For the past week I have been going non-stop. Monday was "Over the Hedge" and getting camping supplies. Tuesday was Lexington trip with Jackie, Daniel, Travis, Erica and Kasey. Wednesday was attempt at least. Thrusday was rafting and party bardge battles. Friday was AVATAR ( T.T Uncle Iroh) and my uncle coming in with his girlfriend and her son that is only 4 and does not like to sleep.
Monday: I love "Over the Hedge" Nothing better than a Shatner Opossum and a Bruce Willis Raccoon. Hammy was the bawmb! He is a hyper active squirrel that reminds me of Whitney and Travis mixed together with A LOT of pop and sugar in them. The Raccon, RJ, is just like my raccoons around my house. Infact I named the baby one that came around the house that night RJ. We; Panda, Susan and I, then went to Walmart and got some stuff for the camping trip. Chips and what not. Then we made it to where the Ethnic food isle was and found the POCKY!! Panda got 3 packs and I got the rest because I am a fatto lardo (latin name for me) and I am greedy like that. Mad ei thome and stayed up half the night on Gaia. I also made S'MORES from Pocky and a Marshmallow
Tuesday: Early to rise. I was up at about 8 in the morning because I was to met everyone at Food City to go to Lexington. YAY LEXINGTON!!!!!!!! I got dressed and for some odd reason I was hyper as all get out. I think the S'MORES I made got to me in the morning instead of the night. I ran around in the house finally waking Jessica, she had to work at 11 a.m. I turned on the Tv and watched Mtv (sad, no?), they had a weird mix of videos and I was dancing to them because I am Tracy and I am weird like that. They had like "1, 2, step," something by Sean Paul and MADONNA's "Vogue". Hearing all these songs I started spazzing around in my room while mom and Jess got dressed. Go to Food City and headed out. Once in Lexington we went to "HUSTLER of HOLLYWOOD," we were looking for stuff for Erica's bachelorette party. Found some stuff, but we; Jackie, Daniel, Travis and I, decided to get it online. To be less perverted. Oh, before we actually went into the store we got some weird looks from people driving by, I think it was because it was the middle of the day and a car full was going into a Porn store. Went to the Mall, I <3 the Mall. While in the Mall me and Jackie had to look for dresses, yes I said dresses. Jacke and I are Erica's bride's maids. We could find some for Jackie, just not for my fatto lardo butt, but oh well. Looked in COSMIC and Jackie was being "teased" by one of the guys that worked there. I was on the other side of the shirts when this was happening, laughing I might add: (retold from what Jackie told me) Dude that worked there: I have a bug bite. (all hyper and bouncy) Jackie: I have pimples........(confused and scared, that I could see) Dude that wroked there: Mine is worse. (still bouncing) Jackie: How so? (even more confused) Dude that worked there: Mine itches. (bounce bounce bounce) Jackie: Ah......(scooting away) -he vanishes that i could see- Dude that worked there: I need hand sanatiser (sqiurts some out) -reappeared from nowhere I swear- Jackie: ............ Dude that worked there: Here you need some. (squirts some out for Jackie) Jackie: ......K (she moved over toward me) Dude that worked there: Watch this (smacks the sanitzing stuff on bug bite) Ahuuhhhhhhhh! Jackie: ....... Dude that worked there: Ahhhh that really stings. Jackie: ..........(moves around more to my side of the shirts) Me: (giggle giggle giggle at the Jackie) Dude that worked there: What are you laughing about, you need some too. Me: .........okay (holds out hand and gets some in hand, blink blink) -Travis is parncing by about 3 feet away from me- Dude that worked there: Dude, I'm not leaving you out of this action. (squirt squirt) Travis: Okay, la la la (gets it in his hand and looks a little confused, but that is normal.) That was a very odd thing, we all agreed on that. Looked some more and caught up with Kasey and Erica. Played around in different shoppes. Then left for FIRE MOUNTAIN GRILL........there was a clown there. I sat there and took being near a clown with out freaking out. The only reason I did not freak out was because he did not have the makeup on. -twitch- He made Daniel an airplane with a man in it. Kasey kept wanting a tank, really badly. I kept my head turned most of the time. He was old and crazy. After that we went to Old Navy and a theater that had DDR. Travis and I played 2 rounds. No one was around hardly and the people that were working there just stood there watching us. I think they had never seen 2 people play like me and Trav; well maybe like me, but not Trav. After that we went to Barns & Noble to get books. I got Jessica her 2 Angel Sactuary Manga volumes, she had just sent me after volujme 12 , 13 was out so I got them for her, Who says I am a bad sister now? I looked around i had all the manga volumes there that I needed, but I didn't know which Fruit Basket Volumes I needed so I did not get them....I can order them from the many sites anyways. I think we, meaning me, mad eTravis mad because I had to be home at a certain time and he wanted to go to this gay retrurant called, Mia's or something like that. He pouted for a while on the way back, but I tihnk he forgave me because he fell asleep on me on the way home. Apparently, I snored, Jackie told me I made a weird noise...I count that as snoring. Got home and could not sleep.
