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View User's Journal

Wallowing in Thought
Smart Alecks and Bad Situations...
This is a story I wrote on a different user as my journal. It's a semi-daydream I had about starting a new school in the middle of the year for the second time.

Chapter 1
The entire room looked up as the door to the class room opened. A girl about fourteen, fifteen, possible a young sixteen walked in with enough confidence to make it look like she did it every day. She glared slightly at every one, dug into her pocket for the note the woman in the office had given her, and handed it to the teacher.

Her name was Brittany Hyde, and it was her first day at a new school. She was terrified even if she looked cool and confident. She rhythmically cracked her knuckles, even thought they had stop making the calming craking noise almost two hours ago. I've been to enough new schools to know that kids feed on fear. Confidence is key, was the only thing she was thinking.

"Ah, a new student. Well... Brittany, can you tell us a bit about yourself?" the teacher asked, tryng a nearly failing at forcing a smile onto her face. She already had to many kids in her class, she didn't need any more.

"Like?" Brittany asked in a cold tone.

"Well, your likes, dislikes, and things you're good at," Mrs. Hackenschmidt asked, eyes hardening slightly.

"I like to listen to music, I hate coming to school, and I'm good at getting in trouble."

Brittany smirked as she looked at the entire class staring at her. She knew she had to make an impression on them if she was going to get exactly where she wanted to be. She alos knew that the 'In' crowd was not where she was going, even if she pretended to be perfect, so why bother? Half the class was wearing 'In' crowd signature clothes (They were all the same, no matter where you went) and they would all hate Brittany in a few days any way.

"Um.... well, Britta-"

"Bri. I prefer to be called Bri."

"Well, okay. Bri you can sit by Ryan Middle over there. Ryan raise your hand please."

But no one raised their hands.

"Ryan? Raise your hand."



A boy towards the back of the class jumped slightly and his headphones fell to the floor. Brittany laughed quietly as Mrs. Hackenschmidt started telling the boy- Ryan- off. Brittany had known he was wearing headphones. His mouth kept moving slightly to the words of whatever music he was listening to and his head nodded up and down every once in a while. Brittany walked over and sat in the empty seat next to him, even as Mrs. Hackenschmidt continued to scold him. She leaned over the desk and picked up the head phones.

He was listening to Breaking Benjamin.


Brittany handed them over to Ryan and watched as his cheeks turned fairly pink with a blush. Ryan quickly tried to hide it with a scowl, but didn't manage very well.

"Thanks," he muttered under his breath, stuffing the head phones into his back pack and digging around to turn off his CD player or MP3 player or whatever he had in there.

"No prob," Brittany replied with a barely noticeable smirk.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

The rest of the hour passed as smoothly as anyone could hope. And so did Brittany's next class, even though she didn't have a change of clothes for Phys Ed. Mr. Habeeb let her off since it was her first day. Everything was so routine, just like her other school. Boring. But thankfully it had taken all of first hour to get her registered, so right after Phys Ed, Brittany headed off for the cafeteria.

And found exactly who she was looking for.

Ryan was sitting on the stage, digging through a paper bag. His back pack was sitting on his right side, so Brittany made straight for his left.

"Hey, can I join you?"

Ryan jumped slightly, only just managing to hold onto his lunch bag. When he saw Brittany, though, he glared slightly.

"Whatever," he said before going back to digging though his lunch, trying to ignore her.

Brittany hopped up onto the stage, ignoring the looks the entire cafeteria was giving her. Apparently no one talked to Ryan. Perfect.

"Ya know, we aren't technically supposed to eat up here," Ryan said, pulling out a can of Pepsi.

"So why are you?" Bri asked, pulling out her own can of soda and completely ignoring the rest of her lunch. It was all crushed, anyway.

"This is the best way to get people to leave me the hell alone," Ryan said pointedly.

"Then we're here for the same reason," Bri said, looking up at Ryan and smiling seductively.

"Damn, now that ain't fair. You got an advantage over me. You're hot and you know it," Ryan said, smiling himself.

Now, Bri knew no such thing. She looked in the mirror every morning and grimaced, trying everything to make herself look a little better in her eyes. But at least it was a compliment.

"Hell no, I'm not," she said, fishing out a notebook that all her friends had signed on her last day at her old school. She smiled again, catching some of the things that they had written.

Don't get pregnant, jumped out at her and she laughed, remembering why her friend Mandy had always said that.

"What's so funny?" Ryan asked, leaning over to look at the notebook, too.

"Just something a friend wrote. So what were you listening to this morning?"

"Just some music..." Ryan trailed off, reading all the stuff on the cover of Bri's notebook as she set it down.

"Like Breaking Benjamin?"

"Yeah, got a problem?" Ryan snapped, looking up at her.

"No," Bri answered calmly, "I listen o them whenever my mom will give me the CD."


"Really. Why? Is that so strange?"

"Well, kinda. No one around here listens to them."

"Well, no one ends with us," Bri said, smiling as she opened her soda.

"Sure. So does that mean you're doing to hang out with me continuously like a crazed fangirl?" Ryan asked.

"Hell no," Bri said, "But I am going to hang out with you."

