Chern now faced Damien and the two other honor guards he had at his sides. They each had a blade drawn and were blocking the exit.
"Haha we've found the Prince's little play thing....hm...I think I'd like to "play" for a while...what do you think boys?" Said Damien to the two men, he had a terrible grin on his face. The men nodded and the three stepped closer. "Do you want to play girl?" He asked Chern.
Chern readied herself holding the newly found daggers firmly in her hands.
"Let me handle this..." Said the voice of the angry spirit in Chern's head.
"Very well.."Said Chern to both the spirit and her foes. Her eyes immediately
turned black and she straightened up and pointed one dagger straight ahead. With
her other hand, she beckoned the three men. They charged her. She moved left and then quickly moved to the right so she was behind Damien. She lashed out at each of the other two guards with her daggers cutting them on the arm. Then before Damien had time to turn around she turned stabbed a dagger into his back. He yelled and tried desperately to remove it.
Chern looked around. The other two gaurds were standing and staring at her. One of them yelled and charged her again. She jumped and kicked him in the stomach. He fell to the ground coughing. She ran and roundhouse kicked him in the head knocking him unconscious.
The other guard raised his blade and started to run straight at her. Chern was faster and ran at him, grabbing the raised arm and bent it jamming the blade into his stomach he coughed and fell to the ground.
She turned to see Damien now standing and staring back her, he was now
holding both his sword and the sword of the unconscious guard. He tossed this to Chern who caught it. The dagger that was in his back had fallen to the ground. He bent and picked it up. He brought it to his lips and licked his blood off of it.
"Your blood will taste even sweeter..." He chuckled and then bowed. "Shall we
begin?" He asked raising back up and moving into a fight ready stance.
"Indeed..." Said Chern. She dropped the dagger and held the sword in both
hands. They walked in a circle watching each other carefully. Then Damien ran forward and kicked Chern's legs out from under her. She quickly rolled and grabbed his leg bringing him down with her. He fell onto his stomach and she climbed on top of him.
She raised her sword above her head and brought it down on him. It cut straight through his neck. She held this position for a while and caught her
breath...Damien was still. She rose and pulled the sword out. She flipped him
over...he was moving his lips but no sound was coming out.
Chern brought the sword to her lips and slowly licked the some of his blood off of it...it covered her lips in crimson. She looked down at him.
"Your blood is sweet..." She lifted a foot and rested it on his head. Damien was no longer breathing. There was a sickening crunch as she crushed his skull with her boot.
"Chern?" Said Noretaku's voice. Chern turned and looked at her. She was
standing in the doorway with a look of concern on her face. She was now
wearing a set of leather armor. Chern suddenly turned pale..her eyes turned blue again and she wobbled slightly.
"Chern?" Called Noretaku again. She took a step closer and then rushed to catch Chern who fainted.
When she came to, she saw Noretaku's face. She sat up.
"What happened?" She asked.
Noretaku who had been sitting cross legged next to Chern rose to her feet. "You left your room...I searched for you...next thing I know I hear what sounds like a fight coming from the barracks and I find you here...well...you weren't you...you were...black eyes."
"Oh yeah...I remember now..." Chern stood and looked around at what she had done..she gasped. "It's always so much worse when I get back to well...myself."
"Pull yourself together..I need to know you are safe before I go and find
"I'm fine." Chern straightened herself and squared her shoulders. "I'll come with you." She looked around and found her daggers. She picked them up and moved to Noretaku's side.
"...Alright." Said Noretaku flatly. "Oh..I took care of the one over there." She
pointed to the solider that had been unconscious. He now lay flat on the floor
with his throat slit.The two left the room and the honor guards behind.
(Dark Castle Hall)
Taljic stepped out of the shadows and stood before Pierce who was perplexed.
"Who..are you?"
"My name doesn't matter...you'll be dead soon enough ." Taljic drew his sword and his cloak billowed behind him.
"I..don't understand" Pierce took a step backward.
