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Argo Lupin's "Window to my Soul"
Take a look into my eyes... And this... Is what you will see...
Argo Lupin - the Begotten Memories((Photo Ablum attempt #2))
Heres some photos from the Lupin Archives along with a short discription of the pictures of the times of argos life...The good, the bad and the downright friggen funny..times of argos life

These stories and plots are copyrighted by my writing group 'Sands of Time' but all thses wonderful pictures ive used to give my readers a better grasp on the story is not. I WANNA THANK ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DREW THESE AMAZING PICTURES AND POSTED THEM ON THE WEB FOR OTHERS TO USE! Thank you all and i wish you the best of luck on your jobs! ^ ^

Argo Valadimer Lupin...Experement 00743. Argo is a Zanothopian. a Hybrid between a human and a wolf. Argos father Lukas Lupin experemented on argo while he was still within his mothers womb. She was killed but argo was saved by surgery. For about 2 years he was drugged and altered to be stronger, faster, better then the average human. The senses of the wolf, inhightedn smell, hearing ect made him an ample killing machine and soldier. As and added bonus, he was capable of turning into a large wolf like creature...There where about 60 others like him....After years of planning, he and his brothers and sisters broke free in a mighty rebellion against there captures...out of the 60...only 12 survived...After the distruction of the labs...Argo saught revenge on his father for turning him into a monster...

This is the first picture of Argo ever taken since his escape of the New Kainin Labs and after the brutal murder of his father..

In this Picture, Argo is Roughly 9 years old

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((click comments to read more))

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Argo Lupin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 08:31pm
Freedom and happiness at long last...but nothing can hide who you really are...
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Argo at around age 12

commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 08:34pm
Everyone needs to start somewhere, in this Case, at age 13. Argo and his pals are Training to be the top knoch fighters by the old...and annoying...Gojinka Limaharu

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Argo Lupin
Community Member
Argo Lupin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 08:37pm
...This one Kie Saved. This was the first night Argo and his friends went out drinking...Argo went just a lil overboard on the sake and raided Gojinka's daughter, Suzi, wardrobe in a Drunken Haze...
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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 08:46pm
Trainings nearing completion, soon Argo and his freinds could return to there homes and lead there cities to greatness...Argo however has a problem so hes sitting in his favorite Oak Tree trying to figure what he should do....Gojinkas daughter, Suzi, confessed secretly to Kie, that she loved Argo...even though he can be a total bafoon at times.

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Argo, Wolf Pack Leader - Age 15 3/4.

Argo Lupin
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Argo Lupin
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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 09:00pm
Graduation day...Yesterday Argo, along with the help of Xion, Kie, Marco, Riki and Zaka managed to Defeat Gojinka, there master, in a no-holds-bar battle of strenght, skill and tactics...Suzi was heartbroken...Chances where shed never see Argo again so she slipped into his room at the Training grounds the night before he was going to leave...After awaking Argo and speeking with him for almost an hour...She confessed her love for him...Acting astonished, Argo tried his best to let Suzi down easily...but he couldent find a way. He had strong feelings for her as well...but they lived on diffrent sides of the world...and his job would never allow him to see her......So...for one night the two stayed with eachother until mornings first light...

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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 09:08pm
After leaving Gojinka and Suzi, Argo arrived at his home...New Kainin...The vast and harsh desert and rugged terrain make the city not only a hard place to live...The City has many nicknames...'City of Assassins' 'No-Mans-Land' 'Watering Hole' and The most infamous 'The City of Demons'...New Kainin is, in fact, where most thugs, hitmen, low lives and theives tend to originate from. They also use it for Arms dealing, Slave excange...or they just need a place to relax and lay low after a job...Rain is rare in the City, an average poll shows it only rains about 1 week in a year at the city...When Argo arrived...The Rain did not stop for 2 weeks...A new Ruler had arrived...and the rain came with him to wash away the filth of the city...Argo age 16...

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Argo Lupin
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Argo Lupin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 09:22pm
After about 2 years of cleaning the city, New Kainin never looked better. However, even the Forunner of a city needs a little time off...So When Argo heard of a place where anyone can go and just relax...a place that was not to much a bar as it was a home to him...The Moonlight bar. After Arriving, Argo quickly developed a deep bond with the owner of the Bar: Hikari Shinsei. She had a rather abusive and evil boyfriend...His name was Dain..so along with the help of the entire bar he helped rid hikari of the evil man...Little did he know of the future the two would have some day from the bond they formed...Argo age 18 and Hikari
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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 09:50pm
Argo, now 18, is a legal adult. His foster sister Hikari had begun to date again once she was over Dain. A curious...and rather idiotic neko named Kyo was the newest 'Victem'...However...seeing Hikari and kyo together more and more made Argo feel more and more alone....he diddent want to start dating...not yet...As of late hes been under attack by the Saika's. A band of theives and assassins hellbent on taking New Kainin. He diddent want to risk having somone he loved die...it happend far to often...On his way back to his home-away-from-home house in the Grassy country side between Skandraenon and The Feral Wood...as he was driving home, he came across a family...a dead family. The local rifraf had apparently mugged and killed a family of 3...a wife, husband and child...Argo was about to haul the bodys into the car when he heard a small whiper followed by: "...mommy...daddy...wake up..." Argo turned to see the child...a small girl roughly 7 years old..her name was Akeena.

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...He took her in and nursed her back to health...She soon came to see Argo as her Father...So Argo adopted her....And its been Mayhem ever since... sweatdrop

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Argo Lupin
Community Member
Argo Lupin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 09:58pm
......Tragity has struck.......

Akeena was murdured...She was shot and killed in Argos arms as he held her in the garden of his home in the country side...after her funeral Argo went on a Drinking vinge to dull the pain...It diddent help...all it brought him was more pain...but Hikari stopped him and took care of him when he needed her...

