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Title12. Back From Ottawa!
Well. I'm back. Yep. Just a little hurt though.
I mean, I only got love I got durring my trip from you guys was from Chary {<3}
But oh well, it was still an awesome trip.

Day One
I got up around 4:00am, dressed, tried to eat, finished backing the last few things and hopped into the car. We got to the Airport around 5am, then waited with my dad and my friends for the 6:30am flight to Calgary. So we on the plane. Zoooom. Takes about an hour to get to Calgary, and there was a personal TV for everyone on the plane, so that passed time. It was cool. Then boom. We land in Calgary, and wait an hour for out flight to -dun dun duuun- Ottawa. It was a six hour flight. Pretty fun. No one threw up, we watching TV, played games. Talked. Slept, you know. Then we land in Ottawa, wait at the airport for like, an hour while Mr. Summers figures out the car thing. So then when we get the cars and head off the the Hotel. Minto Suite Hotel. Beautiful place. I loved it there. So we got our stuff in out rooms, got changed and headed out to a concert. Cadence. Awesome group! They used no pre-resorded music, no instraments. Just there voices. It was soo cool. We walked back to the hotel in the rain, and slept.

Day Two
Got up pretty early. 7am I think. Today was out Jazz Combo's preformance day. So we headed down to the National Arts Center and stuck around there for 4 hours, also getting invited to lunch with Leslie, which surprised me as I didn;t think she like me all that much, but now were really good friends, and I love it. Leslie is so cute. I love her to death whee . We got back just in time for our combo to go on stage. Emma, Ashley, Leanne and I sat up front watching Sashi [Bass], Walter[Drums], Kaitie[Trombone] and SoYoung[Piano] play. We did pretty good. Kaitie got the Yamaha Outstanding Player award.
After there ajudication, we headed back to the hotel, as it was out free night. I went swimming with Brieanna, Lainey, Leslie, Leanne and Emma. It was pretty fun.
We played Marco Polo = ) I totaly beat them all. Then we had chicken fights. I won only one of those. Haha, funny thing. The pool closed at 9pm for people 17 and younger. 18 and over could stay till 10. Emma, Lainey, Leanne and I asked if we could stay in really sweet voices. Haha, he asked us why we were asking, as he thought we were all 18. So, when we got out at 10pm or around that time, we headed back up to the room. Poor Emma, she had no towel, just wet, white clothes. I had the bathrobe thingie biggrin So, as her and I walked into the elevator, we hear two guys shout, "Hold the door!" Naturaly I hold it and these two really cute guys get on, and *snicker* poor Emma is as red as can be. They got off only on the 4th floor, so it wasent that bad [We were on the 2nd when they came on.]
We got back into the room and changed and stuff. Everyone was vegging in our room, so I went over to the choir girls room and joined them for ice cream and stories. T'was fun fun. Then I returned to our room, and got into bed. Sashi and Ashley came in a bit later to join me, as we had to sleep three to our bed. Stupid us, we pulled an all-nighter. We know like, everything about each other now. They know my deeep dark secret, and I know theres. Even though Ashleys secret sucked. Her's was, "I like Travis.." rolleyes Her mother doesn't let her out much..

Day Three
Today was the day we were going to see our the Science and Technology muesem and the Art muesem. The S&T was fun. Lotsa hands on stuff, the art place, well, I guess it was okay. There was some pretty neat stuff there. Alot of boobs and penises in the Europeon section though. This day was a little hazy, seeing as I had no sleep at all and we were up and out the door at 7:30am. I remember getting back to the hotel and crashing on the bed for like, an hour, then we had to go and have Mrs. Whitlocks "famous" lasagna, our Jazz combo results were also in. We got a Silver for it. Woohoo!Poor Sashi though, she had a fight with her boyfriend in Holland. So she didn't come for dinner, I brought her some though, before it was all gone. Tonight, I decided not to be squished on the double bed with Sashi and Ashley, so I went and slept on the Hide-A-Bed with Leslie and Leanne. Haha, we stayed up half the night listning to music on my iPod, before that, Leslie and I sang the entire Bohemian Rapsody with no music. Lotsa fun. Then we finally crashed.

