I really don't like Charles Allen.
I really really don't.
He needs to stay away from me.
He scares me and I do not like being frightened.
Okay for those that do not know Charles Allen I will say this: He is a crazy guy that talks to himself & machines at the college. He laughs like a crazy man at himself. The ******** also says insensitive things to all females. Well at so far me and Jessica Terry. He talk nonsense, saying whatever pops in that ******** up mind of his. He has no respect for personal space and has no right to come close to me.
It started as a normal day today. Nick, Melissa, Birdie, Lindsey and I were all having a pleasent conversation about the PS3 and WEE. I had cursed earlier be cause there are no more PS3s to reserve at Gamestop. Which makes me sad. As we sat there trying not to pay attention to Charles Allen and his crazy. He had been pacing around like normal. Crazy People Pace Didn't really pay attention to it. Then all the sudden he reaches for my konoha headband that I always wear. I have wore that headband around m neck for over a year now. I freaked. He scared me to death. I even yelled "DON'T." I told him that he can not touch me, I can touch people but I don't like for them to touch me; or something close to it.I didn't mean that my friends can't touch me. I love getting hugs from my friends. Strangers can't touch me. While still standing near me, he says "What are you some kind of Stripper?" That turned me from frightened to pissed. I told him "Get the ******** out of here, right now mother ********," or something very very close to it. No one can call me a stripper except my friends. I love them enough for them to be able to call me that.
As the day rolled on I thought about it more and more. The more I thought, the more frightened I got. I have never had someone just come up and grab something one me. I have never been afraid of people before till now. I could not really be close to my friends all day because I felt, I dunno, violated. Someone try to hug me I would actually curl up. I have never done that before. Ask Matt, Nick and Monkey that. I am usually all up for a hug, because I love to hug, but this today I just couldn't. I don't like my ears bothered anyways and my friend Ashley bothered my ears. I love her to death and I know she didn't know what was going on, but I jumped when she did it. Mainly because I didn't know who it was. Every was around me at the time of the ear thing and I had to get away so I got my way through and sat by the pool table. Safety Zone. I just could not handle being around everyone today because of Charles Allen. I know that this probably sounds stupid to some people, but he really frightens me now. I don't feel safe around him. I never felt safe around him, but this is worse. He tried to touch me, even though it was just my konoha headband.
To make matters worse as I came home today I saw the old pervert that always came to Wendy's when I was working there. He actually followed me in the dining room and tried touching me. He is the only other person that made me feel unsafe. I had to have one of the boys out there with me as i clean and stocked everything for front. Which I always ran. When I worked morning/day shift he was there. Talking kind of nastey to me. Trudy, on of my favorite managers, stayed with me the whole time I was out there in the dining room. When I was moved to night shift, he started coming then. Vikki, worest manager ever, would never come out there with me. Amy, works with your hours well, would be out there with me sometimes. Sarah, coolest manager ever!, she stayed with me because he did the same to her when she was a regular worker like me. He was a very scary man. He made me actually reach in his hand to get change; pennies, nickles, dimes, & quarters. I don't like that he was just trying to get me to touch him. He never done that with Erica or Chelle, just me. UGH!!
Today has not been a good day for Tracy
Hatake Hinata · Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 05:08am · 2 Comments |