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Wallowing in Thought
Brian McCormac...
Just warning you, it's yaoi.

Brian McCormac -/- Damien Centers I changed the pics... and reposted the entire thing. ^^

Brain McCormac

I remember the first conversation I had with Brian McCormac that year.

It wasn't the first conversation we had ever had before. No, we were in a few of the same classes in eighth grade and we hung out a bit through that year. But then Brian became the ultimate anti-social and I became the Rebel Punk to everyone. Complete oppisites, you know.

Now, a few weeks before the end of summer and the entrence into our last year of high school, it turned out we were both shopping for school clothes, same mall, same day.

It was easy to tell that he didn't recognize me when he saw me. I had changed a lot since we last talked. I was more... well, more on the rebelious side then I was last time. And I was a little more flashy with my dragon tatoo crawling up the side of my face and red contact lenses.

I was fully decked out in a tight black shirt, a red that matched my contracts button-up s**t with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows, black finger-less gloves, and a pair of baggy gray cargo pants that were still rather snug around the waist. My hair was a mess, as it never had been when I was around Brian before, and the black streaks were clearly visible, my natural brown hair accentuating them all.

I was already carrying any number of bags of new clothes, and riding up the escalator was hampered by them, gathered at my feet and rubbing my hands raw like so many shopping bags are supposed to.

And there he was: Opposite escalator, going down instead of up, a few less bags then me, a book in hand, open to some random page I think. I know he was the closest thing to *real* best friend I had ever had, but damn, he looked hot. His hair, which he had obviously died, was now blue, just like I remembered he wanted, and his dark blue eyes looked stunning. He was also wearing a thick snow jacket... in Arizona... in the middle of summer.... He was always cold. And he decided to glance up just as we pasted. I think that was the first time I began to feel anything more then friends towards him.

There was a split second were he had no idea who he was looking at or why they were looking at him. Then, the moment pasted.


His tone suggested dislike, but only on the barest of levels. His voice was a bit deeper, but still the recongizable high alto that he had obtained all through his elementary career (I had been there with him.) when he was in the chior on 'mom's orders'. I'm pretty sure he just liked to sing.


My voice sounded nearly exactly the same. I change in every other way, and what stays the same? My voice. In chior, all boys who didn't sing the boy part, sang along with the altos. Not me. I sang with the sapranios. I fell in as the perfect sapranio voice in third grade. My voice is the only thing I dislike about me.

Then we passed each other, nearly to our destinations: Me the second floor, him the ground. I watched as he hesitated before getting on the up escalator.

I waited paciently off to the side, not in the way but obviously there. It felt like the escalator was going an inch a minute. But finally he was getting off, walking over to me, and observing my new rebel look.

"Well... you sure have changed."

It was an understandable comment. Last time he saw me, I wore shorts and a T-shirt every day, wouldn't touch black, and and didn't have any piercings.

"And you look nearly the same as ever, Brian."

Which he did.

We stared at each other for a minute, silence passing between us, but not an uncomforable one. We were always comfortable around each other.

"Hey, Brian? Want to have lunch with me?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Brian cracked the first grin I'd seen in ages.

"That sounds like fun."

But, then, of course, we have to disagree on where to go. Brian wanted mall food. I thought that was disgusting. I wanted to go to the Sweet Tomateos down the street. He thought that was disgusting. We argued for about ten minutes before I remembered he could never turn Italian food down.

"What about Olive Garden?"

I could see him look at me, slightly angry that I knew his weakness, and slightly glad that I had suggested it.

"Great! Sounds great, but I liked arguing, personally."

We both laughed. We walked out of the mall, hands in pockets, laughing and joking about stuff we did in middle school and elementry. Brian's vioce didn't even suggest dislike anymore. His voice radiated brotherly fondness by the time we walked through the doors on the other side of the food court.

When we got outside, summer heat hit us like we had just walked through a brick wall. It was insane! Arizona heat was just unbearable. Brian turned and started walking around the perimitar of the builing, like we were going to walk there.

"Brian, where are you going?"

"Olive Garden."

I jangled my keys in front of him.

"Car," I said exasparatedly. "Well, more like bike, but you know, same difference."

He looked at me and I couldn't help the grin at the hesitation in his eyes. He nodded and I almost dragged him by the arm to my motorcycle, parked right in front of the building.

"That's your bike? You really have changed, Damien."

I smiled. I loved my bike. I loved it more then air. It was perfect. It was a blue/black Yamaha. Really nothing special about it, but I loved it all the same. I pulled out my helmet and handed it to him. I didn't have an extra and I didn't want him to die if we got hit.