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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 10:09pm
Things went from bad to worse over the next few months...The Saika's kept attacking and Failing to assassinate Argo...one nigh he took a bullet for Hikari and nearly was killed...

A few weeks later, Argo received a phone call saying his home was being burnt to the ground...When Argo arrived he found a small boy attacking the very thugs whom set his house ablaze...The small boy was actully doing a good job holding off the 35 thugs. With Argos help, he and the boy managed to kill the thugs and crush the Saikas for now...After the fight the boy and argo talked...the boys name was roger and aparently his parents where killed by the saika for money...Argo saw alot of himself if the small boy...his name was roger...He asked the boy if he wished to stay with him, seeing he had nowhere to go...The boy agreed and Argo adopted him...though he cold never forget the pain of losing Akeena...

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Argo Lupin
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Argo Lupin
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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 11:14pm
After the Saika's defeat, Things have been looking up for Argo and his son roger. The Cousin of Hikari, Kaina Ryu Tamer. She began to take intrest in Argo. Argo however...he diddent want to risk her life in case the saikas did return...So when she asked to date him...he just told her to be friends...

After a few weeks of peace...it looked as though the Saikas where finally gone for good. Argo had sent Roger to the same Trainer who raised him as a fighter, Gojinka.

Argo and Kaina where alone one night at the bar. Hikari and kyo had left for a date. Hikari had left Argo in charge...Nobody came into the bar. Kaina went to the bar and smiled at argo...who blushed like a madman...he had strong feelings for Kaina...much like he did suzi...

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Argo closed the bar entirely so he and kaina could be alone...He and kaina sat at the bar counter and sipped a few drinks and just chatted...She confessed she had a crush on him....Every moment made argo fall more and more in love with Kaina...she was sweet, loving, absolutly beautiful, her personality was amazing and she had a nack for making him smile and feel wonderful...

After building up enough courage, argo asked Kaina if shed like to go out on a date with him...This was her reply.

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commentCommented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 11:50pm
A year had gone by...

Kaina and Argo where in love. He was 19 1/2 and she was 18. After a walk in the woods around the wooded area around the bar argo finally decided.....He nolonger wanted to be alone...

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The next day, Argo closed the bar so he and kaina could be alone...Hed been out eariler shoping for somthing. He also had spiffed up the bar....it glistend in the lights. Argo even prepared dinner...he wanted everything to be perfect.....

When he and Kaina finished dinner, he put on there song: "Broken". They danced for the entire song...He couldent hold in his feelings and knelt down holding a ring and said:

"Kaina Ryu Tamer...Will you marry me?"

She cried happily and hugged Argo as lovingly as anyone could.

"Yes...Yes i will!" she replied, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Argo Lupin
Community Member
Argo Lupin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue May 16, 2006 @ 12:27am
A 3 1/2 years passed. New Kainin had an industrial boom. Now it was one of the Strongest cities in the world. Peace had reigned.

Argo and Kaina had married and had 2 children, Holly Suziana Lupin ((Fox)) and Jordan Xaviar Lupin ((Wolf)).

Unexpectedly, The two toddlers are almost Three times faster and stronger then there Father at there current age!

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commentCommented on: Tue May 16, 2006 @ 02:04am
A 1/2 a year passed. Holly and Jordan where now 4 1/2 year old toddlers. Smart, curious and wonderful Toddlers. Roger is now 11 1/2 years old and all seemed perfect......Except one small detail...Hikari had brought in a young toddler as well...His name was Marick...The small 3 and a half year old was secretly a grown man...one hellbent on taking hikari as his wife...The sinister man possessed Argo and turned him on hikari...Luckily, Argos children where able to wake up there father and break the curse marick had. Roger, newly trained in the arts of demons and sealing, managed to interfear and bansih Marick to another Dimension...This would be the first of many problems the Young Demon would cause....

Argo Lupin
Community Member
Argo Lupin
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commentCommented on: Tue May 16, 2006 @ 02:14am
A little while longer......Kie Zang, Argo friend Vanished...Many beleived it that the young thrillseeker had just gone on another adventure...But normally he keeps in touch with his friends.....

Half a year past...

Kie was found...

He use to look like this...

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Now he looks like this...

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Somone had experemented on Kie...just like he was when he was a kid...What was worst...Was where he claimed he was experemented on and who was behind it all...
Hikari was the princess of her own city of Skandraenon...And thats where his old friend claimed was experemented on...And the one behind it all...Behind the entire Zanothopian prodject...was Hikaris father...the king of Skandraenon ....

Argo immediently told Hikari...who denied all of it claiming her father was a good and loving man...Argo however diddent buy any of it...

commentCommented on: Sat May 20, 2006 @ 03:05am
A month later Argo began to dig deeper into the investigation....he fround out that Hikairs father indeed was creating Zanothopians....but.....finall......It happend....The little nudge that pushed argo over the edge...Roger was stabbed....He was stabbed numberous times and with the final stab was a note reading this:

If you are reading this chances are your eldest son is dead or dying, Argo. Next time we will get your two younger ones

Argo gave Roger to Kie, the insectiod flew as fast as he could.....but it was too late.....Roger perished only 2 miles from the hospital...

Argo Lupin
Community Member
Argo Lupin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 20, 2006 @ 03:55am
Hikari pulled a mericale...She somehow managed to bring Roger back from the dead....only....somthing went horribly horribly wrong...Roger lost his cheerful spark. After he was brought back...he was no longer a coon....But a 6 winged angel...an immortal and eternal being incapable of dying...

War...War had begun.

Argo Xion Riki Zaka and Marco all agreed....the King must pay for his crimes...for all the lives hes ruined....He...must....Die...

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