"Well I understand perfectly." Taljic ran a hand through his black hair and grinned a menacing grin before speaking again. "I'll teach you to enchant me you b*****d..."
"No..you don't understand..I had to...the King would've had me killed and I can't die...not while Noretaku-"
"Keep the Prince out of this!" Shouted Taljic. "You will not hurt her...you won't
hurt anyone else either for that matter." Taljic raised his sword. "Alright mage, it's time...fight me." Taljic's voice was smooth like silk.
Pierce knew he had to fight and so did the spirit inside of him. A strange purple haze began resonating from him. His eyes began to glow purple as well.
"That's more like it." Taljic grinned again and flicked his wrist. Orange Sparks
flew from his fingertips and his sword began to glow orange and spark as well as if being charged with electricity. Both of his eyes now glowed bright orange as well. "Show me what you can do." He demanded.
"Very well..." Said Pierce in a strange voice that was not his own. The purple
haze now completely surrounded his shoulders and chest. It began to take a form of some sort and solidify. It grew...arms that rose above the mage's head. They reached towards Taljic. Pierce now stood slightly hunched forward with his legs apart. "I'll rip you apart..." He growled.
"Sounds..inviting." Taljic rushed Pierce. "Let's go!" Pierce stood his ground. As Taljic approached, the purple figure slashed at him with it's claws. Taljic dodged each attack perfectly and landed a blow to the Mage's side. It wasn't deep but it was enough to throw Pierce off guard.
"Ah!" Yelled Pierce as Taljic's blade struck him. He clenched his fists and purple markings appeared on the back of his hands. Then he opened them and a purple glow erupted from each of them. He held his hands out toward Taljic and blasted him with the glow. Taljic grunted at the impact and fell to the ground.
"Ugh.." He grunted again getting to his feet. Taljic made a growling noise and the electric glow in his sword grew brighter. He charged straight at Pierce who stood his ground.
Taljic's blade was an inch away from Pierce's stomach when he was suddenly
frozen in Pierce's purple haze. Pierce studied Talkic for a few moments. Taljic
could not move and didn't know what to think.
Pierce shook his head and the purple, armed form around him dissipated. His
eyes returned to normal and a look of sadness and confusion appeared on his face.
"Why do you wish to kill me?" He asked Taljic in a strange voice. Pierce's eyes flashed purple and the haze brought Taljic closer to the mage. Pierce put a hand on either side of Taljic's face and brought it close to his own. His eyes flashed purple again and Taljics head snapped backward, the glow in his eyes intensified ten fold. He was clearly in pain but could not move or scream.
Pierce was using his magic to see into Taljic's mind. He saw flashes of
memories...combat training....campfires...a small child...then he found it...the
memory of being enchanted...it wasn't a pleasant process. The magic that
controlled the soldiers was directly infused into them and it hurt like pure hell.
Pierce now remembered enchanting Taljic specifically. Taljic of course hadn't
expected it. All of the soldiers were told that they were going to visit the mage for a supply of medicinal herbs and potions for the march. He remembered how stoic Taljic looked...he was quiet and didn't say a word...he knocked, came in, nodded politely at the mage and waited to be given his supplies...
Pierce had approached Taljic and immediately grabbed him by the head pressing runes to each of his temples. Taljic must have sensed that something was wrong because one of his eyes flashed orange and he grabbed at Pierce's arm but it was already too late. Pierce was already muttering the words of the enchantment and the runes were vibrating violently against Taljic's skull. He screamed in pain and magic coursed through his body and every one of his muscles tensed.
The runes shattered and Taljic fell to the ground convulsing. When he had
quieted down he lay still with a blank expression on his face. There was a knock on the mage's door and and honor guard came in to collect him.
"Watch this one.." Said Pierce to the guard. "He didn't take it as well as the
others. The guard nodded, grabbed Taljic by the arm, brought him to his feet and marched him out of the room.
Pierce shook himself out of Taljic's memories and looked upon him sadly.
"I'm sorry Ser Taljic." he released him from the magic and Taljic fell to his knees blade in hand.