He tried to hand it back but eventually put it on because I glared at him. I have a tendancy to scare people with my glares.

We reached Olive Garden in about ten minutes and put our names in. It wasn't a long wait, which surprised both of us. This was Olive Garden, after all. We got our table, the waitress set us up with breadsticks and sodas and then left us to talk. We talked about a verity of things, just like we used to with the added addition of witch craft (We had both tried it, surprisingly.), religion, politics, and our devoloping sexuality, even though that last one made us both a little uncomfortable.

I really don't know what clicked during that conversation over fetichiny alfrado, but we went back to my house and sat in the living room watching baseball or reality shows, switching back and forth since we couldn't seem to agree. The wierd thing was, he wanted to watch baseball! Brian had always hated baseball.

I have absolutely no idea how it happened, but we made plans to meet for a movie the next day.

And so the summer went. We'd meet somewhere for the day, and then go back to my place, just to watch TV. He always left at eight on the dot. We never had to worry about my parents; they were off in Euope for the summer. It was the best summer I had had in a while. Most of my "friends" from school were out of town and I was left to do whatever I wanted. And it just so happens that I wanted to spend my days out and about with Brian.

We went to movies, lunch, theme parks, water parks, or just stayed at my place and watched TV but we had fun doing anything.

But summer had to end. And soon because I didn't run into him at the mall untill three weeks before school started. Two days before school started, all my "friends" from school came back from there summer destinations. Unfortunatly, they couldn't wait to tell me about Euope or Asia or where ever they had gone.

The first to make her way to my door was Sarah Doorman. She rushed striaght in, not even bothering to knock, and started explain everything about her trip to Japan before she even realized that she had just run in on my conversation with Brian. It was kinda funny to watch her face as she realized exact *who* I was talking to. She looked at me kinda funky and then left without another word.

Everybody from that point onward left me basically alone. I think they were kinda figuring out that I was gay.

The school year passed smoothly enough. After the first week, in which I punch three guys for calling Brian a dork, people seemed to get the correct message: 'Call my best friend a dork and you'll need a good dentist.' Or maybe it came out more like *boy* friend because the hords of girls that usually stalked me evaporated like water in the Sahara.

Which was fine with me. They probably made Brian uncomfortable anyway.

Halfway through second quarter, progress reports came out, just like every other year. Except this time I was failing three classes. That wasn't going to go down well with my mom. Brian kindly offered to tutor me.

I accepted with hasty relief.

The aragnements were as follows: Every week day, Brian and I would travel to his house and we'd study until eight, at which time I had to leave. Any other time we studied together, Brian would come to my house and usually stay over since we always did this on weekends and holidays when my parents were away.

Then came that one, hideously greavious Thursday.

We went to his house, like always, except when he opened the door, a wave of alcahol tainted air raced past me, flying up my nostrils and burning the back of my throat.

"Get your a** in here, slut," a slurred voice said from the kitchen.

To say the least, I was confused. I had always assumed Brian lived alone. Sure, he was a little young, but he sure was responsible enough.

Brian's house, normally spick 'n span, was littered carelessly with empty beer bottles and we could both see the large thing of liquor nearly empty on the kitchen counter.

"s**t, he got off early," Brian mumbled to himself, fear plastered to his features, "Damien, go get in the car. If I'm not there in ten minutes, leave. Go straight home and don't tell-"

"Nah, your friend can stay. Double trouble, you know," the same slurred voice said from the kitchen.

Brian was panicing know. In a fit of desperation, he grabbed my arm and yanked me to the bathroom.

"Get in there, lock the door, and don't come out!" Brian said quickly.


"Damien, don't come out!"

Brian slammed the door in my face and I locked it instinctively. Probably because Brian had paniced over it so much. I lounged on the wall besides the door and was barely standing there a minute before shouts and smashes began seeping in from behind the bathroom door. I jumped and backed away. There was a dull thud as someone was pinned to the bathroom door. I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone and in the moments that followed, I pressed my ear to the door. Again, I leapt away from the door as some one, Brian no doubt, shouted in agony and a graon filtered through the door. The shouts continued for a few moments before I realized Brian was shouting in pleasure as well as pain. It was strange. I didn't even know what was happening beyond that bathroom, but thinking about Brian's screams was making me hard.

After a few more minutes, there was a rumbling growl. Then everything went deathly quiet. I heard a zipper being tugged up, foot falls as some one walked to the door, and a slam as they left. I waited half a minute before unlocking and opening the door.

A slight weight fell onto me. Since I wasn't expecting it, I stumbled slightly before pulling the person back up to their feet. I realized a split second before their head flopped up that it was Brian.