Day four
We were rudely awaken with 10 minuets to get ready before we had to leave. Because somebody answered the wake up call, then went back to sleep. *Cough*Emma*cough* Anywho, we did manage to get downstairs only 5 minuets late. Today, was quite an interesting day. First we started the day by going to watch our jazz choir preform. They sang so beautifuly, and amazed everyone with there talent. After the Ajudication we headed back to the hotel for about two hours then back to the NAC. We were sposed to see diffrent bands from all over Canada play, which some of us did. 'Cept Lainey, Sashi, Ashley and I. Instead, we hung around with 2 really hot guys. One of them, Mike, was as obsessed with silver as I was. It was so awesome, he wore this chainmail vest thingie he made himself out of popcan tabs. 1683 tabs and 60 hours. So cool. His shoelaces, wristbands, necklace, wristwatch band, belt. All of it, made from these little silver rings. Then there was Nick, and COB [Children Of Bodom] fan, just like Sashi. Man she fell hard for him, even though she already has a boyfriend. He tried to kiss her cheek but she refused, like a good girl. After Nick had to go, Mike walked us four back to the hotel, where he repeatedly hit on Lainey, who also has a boyfriend. Why do girls with boyfriends always get the guys. Am I really that ugly? We all talked for awhile, tried on his chainmail [I have pictures of three of us wearing it] Then he had to go. I hugged him to, 'cause pfft, he was hot, and loved silver. Haha, last thing he said to me, while hugging was, "Ooo, you're soft" then hugged me tighter. We also got in trouble that night, as we didn't go see any bands play, which is what we were sposed to do. I didn't get in that much trouble, as I did go to a clinic. It was still worth it though *cheeky grin*
It was time to leave again to see our Jazz band play, so once again, we were off to the National Art Center. Our Jazz band did spectacular. After there ajudication, we went back to the hotel. Later on in the evening, we were called into the teachers room for the results of out Jazz band. Silver again. Woo Hoo. And then for our Jazz Choir results. The speech Mrs. Lawson gave, made us all think we didn't do that well, that was, until she pulled out the GOLD award! Everybody was cheering, the choir girls were in disbelief, some where crying. I have pictures of it, and as soon as my dad lets me on the net, I'll upload em into a new photobucket.
Oh, yes. My day was also fufilled. Before Mrs. Lawson pulled out the gold award, everyone was silent after her speech, so I took the silent moment to say, "Ha-peee" See, durring the girls ajudication, the guy kept saying "Ha-peee" alot. But yeah, the entire room laughed. I made an entire room laugh, at not at me.
Then it was lights out, and instead of sleeping on a bed, I slept in the closet.

Day five
So, I came out of the closet this morning. Hahaha. Yep. *giggle*
A really early morning, we were up at 5am and on the road to Montreal by 6am.
It was a two and a half hour car ride, I slept most of the way. Montreal is so gorgeous, such a beautiful city. We started the day with mass for Sashi, as she can't miss that, so we went to church in Notre Dame. The inside was absolutly gorgeous. The artwork and the archetecture was stunning. The surmon was also in french, so I didn't understand a thing. I just stood when they stood,got down on my kneese when they did. Haha, yeah, I was more interested in looking at everything that paying attemtion. It was kinda interesting trying to order lunch in french. I'm not that bad at it, but it was hilarious watching Leanne try. We walked around Montreal and Old Montreal for 5 hours. Leanne, Walter and I found the Labryinth. Sooo much fun! It's this huge inside maze. We needed to find clues and certain places, and at the end [2 hours later from being lost and loseing each other] we got these little medalion thingies. 'Cause we're cool like that.
When it was time to go, we hopped into our vans and took a senic tour around the city, then gassed up and headed back to Ottawa. We got back at around 7/8pm and just crashed and watched TV. I slept on the floor this time.