"Hehe...it's alright." Taljic said calmly. He raised his head and stared Pierce
straight in the eyes. He lunged forward and stabbed Pierce in the stomach. Pierce screamed as the orange electricity coursed through him. Taljic pulled the sword out, stood and stabbed him again. When he pulled his sword out again the mage stood with his head down and with one hand pressed against his bleeding wound.
"...Satisfaction..." The mage wheezed.
"What was that?" Asked Taljic mockingly.
"Oh yes....now lay down and die." He kicked the mage in the chest, dropping
him to the ground. He stared down at him for a moment and then turned and
walked away. His footsteps echoed down the hall.
Pierce lay very still until the echoes faded. He was in a lot of pain and struggled to stay conscious. He held something in his hand...it was a rune. He slowly brought it to his stomach and laid it on his wound. He cringed.
"Eahnekishai." He whispered. The rune glowed light green for a moment and then dissolved. The wound began to close and all traces of blood dissappeared. "No...re...taku..."
(Throne Room)
King Avan paced back and forth. A decently sized group o reserve soldiers stood before him he had already sent several groups of soldiers to search the castle and grounds for rouge soldiers.
General Beckley stood among the soldiers. "Ser, they will eventually make thier way here but do not worry my men and I can take them down."
"I a m not worried and I do not need the help of you and your puny soldiers....I can take down fifty men by myself."
"When you say that I actually start to believe it Messere." Said Beckley.
"Believe it." Said Avan. His eyes had turned from their normal blue to the color of fresh blood. The soldiers and Beckley all stood staring and too frightened to speak. "Where is my son!?"
"Here I am father!" Said Noretaku walking into the room with Chern right behind her. She spoke in her female voice and this threw Avan off.
"What's wrong with your voice son?" He asked. He glanced from Noretaku to
Chern and back again. "Why is that whore dressed in your armor?"
"Nothing is wrong with my voice father." Noretaku walked to the center of the
room and faced her father. She bowed to him in the same way she had when she first met Chern. Her hat fell off of her head and she took out her hair pins letting her hair fall. She then rose and removed her chest piece.
"What are you doing son?" Asked King Avan.
Noretaku didn't speak but dropped the chest piece onto the ground and
proceeded to unbutton her jacket and remove it as well. Then she slowly
unbuttoned her shirt one button at a time and the shirt fell onto the floor.
The Prince stood before her father who gazed upon his "son"....she was wearing a black and gold corset and she had...
"A girl..." Avan sounded more furious than suprised.
"Are you really that foolish Avan?" Noretaku asked the King. "If you had only
paid attention..."
The guards were all staring with their mouths open in shock. Beckley could've cared less. He'd kill the Prince for her betrayal and get rewarded by the King. He wrapped a hand around the hilt of his sword. Chern was watching him closely, the angry spirit was in control.
"Your time has come..." Said Noretaku, pointing her blade at her father. She
stood in a very graceful pose almost like a dancer.
"You would betray your own Father?" The King was fuming.
"You..are...no...father....nor a King." Said Noretaku. "Fight me."
"You think you can beat me?"
"I intend to try."
"In that case..." Said the King grinning...his eyes grew even more red. "Any last requests?"
"Not my last but yes, I do have a request."
"Oh, and what would that be?"
"Send one of your men to fetch my mother...I want her to witness your death.
She's been waiting a long time for this day."
The King grinned and motioned to one of his men. "You, soldier go and fetch
Elessa from my chambers."
The King and Noretaku didn't move a muscle. They stared each other down until the soldier returned. He had Noretaku's mother cradled in his arms. Noretaku was confused.
"There." Said the King pointing to the floor in front of Noretaku. The soldier
walked to the spot and set Elsessa down. Noretaku looked down and was
Her mother lay stiff on the ground stiff....her neck was slit and her eyes were
empty. Noretaku knelt and touched her mother's hand. It was freezing. She rose and stood quietly.
"When..?" She asked.