Brian in all his hard, naked beauty.

His eyes were haft closed and he moaned as I accedintally rubbed his erection while unconciously ajusting myself. He seemed kinda dazed and didn't recognize me. His face was bruised, there was a cut below his eye and one on his lip and- Oh, Jesus. He was bleeding heavily between his legs. I mean, yes he is hot. But I would not touch him there until he said it was okay. Maternial instincts kicked in right about then.

I yanked a towel out from under his sink and told Brian to try and stop the bleeding. After checking that he was fine to sit there for a minute (I was in maternial mode, you can't blame me.), I walked into his room and started to search for his clothes. I found a pair of jeans and a T-shirt for him and dug through one of his drawers to find him some boxers, despite my growing embarresment.

Upon returning to the bathroom, I ask, "Has the bleeding stopped?"

Brian shook his head, refusing to look me in the eye, shame and embarresment tinting his features pink. I tended to his cuts, taking care of the large bruise beneath the one under his eye.

"It's stopped," Brian murmured, twitching at the towel I had dug out to cover him.

"Good. Put these on, then wait for me. I'll be in in a minute."

Brian stood up and looked at the ground, pulling on the boxers.

I walked out into his kitchen, and dug through the rifrigorator. I found a six-pack of rootbeer. I had a feeling this would probably take a while. Knowing Brian...

Brian was sitting on his bed, cross-legged in the very center. He was muttering and reaching spastically for the box of sleep aids on his bedside table.

"I always had to have the house empty by eight fifteen. You always left at eight so I was always okay. That always gave me time to take a pill so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain until morning."

He started talking the moment I closed the door. That, by itself, was strange. Normally it was a fight to get anything out of him. I could have made a comment on that, but it would have been inappropriate to our current situation.

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" Brian asked hesitantly.

"Heck, yes. I'm calling the police the second we get home."


"You didn't think I was going to let you stay here, did you? There's a guest bedroom right across the hall from mine. No one ever stays there because there's one downstairs, too, that doesn't involve sharing a bathroom with me."

Brian smiled weakly and hugged me tightly when I sat down on the bed. There was a flash of fire in my viens but I put it to rest instantly. 'Not now. He's traumatized,' I told myself.

"So... how'd it start?" I asked causiously, grabbing his backpack and pulling out a few pairs of jeans.

"Ummm... I told him I had my eye on someone at school. He asked what her name was. The problem was it wasn't a girl and my dad had a thing about gays. I didn't think of a name quickly enough and he guessed. He decided to teach me a lesson about what being gay meant. And, it turns out, he liked it." Brian sounded disgusted. There went all my hopes that his apparent liking of me went deeper then friends.

I finished stuffing any clothes that didn't smell like beer. I had always wondered why his house was so clean. I guess he didn't like to have to think about...

Brian stood up as I zipped up the bag and hugged me tightly. I hestitated slightly but hugged back just as tightly. He was as close to family as any of my friends had ever come, probably even closer. He deserved the kind of stuff I got every day for doing nothing. He worked twice as hard as me and what did he get? Raped.

We walked out to his truck that he had just finished saving up for and he got in the passenger seat, handing me the keys when I got into the drivers seat.

He still wasn't looking at me.

That probably hurt me the most. He was ashamed I had found out, ashamed I had seen him in that state.

I didn't get any closer to Brian then sitting across from him at the dinner table for the three days. He stayed in his room most of the time, as far as I know. He didn't go to school on Friday and turned down breakfast and lunch Saturday and Sunday. When I finally did get closer the a table length from him, it was willingly. I was willing to give him all the space he needed until he was ready.

Sunday night, I woke up to the creak of my bedroom door opening and the dull hallway light flooding my room. I could barely make out a the loose pajama pants I had leant Brian since most of his seemed to be shredded when I was looking at his apartment.

I propped myself up on my elbows and motioned for him to come on and sit next to me on the bed.

"I didn't mean to wake you up.''

"It's okay. I was up before you came in," I lied, stiffling the yawn that tried to fight it's way out of my mouth.

"I just had a bad dream."

Brian sounded so lost saying that, it was kinda scary.

"Damien, do you know what I told my dad when he asked who the girl I was crushing was?"

That question startled me. He had avoided the subject of his dad since I had called the police Thursday night. And the question itself was startling. Why would he want me to know who he was crushing on?

"I said it was a girl named Danielle because it started with the same first letters as his name. DA."

I could almost hear my heart pounding. DA? It didn't mean he was talking about me. He could have been talking about a kid named Daniel. But he only said DA not DAN... maybe...

