..did i step on a twig?"
"No...I felt your presence."
Hempnode kicks a log next to the fire and takes a seat on the opposite side from Taljic.
"Did you step on a thorn?" He asked.
"Get into a fight with one of the men?"
"No Ser..." Taljic looks up at his friend.
"Get stung by a bee?"
"Is there a point to this?"
"You seem cross."
"I am not."
"Fair enough." The two fall silent for a few moments.
"Do you think she'll be surprised?" Asked Taljic, trying to break the ice.
"The "Prince"? ...Surprised at what?"
"That we brought her an army."
"...I hadn't thought of that...perhaps she will...I'm sure she's been worried about us..." Hempnode grinned slightly. "I hope we can see her before things turn bad..it will be hard to hide ourselves and the rest of the men from the King."
"...Do you think it will please her?"
"I see."
"Do you remember the day we met her for the first time? In the tavern?"
"We met the Prince on the training grounds the day we were recruited Ser...you must be confused."
"I am not.."Shadow" I know we met the Prince then...I mean when we found out she is...a woman...and a beautiful woman at that..." Hempnode grinned again and leaned back to look at the stars.
Taljic uncrossed his legs and leaned forward so that the fire illuminated his face. "Yes I remember." He said. "You and I were sitting at the bar...drinking ale...we were laughing when someone tapped you on the shoulder. It was Prince Noretaku and his body guard. He informed us that we were both being summoned by the King and to follow him immediately as it was important."
"That's right!" Said Hempnode happily. "We followed him back to the barracks which were empty and the body guard ushered us in and closed the door..."
"He was standing guard." Chimed Taljic
"Indeed he was...then she told us to take a seat. I looked at you and could tell that you were just as confused as I was...and then he spoke but his voice sounded feminine. I didn't know what to make of it."
Taljic spoke next. "The Prince said he had brought us there not for his Father but for himself...to discuss an important matter. His Father's tyranny had not gone unnoticed by him...The King is corrupt and we know it as well as he does. He told us that he had his eyes on us men for a long time. He also said that we may be in his Father's army but that we are not his soldiers. He could see it in our eyes every time he and his Father had visited the barracks or the training grounds together. He told us that he was rallying troops to help him take down the King and then he...she...."
"She stripped!" Shouted Hempnode.
Taljic threw him a look that said "shut up you fool!"
Hempnode continued with the story. "She reached up and let down her long, crimson hair...she looked at us the whole time..she wasn't shy at all. She unbuttoned her jacket...then her shirt....and"
"Yes...yes we saw her..breasts..." Said Taljic in a hushed voice. "I remember alright? I swear...the only time you aren't serious is when talking about the"Prince."
"She is a Princess."
"I know...I know..."
(The Castle Kitchen night)
Noretaku and Chern walk into the castle kitchens through a back entrance. All of the King's wives are here sitting in chairs or on the counters drinking wine and gossiping about the goings on of the castle. One of them spies the pair of young women and gasps drawing the attention of the others.
"Noretaku, what are you doing here this late and...oooh who is this young lady?" Said one of the women known as Gwen.
"The better question is what have they been doing? Just look at them...is that lipstick?!" Said another known as Tabitha.
"Ladies...ladies....please it is not as it seems." Said Noretaku walking towards the group of women.
"It never is is it?" Said Gwen giggling.
"No..no I suppose not." Noretaku grinned.
"Ahem." Coughed Chern.
"Right." Said Noretaku now looking more serious. "Ladies, this is Chern, she is here to help our cause." There was a murmuring amongst the women.
"Is she now?" They all said at once. As they said this they all crowded about a distressed looking Chern poking and prodding at her.
"She seems strong enough." Said one
"She's tall too for a girl..." Said another
When they had finished their inspection Noretaku asked, "Where is my mother? I want her to meet my friend."
The women looked nervous. "She was summoned by the King...to spend the night in his chambers." Said Tabitha.
"I see.." Noretaku sounded quite frustrated at this information. "No matter...come Chern." She tugged her friend back out of the kitchen and they hurried to the other side of the castle keeping out of sight of the gaurds.
"I recognize some of the younger women there...from my town...what are they all doing here?" Asked Chern.
"They are my Father's Brides....He..."took" them if you will." Noretaku sounded angry.
"I see.." Muttered Chern.
"They despise my Father..well...all but two but thier minds are lost...anyway, those women will help us when it comes time to fight...they are strong and brave."
"Can they fight though..."
"There is more to fighting than physical combat my friend."
Soon they arrived at the barracks. They leaned against a wall and peeked around through the door. The barracks were empty which was surprising to Chern.
"Where are all of the soldiers?" She asked. "What happened to the recruits I came in with?"