"Last night...your mother was being..disobedient."
Noretaku fell silent again and lowered her head.
"Prince?" Called Chern concerned. "Noretaku are you alright?"
(Outside the throne room)
Hempnode had been searching the castle, cutting down any who stood in his
way. He had made his way all through the castle but could not find Taljic or
Noretaku. He was standing outside of the throne room now about to go in but
then a voice came from behind him.
"Looking for me?" It was Taljic whose voice sounded quite happy and relaxed.
Hempnode turned around and looked at his friend.
"Yes...what's got you in such a good mood?" Asked Hempnode.
"Oh nothing. Did you find the Prince?"
"Princess and yes..but now I'm trying to find her again she took off to look for
someone called Chern."
Taljic was about to respond when there was a scream that chilled them both to there bones. It was terrifyingly loud and coming from the throne room.
"Noretaku!" Taljic and Hempnode yelled in unison. They busted through the
doors and saw Noretaku standing over a dead woman's body. She was still
screaming at the top of her lungs. King Avan was standing near his throne
laughing and Beckley and his soldiers were standing in a half circle around
Noretaku with their blades drawn and Chern had made her way behind them
without being noticed.
Taljic and Hempnode ran to Noretaku's side. They each put a hand on one of her shoulders but she shook them off.
"GET OFF OF ME!" She yelled. Hempnode had never seen Noretaku like this
before, she was always so calm and collected.
Noretaku took her blade in both hands and spoke.
"Get down here..." She said to Avan.
"Very well." The King began making his way down the steps from his throne.
"Noretaku let us help you." Begged Hempnode.
"Yes, we can all take him on." Said Taljic readying his magic.
"No." Said Noretaku moving into a battle stance. "You two take care of them."
She jerked her head in the direction of Beckley and his soldiers.
"No..I-" Started Hempnode.
"That is an order!" Shouted Noretaku.
Suddenly Beckley yelled and rushed toward Noretaku with his blade pointed at her back. Chern moved like a blur and kicked his legs out from under him before he could hit his mark. The other soldiers immediately turned their attention towards her and began circling her. Beckley got to his feet.
"Now now Beckley, this is my fight." Said the King.
"Beckley.." Said Hempnode. He turned and stared the General in the eye. "This one is mine...Shadow, and...you girl take care of the rest." He said to Taljic and Chern. Taljic nodded and Chern saluted Hempnode.
Hempnode moved to stand in front of Beckley who looked him up and down.
"So..you want to fight hmm?" Beckley chuckled.
Taljic made his way towards the soldiers on the left while Chern took the right.
Soon there were the sounds of shouting and metal clanking together.
Noretaku and Avan now stood, blades touching.
"Are you ready?" Asked Avan.
"I've been ready since birth." Said Noretaku.
She raised her sword and spun quickly. Avan swung his sword quickly just
missing her.
Noretaku spun again this time moving behind Avan and lashing at him with her sword. She cut him but just barely.
He turned and hit her with the blunt side of his sword knocking her down. he
kicked her in the ribs but she still got back to her feet.
Hempnode wasted no time engaging Beckley.
"I'm going to cut you into little bits...better yet i'll break your bones and ram my sword through your neck like that horse of yours."
"That horse was worthless just like you."
"Shut up!" Hempnode Swung heavily at Beckley, his strength was immense but he missed as Beckley jumped quickly out of the way.
"You're pathetic..."
"SHUT UP!" Hempnode swung again and again but Beckley kept dodging.
"Look at you, you can't even hit me."
Hempnode was becoming more and more angry. He could feel himself getting
hot and he wanted nothing more than to crush this son of a b***h's skull.
Taljic and Chern were carving thier way through the soliders but not without
difficulty. Something had corrupted these men as well and they grew more and more aggressive. Chern took no notice however and continued moving
effortlessly through them dodging about like a fox and slashing at them with her daggers. Taljic spun and struck several with his blade but they seemed to keep getting back up.