I leaned in and kissed him lightly, giving him plenty of time to pull away. He didn't

I broke the contact and looked at him. He looked so... needy was the only word for it. Neeedy and loving. Like he could die happy now. But he'd much rather live to see what else was in store involving my mouth, his mouth and plenty of other parts of the body.

No words were needed as I pulled the loose T-shirt I was wearing off and slide out of my boxers without getting off the bed. Brian was a bit more shy about removing his clothes, perferring to stand, slide out of the pajama pants slowly, then sitting back down on the edge my bed.

I wasn't having any of that.

I pulled him back, seating him in my lap so he could feel just how excited I was and I could feel how much he wanted this.

"Brian?" I asked, hesitantly reach down and taking his half hard erection in hand.

"God, Damien... Please..." Brian gasped, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.

I smiled and began running my hand up and down his shaft with a slow and steady rythum. That seemed to be send him into a downward spirl as he moan and shouted how much he wanted me and how long he had.

I slowly snaked an arm around his back and ran a thin finger down the cleft of his a**. He moaned and bucked upwards. I took that as a sign to continue and worked my finger lower to his puckered entrance, kissing him as it slide in, unlubricated, but still, Brian didn't complain about any pain. After the type of sex he'd been through so far...

Why is it that reality always hits you when your about to do something you really want to do? I was ready to flip him over on his back and take him fast and hard, but reality informed me that the only reason he was consenting to this was because of the pleasure involved.

I slowed my hand on his c**k, and pulled my finger out of his a**. Brian graoned at the missing contact and opened his eyes to see why I had stopped. When I pushed him off my lap, the shock, pain, and just plain lose that bleed down his cheeks with his tears burned me deep down, but I didn't want him to be doing this because he needed someone to hold him for a night. I want to do this because he loved me and I loved him.

"Brian, don't cry. Just tell me why your here."

"I'm here because I love you."

"Why haven't you said anything before?"

"I didn't know if you felt the same."

"How did you know I felt the same tonight?"

"I just... hoped... guessed..."

I could tell he wasn't lieing, I just didn't know if he needed this as much as I did. I didn't know if he'd stay forever, if he'd follow me to the grave and back. I needed someone who could do anything I asked. I wasn't sure if Brian was quit ready for that responsabilty.

"Brian..." I sighed, "Are you sure?"

Brian nodded his head, eyes slightly downcast, like I was turning him down.

I pulled Brian back into my lap and he looked up a little shocked. I reach over to my bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lotion sitting on the edge. After coating my hand with a liberal amount, I slide two fingers in, gripping his erection in my other hand again.

Now, this entire time, I was hard as a rock, and when Brian's questing fingers brushed the head of my c**k lightly, I bucked upward hard, almost dislodging Brian.

"Mmmm... Damien, just do it now," Brian panted, grinding his hips into mine, causing a delisious amout of friction.

"Ahh... Brian, if I don't... prepar you... you'll bleed... and I'm not getting my sheets stained," I panted, Brian's finger working my head with the confidence of new kid and the expertice of a new born. Damn, his exploring was the hardest thing in the world to endure, so close yet so far way.

Brian bucked when I rubbed his prostate, screaming out in pleasure. Thank God, my parents were gone again.

After pushing a third finger into his tight entrance, I pulled out all my fingers, quickly coating my shaft with lotion and replacing my fingers with something bigger, harder, and thicker. Brian's groan at the lose of the fingers was quickly turned into a moan of pleasure as I hit him right *there* again.

God, he was tight. And hot. I wasn't going to be able to hold back long, but repeatedly impaling Brian on my shaft was very nice...

Brian let go when I ran my hand over his head, screaming my name. I threw him on the bed on his back, not breaking the conection between us, and began pounding in ruthlessly. The friction was unbarable and I was soon tumbling over the edge, screaming out my passion as Brian had.

I colapsed on top of him and listened as we both caught our breath. When I finally regained muscle control, I rolled off of Brian and pulled him to my chest, kissing his forhead and whispering a litany of promises into his ear as he drifted off into the deep recess of sleep, myself quickly following him...

And that is how I ended up here, at a coffee shop down the street from AU with my soulmate seated in my lap, drinking his favorite frappicino and kissing me every now and then as he reads this while I type.

Brian and I are both in college, Brian majoring in phsycology, myself a math major, one of the most brilliant AU has seen in a while. Brian's tutoring in senior year really payed off.

We're both happy and plan to get married after college. I really can't say there's an end to this story because, even after we're gone, it will continue with any kids we deside to adopt and then with their kids.

~*`The End`*~

Review!! Please? cry Thankie much! xd

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