Day Six. The Last Day = (
We packed up our things and loaded them all into the teachers room. Then we headed out to the Parlament Buildings for our tour. It was pretty cool. I got to be the speaker in the demonstration of the "Speakers Parade" we went through all the rooms, and then I went up into the peace tower. Oh my goodness it was such a gorgeous view up there. Then Sashi, Ashley, Leslie, Lainey and I walked down to the Bayward Market. Where I spent the last of my money. I got a jade and pewter turtle necklace, and I got my name {Breanna} and my nickname {Silver} written on a piece of rice, and but into a vial, which is now a necklace around my neck. Then I found this one stall which held the most beautife oriental shirts I had ever seen. Yes. I bought one. And I get compliments all day whee
I'll get a pic of it, and me wearing it for ya. Then we went back to the hotel, went up the elevator for the last time and crowded into the teachers room, as it was time to give our last peanut pal items {Peanut pal is just a fun thing we do on trips, like secret santa} So, my peanut pal was Leanne, and I was Paiges P.Pal. Was pretty cool. Haha. Then we went down the elevator for the last time, crowded into the vans and drove off to the airport. We waited for the plane, got on, and flew for 45 minuets to Toronto, then we waited at that airport for almost 2 hours. Then we boarded the last plane to Vancouver. A 6 hour flight. Ugh. Not my best flight. I made it 5 hours. I had one hour to go, when a thing of Gravol is being passed around, I pass it on, saying I don't need it. Man, I wish I had taken it. I fell asleep, and woke up 10 minuets later feeling horrible. This sick feling washed over my face and stomach. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt in my life. I shooke Lainey, but she didn't wake up, so I shook her harder, until I accidently shook her into Sashi, which resulted to there heads smashing together. It wok them up. I was so sick, I begged Lainey to get her mom to throw me some gravol. It was too late. Last thing I heard was Lainey yell, "Mom! She's gonna puke!" And I did. Ugh. I started sobbing. I havent thrown up in 6 years. I looked up and found everyone looking at me. It was silent, there were just staring, so I yelled out, "Stop staring at me!!" Everyone remembers that. I got cleaned up, and finished the flight. Al the flight attendants hugged me {Odd, yes, I know} And asked me if I felt better. Hella yeah I felt better. I grabbed my bags, and as soon as I saw my daddy I ran over and hugged him. The first thing he said was., "You smell.." Oh yeah, thanks dad. We got in the car, and not ever for 10 seconds he told me to get out. He got out too, and then next thing I knew, I was being sprayed down with Axe. Haha. Oh well. Then I got him, and passed out on my bed.

My god it felt good to sleep without anyone snoring, or kicking you, or roling on you. It felt. Good.

There, I've finished. Now Comment pleaseee heart

User Comments: [8] [add]
[ Orgasmic_Spark ]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 24, 2006 @ 10:07pm
that was sure a fun trip :3
ive been in the labyrinth before in Montreal with my school and it was cool, old montreal is a cool place tought, with all the artists we can find here, yeah 3nodding

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 12:56am
Awesome trip...

Glad you had fun ^_^

[Is Jio]

[The Law]
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 02:44am
Sounds like a fun trip, except the barfing part at the end xp

I am jealous.

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 03:44am
Yeah. Sounds mostly fun. The evil vomit thing wasn't fun, so ...

And Axe? I still think I'm allergic to that.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 26, 2006 @ 08:38am
Woot! Awesome trippies then, very glad you had such a wonderful time! ^_^

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 05, 2006 @ 04:56am
Well, it was a fun trip, mwhahaha! Remember when Brody chased me down the hotel hallway?!


Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 05, 2006 @ 04:59am
Ahaha. I remember, roght after her squirted you in the face with his water gun. xd

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 14, 2006 @ 03:01am
Except for the airsickness part, It reminds me alot of my band trip to Disney. Except I got sick on the ground. And nearly got busted because my roommates smuggled some pot on the trip.

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