Noretaku was becoming furious. Thier weapons clashed several times but to no avail. He knocked her down several times and she would get back to her feet. They were both incrediblly skilled at sword fighting and were fairly matched.
Noretaku started to drop to kick Avan but he caught her by the hair and brought her face to his.
"YOU ARE NOTHING!" He screamed at her.
Taljic was growing increasingly frustrated because the soldiers just kept coming.
He took a breif moment to look at his companions each dealing with thier own
struggles and an idea occured to him.
"Girl!" He called to Chern who glanced at him briefly to show that she as
listening. "Watch my back!" She looked at him again and nodded before moving in his direction.
Hempnode was still getting heated in his battle with Beckley. He acted like he was going to swing right but quickly spun and swung left slashing at his arm. Beckley stumbled and grabbed his arm but dodged out of the way before Hempnode could land another hit.
"FIGHT BACK YOU a**!" He yelled at Beckley but the General didn't listen,
he was having too much fun even with his bleeding arm. He was grinning like an idiot.
Because of Beckley's constant dodging, the two had made thier way over to a large marble pillar at the side of the room.
Suddenly there was a crash so loud that nearly everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to the scource of the noise. Taljic was falling through the air and..orange lightening was coming from his hands. He landed on the ground with a thud and all of the soldiers who had been attacking fell to the ground dead.
Hempnode was too focused on Beckley and swung his sword around hitting him in the chest and throwing him against the pillar. Beckley was stunned and began coughing up blood. Hempnode glared at him.
"Is...that...all?" Beckley sputtered. "You...are...weak."
Hempnode was furious. He gathered all his strength and punched the pillar with all his might missing the General's head by an inch. There was a cracking noise and then a groan. Cracks apeared on the pillar and it shattered into dust. Beckley fell to the ground. his eyes were wide with suprise and fear.
"Who'se weak now you stupid s**t?" Hempnode was breathing heavy. He raised his sword above his head and brought it down piercing Beckley's chest. He removed his sword and bent down grabbing one of the General's legs.
Suprisingly, Beckley was still breathing and he muttered quietly.
"Please...no." Hempnode snapped the leg in two with his bare hands.
The sound of both the lightening crash and the pillar falling had caught the
attention of both Avan and Noretaku but she took this chance to raise her blade and sliced it straight through Avan's neck. The King was still and then his head fell off of his shoulders and onto the floor followed by his body.
There was silence for a moment and the room was still. Then Noretaku raised her sword again and began hacking at Avan's Body over and over and over again.
"Noretaku it's over!" Cried Hempnode.
She hacked a few more times and then stood very still. She felt like crying but
instead turned to look at her companions.
"We did it." She said. "We did it!"
"Yeah!" Yelled Chern who was back to her normal self though covered with
"I knew we could." Said Taljic.
"That was easy!" Shouted Hempnode. He took a step in Noretaku's direction but stopped when a strange groaning came from above. Everyone looked up at the cieling above Hempnode.
"Hempnode move!" Shouted Noretaku but it was too late. The whole area of
ceiling above him came crashing down on top of him and another oillar crashed down as well...all hard stone...heavier than anyone there could lift even with the aid of magic...not that they didn't try...
"He's in there we have to get him out!" Shouted Noretaku desperatley trying to move a hunk of stone that was far too heavy. They kept trying but it was no use.
"Noretaku....he's gone." Said Chern.
"No...No!" Noretaku wouldn't have it she kept trying.
"Noretaku!" Chern grabbed her and dragged her away from the rubble. She sat her down on the floor and knelt beside her.
"s**t!" Shouted Taljic kicking the at the heap of stone. "s**t...s**t...s**t." He
tried using a blast of magic but it hardly had an affect and he was already
drained. He hung his head. "You were my greatest friend Messer Hempnode...."
Taljic walked over and sat down beside the two girls. They sat in silence for
awhile but jumped when they heard a hissing noise coming from behind.
They turned to see a demonic, smoky figure floating above Avan's corpse. It's eyes glowed red.
