Today was a blast!
First my mom said I could go to Kristens, which she rarely does, and that's where I am now. Then in gym class we played Monarchy, and a game called snow ball, and me and Jessica won both times! Then in chorus me and Krissy decided that in October we'll go to the anime con and she'll be Kagome, me as InuYasha, and we might bring Darlene, her neice, as Shippo, and Jasmine is going as Naruku. This is going to be so much fun! The only bad part is is that Kelly, you never gave me MY Hiei keychain back yet! Thank you, though, Jessica for giving me the InuYasha last minute. So, well, Kristen says hi, and we're off because in half an hour or so we're going to the mall to watch her mom get her hari colored, go around to too cool or hot topic or somewhere, then come home. And Madison, we're so sorry we couldn't give you a ride! I offered that we could squeeze you in or make room in the back, but nnnnoooo, it was against the law, so dont blame me, blame the government.