Wednesday: Time to Camp When I had finally went to sleep from the Lexington trip, I woke Wednesday morning at 9, not much sleep I had. Mom was wanting Jessica and I to do stuff. (Wednesday and Thursday were Jess's days off) I had to climb to the top of a hill known for having snakes and fire ants on it, to get an old rusty wind mill down because mom wanted it somewhere else. Yay me, Jessica didn't have to do shyt because she has bad wrists. Bah on that. Anyways, once getting it off the hill, mom painted it and I got online to talk to Panda. We were talking about the stuff that we needed and when everyone was getting to my house because they did not know where Panda lives (Bub (Red), Jackie, Daniel, Travis, Erica and Kasey). While talking to Panda, mom yelled for me to take the wind mill up theother spot she wanted....not Jessica again. Jessica was fleaing the dog during this time. Got it up there and put it in the new spot. It was about 12 or 1, Jessica and I started calling people. Kasey was asleep and Red was not home. So we started to get stuff ready. Might I just say that mom and Jess will make sure you do not go hungry. I was taking the stuff that I felt we needed and they were throwing in all kinds of stuff. Phone rang and it was Bub, he said he was bored and was heading on up. Once Bub got to my house it was boring......nothing really to do at my house. We turned on the TV and "ESCAPE FROM L.A." was on. YES!!!!!!! SNAKE PLISSKEN!!!! That was fun. Then everyone else showed up at the house once the movie was over. Loaded the cars and Jeep and headed out for Panda's house. Once there we loaded up the Escort (swear to god it is a freakin BILLY GOAT) and the trailor to the 4-wheeler headed to the camping spot. Car line up: 4-wheeler with Panda on it, Escort, Jeep, Ksaey's car. That trail was HELL!! It looked like a washed out ditch. First up the hill was te Escort, poor thing was going through hell and half of Georgia, finally getting to the top; Next up was the Jeep, went up the trail well....while being bounced everywhere (fun though), we got to the top of the hill..........looked around.....O_O where was everyone else. Campbell, Jess, Bub and I walk down the trail. There they were. Stuff had fell out of the 4-wheeler's trailor and Kasey's car could not amke it up the me on that. Loaded the trailor back up and headed up the hill almost everyone was walking. Before heading back up the hill the man that owned the drive way that we went up stopped at talked to Campbell about moving his "blocking the way of going to the strip job" stuff. It is Campbell and Coot's family land, so BAH on him. Got to the top and went to the Escort and the Jeep. Travis and Daniel sat on the hood of the Escort on my side leaving room only for Campbell to see on his side, so I was his eyes on the other...kinda hard when the boys where moving around on the hood. Panda was behind us with Erica and Kasey on sitting in the Trailor. Got to the camping spot and and looked it over. TICKS!! OMG TICKS!!!! A little time passed......where was Bub and Jess?? The Jeep was not to be seen. Campbell and I was getting worried so we headed back in the direction we came. Campbell had an Airhorn using it as like a becken or something. Got closer and closer to where we had stopped the first time. There they sat. Hood up on the Jeep, Bub standing in front of it and Jess recording the whole thing. Panda comes over the hill above us on the 4-wheeler just in time to see Campbell sit on the Jeep and START IT!! Jess, Campbell, Panda and I dying laughing because Bub just looked so damn shicked that he started it and he did not could not start it. Campbell hopped in the passengers seat and Bub in the driver's side and drove away, Panda went behind them. Jess and I walked; laughing the whole way. Once everyone was at the camp sight we began setting everything up. tents and the firepit circle and the grill. CHARCOAL IS THE EVIL!! Daniel kept trying to get the charcoals to burn and turn white......that took awhile, aling with cardboard and dried weeds, but finally got them white and ready for food. Tents....yes tents. First Erica's tent, first one up....quick and easy; Next mine and Jessica's tent.......yeah.......stupid thing is old and we had not done that in a long long long long long time, it took a while. Kasey had to leave us and went with Campbell and Panda to get Suzoo. Once again stuff falls out, not the 4-wheeler this time....Escort, poor thing went through hell and Campbell thinks something is broke on it. Suzoo and Panda had to unload everything pack it up the hill and basically push the Escort up the hill. Finally got Suzoo and everyone was there. YAY!!! We started putting up Suzoo's tent......O_O hard to do. Erica, Trav, and Jackie went looking around. Bub was whiddling sticks, well more like branches. Jackie, Erica and Trav came back with a part of a deer's jaw, handed it to Bub and he made an axe like thing (just ask him). Got food made and started palying. For the rest of the story look at Bub's LJ " I FEEL NO PAIN "................................." AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OWWWWW " I slept in the bed with Trav and Suzoo when we got back to my house.
Thursady: WATER!! -insert water fun here- On the way to the boat ramp.....Erica and Jackie started bothering me -stares at Jackie because I know she is reading this- I do not like RED aka Bub like that. I am sorry, but I will not date Bub. that would just be wrong to me. He is my friend and that is all. So Jackie NO NO NO!!!!!!!! (sorry Bub you have to read that, but it goes for everyone that thinks or says that I should date you)
Friday: UNCLE IROH!!!! crying ......Damn kid Watched Avatar..........Zula = Grr , Toph = Whitney , Zuko + Katara (in me mind) = YAY HAPPY FANGIRL , Uncle Iroh = OMG NO!!! (sob sob sob) As you can tell my uncle's GF's son is hyper active and I wa trying to sleep......making me all ARGH!
Hatake Hinata · Sun May 28, 2006 @ 08:29pm · 0 Comments |