"So....you...took my body...." Said the creature in Avan's voice.
"A fallen...your father was more corrupted than we thout Princess." Taljic said to Noretaku.
"What do you want." Said Noretaku in a strained voice.
"You're heart...on a platter..." Said the creature. "Oh I have plans....for you."
Noretaku rose and slashed at the fallen with her sword but it went straight
through it.
"I will...find...another vessle....one you cannot destroy.....and when I
do....you...will...die." The fallen laughed and faded away.
"Where did it go?!" Asked Noretaku slashing at the air.
Taljic's right eye glowed orange. "It is gone...I do not see it nor do I feel it's
"I'm leaving..." Said Noretaku walking towards the hall.
"Leaving...what do you mean?" Asked Chern. "You are the rightful ruler...you
have to...rule."
"I'M LEAVING!" Shouted Noretaku. "....I'm sorry Chern....look...I just need
some time to clear my head...I'll come back soon...."
"Noretaku...." Said Taljic. "We should check on everyone and give the dead a
proper burial...at least...then we can leave...go wherever you want isn't that
"Alright..." Sighed Noretaku. "First things first." She walked behind the throne
and removed a key from her pocket. She knelt and unlocked a small chest. She took something out of it and walked over to the rubble.
"Hempnode...I hereby award you this ribbon of honor for your service to your
Kingdom and to your fellow man..." She placed the ribbon on the rubble. "Let's get this over with.
Noretaku and her two companions searched the castle and the grounds for
survivors. There were very few...only the farm workers, a handful of gaurds and a couple of King Avan's wives who had hidden had survived the wrath of the crazed soliders. With thier help and a lot of work, all of the dead were buried.
Noretaku went of by herself to search for Pierce but was unable to find him and feared the worst. It was long into the night before Noretaku, Chern and Taljic were ready to leave.
Noretaku spoke to her gaurds and gave them duties to tend to until she returned.
The three went to the stables. Noretaku patted her horse Bloodbane and hugged his neck before mounting him. Taljic ran off for a few minutes and returned leading Storm and Buttercup behind him. Chern mounted Buttercup and Taljic, Storm and they all road off into the night.
They road for a very long time passing several towns until they came to a small one with a tavern. Noretaku signaled for them to stop. "Let's rest here tonight..."
Noretaku put on a cloak and pulled the hood over he eyes to hide her face. They tied thier horses to posts outside and entered the tavern.
The place was warm and cozy. There were several tables of drunken men and a few shady characters sitting around. Noretaku approached the bar.
"Do you have any rooms?" She asked the bartender. He was a tall and slender man who wore an earing in his left ear. He was tan and imposing but he spoke with a lisp and sounded very friendly.
"If ya got the coin miss, I got the rooms." he winked at her.
Noretaku who had packed a satchel, reached into it and removed a small pouch.
She tossed it onto the counter and several gold coins fell out of it.
"How long does this allow us to stay?"
"Honey, you stay as long as yall want." He stared wide eyed at the pouch and
quickly collected it and stashed it behind the counter. "The rooms are upstairs, there's two on the left free and one at the far end of the hall. Make sure you come down in the mornin I serve a mean breakfast!" The bartender reached behind the counter and produced three keys which he gave to Noretaku.
"Thank you." Noretaku turned away and motioned for Chern and Taljic to follow her. They walked up the stairs into a dimly lit hallway. She turned to her
companions. "I...need to be alone so I am going to turn in for the night...Thank you for coming with me...I'll take this room." She pointed to the first room on the left.
"I'll take the one next to you incase you need me." Said Chern.
"Then I'll take the one on the end. If either of you need anything don't hesitate to knock on my door...I won't be sleeping tonight." Said Taljic. He was feeling slightly akward being the only man in this small group.
"We'll meet downstairs in the morning for breakfast and figure things out from
there." She handed them thier room keys and quickly entered her room and shut the door.