"Some...are undoubtedly dead...the rest are either with the castle mage or are already marching...they will probably go to meet up with another group that's already left...the closest one..." Noretaku thought for a moment. "The closest group of soldiers is the one General Xavier is leading...two of my recruits are there...probably under that damned enchantment....Makers help them."
"Enchantment?" Asked Chern. "Does this have something to do with the mage you mentioned?"
"Yes...his name is...was...Pierce..another who has helped me against my Father....he taught me many things...he was a good friend..." Noretaku furrowed her brow.
"Why would soldiers need a mage?"
"He...dulls their minds and turns them into my Father's puppets..."
"You make is sound as if he is...dead."
"In a way...he is."
(The Castle Mage Pierce's Tower night)
Pierce has enchanted the remaining soldiers and sent them away to receive their orders from General Beckley. He walks to the center of the room where he stands before an insanely large, black, floating jewel. Strange voices seem to come from within the jewel...they speak in strange tongues.
"Yes...yes...I will get them for you my love....their souls will be yours...will you keep your promise my love?" The mage spoke to his reflection in the jewel which morphed into that of a young woman. The mage's voice sounded strange...not his own and his eyes where milky white, his skin pale and covered in strange, purplish splotches.
"Yes..promise will be kept...."
He turned and walked to his desk where there was a collection of dusty volumes. He searched through them. "Where...is it....The Fallen....where?!" Suddenly he came across a book titled, "The Circle of Makers and Their Never Ending Love." The mage screamed and fell to the floor squirming for a few moments before laying still..his mind had cleared. He stood and picked up the book. He turned the pages and caressed them lovingly..tears formed in his eyes.
"What..have I done?" He sobbed. "How could I forget you...dear Makers forgive me...I only wanted to see her again..." He fell to his knees and cried.
(The Castle Main Hall night)
Noretaku has lead Chern all around the castle telling her about all of the people she has recruited to stand against her Father. The pair have now come to the castle's main hall which is empty. Their footsteps echo slightly. Noretaku who is still clasping Chern's hand stops short and turns to face her.
"I told you I would get you out of here safely." She said staring into Chern's eyes as if searching for something.
"First...I need to know that I can trust you."
"You can't."
"I can't trust you?" Noretaku released Chern's hand and turned away. "I should've known."
Chern grabs Noretaku's shoulders and turns her around. "You can't know if I'm trustworthy or not...you just have to....well..trust it." There is a pause. Then Noretaku chuckles.
"I'll take my chances...besides, I'm pretty sure I could beat you in combat."
"Not a chance." Chern's face turns red.
The two make their way towards the large front doors.
"How is it...that you always find a way out of that room of yours my son?" The King's voice echoed across the hall. Chern and Noretaku froze for a moment before turning to see him standing on the balcony above them. He looked drunk and all he had on was a robe that barely covered him at all.
"Father...I" Noretaku deepened her voice and stood as straight as she could.
"You don't have to explain yourself my boy...if you want to take a moonlit stroll with your new plaything...be my guest." The King laughed for a long time. "Tell me one thing though..."
"Was it....enjoyable?" He winked. "Did you give her your...all?"
Noretaku shook his head then grinned, "All and then some Father."
"That's my boy..." The King turned and walked back towards his chambers.
The two waited in silence for a a few minutes then made their way outside. When the doors had shut behind them Noretaku lead Chern past the guards on night duty, waving to each of them and then through a patch of woods to a small shack. She leaned against it crossing her arms and closed her eyes. "I told you I'd get you out AH!"
Noretaku cried out in not pain, but surprise as Chern's fist connected with her face. Noretaku recovered and stood staring for a moment as blood dripped from her bottom lip. "What was that for?!"
"All and then some?!" Yelled Chern.
"It was an act Chern!" Noretaku grabbed Chern and immobilized her with one arm while covering her mouth with the other. "You have to be quiet...be angry all you want but dear Makers shut up."
Chern realized what Noretaku meant and nodded her head. Noretaku released her and leaned back against the shack.
"I'm sorry Prince...I don't know what's gotten into me..."
"Do not apologize...If i were in your place I would be the same way." Noretaku stood straight and patted the blood on her face. "How bad does it look?"
"The bruises are already forming..."
"Good..I'll tell my Father that you decided to try and escape and we had a scuffle...then you got away."
"Away...where will I go...?"
"Back to the castle."
"What?!" Chern tried not to shout. "That doesn't make any sense we just escaped the castle."
"Yes...we did and now the night guards can vouch for me when I say I returned alone bloody and bruised after...you escaped from me..."
"Then..how do we get back in?"
"I will walk straight back in through the front doors."
Noretaku rubbed the sore spot on her face and stared at Chern. "You on the other hand...have some hiking to do..."
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