(Noretaku's Room at the Inn)
Noretaku sat in a chair by a window looking up at the moon and thinking about the events of the day. She thought only briefly about all the fighting. Her thoughts were mainly focused on the sadness she felt....for her mother..for Hempnode...for all of those that died...she blamed herself. She stood and unpacked her bags. She had already removed her armor but now she stripped and replaced her boyish clothes with a short and light, pink and white night gown. She sat on the bed and picked up a brush and began brushing her hair and singing to herself.
There was a knock on the door.
"...Who...is it?" Noretaku called.
"It's Chern...can I come in?"
"Yes..one moment." Noretaku found a silk robe among her belongings and put it on before unlocking and opening the door. Chern walked in and Noretaku motioned for her to take a seat in the chair by the window but she just stood and looked at Noretaku.
"How are you?" She asked. "It's strange to see you in something like...that..."
She smiled trying to make her friend laugh but it did not work Noretaku just
stared at the floor. "...I know things didn't work out very well....but just know
that those people...your..mother...Hempnode...they didn't die fore nothing....they died knowing that you would set things right....and that spirit...thing....even if it does come back, we'll just kick it's a**."
Noretaku couldn't help but chuckle a little at that but suddenly she started
shaking. Chern embraced her.
"Just cry...." She said. "You don't have to be so stoic all the time just let it
out...Lenore." Hearing her real name struck something inside of Noretaku and she began sobbing. She and Chern stayed like that for quite a while until noretaku finally calmed down.
"Thank you Chern..."
"You're welcome now try and get some rest." She opened the door. "Oh hello
Taljic." Taljic was standing at the door, he was just about to knock before she
had opened it.
"Um...er....hello Chern." He stammered. "I went for a quick walk and saw that
you were going to console the Princess so I thought I should too...I don't
know..is that wierd?"
"No...it's nice...what's wrong with you?" Chern walked past him.
"Um..I'll just go..." Said Taljic.
"No, no it's okay...you can talk to me..just um...stay out there..I'm not...decent."
Said Noretaku searching for something more to cover herself with.
Taljic leaned against the wall outside of the room.
"I just wanted to let you know...that Hempnode....was very...very fond of you
and that he would be absoloutley thrilled to know that you won....so don't be too hard on yourself...your Majesty." He hung his head. "He...was my best
"Thank you Ser Taljic." Said Noretaku. "I'd like to be alone now...I appreciate
you and Chern coming to check on me."
"I understand...I know that nothing I say is....sufficient...but know that I am
honored to fight by your side." He paused and then walked back to his room.
Noretaku closed and locked the door. She felt completley drained and walked
over to the bed. She laid down and the second her head hit the pillow she fell
(The Tavern: Morning)
Noretaku, Chern and Taljic have met downstairs for a large breakfast courtesy of the bartender who they learned was called "Peppa." The three sit around a table talking. There are only a few other people in the tavern this early in the morning.
"I know that I need to get back..but first I want to...travel..maybe try and repair
some of the damage my father caused..." Said Noretaku. "I'd also like some time to learn more about how fallen work...I've never seen one like the one inside my father..."
"I know a lot of thier history and magic but I've never seen one like that either...it was..animal like...I know a place where we might learn of them though...we could stop there in our travels...I'll mark it on your map." Said Taljic.
"We need a name." Said Chern. Her eyes were green and she was waving her hands excitedly. The posh spirit inside of her had taken over for a minute but Chern quickly recovered.
"What was that about?" Asked Noretaku.
"...She wants us to...name ourselves...our little group...like a guild."
"A name..." Said Noretaku.
"Warriors?" Suggested Taljic.
"No..that's too general sounding."
"Night Blades." Said Chern's angry spirit.
"Too...evil sounding...like a band of assassins." Said Taljic.
"The Guild...Just The Guild." Said Noretaku.
"I like it, it's mysterious." Said Taljic.
"Ooooh Mystery!" Said Chern's posh spirit. "Every girl loves a good mystery!"
"Well then, that settles it." Noretaku smiled. "Chern, Taljic, welcome to The
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