And she did.

Chapter 2 (Kinda...)
"So, were you telling the truth? Earlier, I mean. In Language Arts," Ryan asked as he and Brittany walked to the apartment complex they both coincidentally lived in.

"What do you mean?" Brittany asked, realizing what he meant right after she asked. "Yes, I'm good at getting in trouble, doing things wrong, and getting bitched at. But, honestly, I think I'm even better at bitchin' back." Brittany laughed at the look on Ryan's face.

But the look was wiped away as a blur of black and grey tackled him and started giving him a noogie saying, "You stuck to it this quarter!"

"Get off me! Get off me!" Ryan shouted, wrestling with the guy on top of him. "Come on, Zeek! I still gotta introduce you!"

That got them to stand up. Zeek was taller then Ryan, who was taller then Brittany, by about three inches. He had blue eyes like aquamarines that shone with mischief. His hair was that kind that was obviously dyed black, but it was a good look on him. The tan he had acquired while doing whatever he did while not in school was even and dark. He'd make a good wrestler, Brittany thought.

"Bri, this is my brother, Zeek. Zeek, this is... well, the new girl, Bri."

Brittany got an actor's hurt look and pouted. "What? You don't consider me a friend?"

"Not after just one day."

Brittany smacked Ryan in the back of the head, much to Zeek's delight, as he started laughing hysterically. And because laughter is so contagious, Brittany and Ryan started laughing.

When the three of them finally began moving again, Brittany took a moment to really look Zeek and Ryan over.

Ryan was tall, too, but shouter than Zeek. He had black roots and really light brown tips. His hair was pretty long, which would normally have put Brittany off of the idea of being friends with him, but, like his brother's obviously died black hair, it was a good look on him. He had the pail skin that would have looked good on his brother, but it looked good on Ryan, too. But, honestly, they looked absolutely nothing a like.

"How are you two brothers? All the bothers and sisters I've every met looked slightly a like," Brittany asked.

"Well, we only say we're brothers. I'm a foster child," Ryan said, almost nonchalantly.

"I have a friend who is like a sister. And I have a sister who I should call a stranger. And they're both insane," Brittany replied.

"Hey, Zeek," Ryan said, looking at his 'brother', "I just thought of something. Why are you out here? Zeek's a real couch potato," Ryan said, turning to smile at Brittany.

"Dad's drunk again. I really don't feel like having a bruise for a few weeks."

"Where are you guys going to go? I'd offer to let you come over to my place, but it's a mess... and my mom'll freak if she finds out I was home alone with two guys," Brittany said.

Zeek and Ryan stopped and looked at each other. Then, they both turned to Brittany. "We could always go to our usual rest spot. You could come, too. But you'd have to let us do all the talking," Zeek cautioned.

"Where are we going?" Brittany asked curiously.

"Just... somewhere," Ryan said, slightly distantly.

He sped up slightly, walking ahead of Zeek and Brittany.

"What's up with him?" Brittany asked.

"He doesn't like taking people to-" Zeek caught himself and restarted, "He doesn't like bringing new people. He's had problems with the place we're going to and new people."

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

((From here, there's an alternate section. I finally managed to get into the user. If you want to critic the alternate part (As I think most people will like that part more that part more than the next part) click here. Go to the Navigation Bar beneath the head phones, click Works in Progress, and it's all the way down at the bottom. Only un-bolded, sorry.

Review: Here->NavBar->Works in Progress->Bottom of Page))

Bri looked around at the dingy industrial-line-turn-indoor-skate-park Zeek and Ryan had taken her to.

It was dark, dispite the fluorescent lights hanging over head, and there weren't any skaters. Instead there were a bunch of people sitting on top of the ramps and either making out with each other, drinking, or smoking what she hoped were only cigerettes.

"...Interesting choice. Me personally would have gone with the mall for a few hours," Bri said, almost joking.

Zeek laughed but Ryan only smiled an altogether forced smile onto his face.

"We gotta take you to meet Ricky. He likes to know about everyone who comes here," Ryan said, waving an arm around him, gesturing around the room.

Bri followed Ryan around as Zeek chattered on and on and waved at people as they passed. Ryan was going towards a ladder in the corner of the room that lead up to a... box, basicly, hanging above the room. In a different world, when this was probably a factory for assembling toys or something, the box would have been used as an office, where the boss could over see everything with out leaving the quiet of his paper work. A guy a few years older than herself stood staring out the windows at Brittany.

What's his problem? Bri asked, picking up her pace to catch up with her guides, realizing she had slowed considerably to watch the stranger stare down at her with his emotionless grey eyes.

Bri and Ryan climbed the ladder leading up to the box hanging from the ceiling. Bri straightened behind Ryan and watched the man who had been standing at the window watching her turn around slowly.

She tried to ignore him by paying more attention to the room around her. There was an oak desk on the side of the room that the guy had been standing on, a few book shelves on a stretch of wall that didn't have any windows, and a door that opened onto a small balcony that wrapped around the edge of the box.

She immediatly felt all the alarm bells in her mind go off at once as she turned her eyes back to the other man occupying the room. In person, this guy - Ricky - had ''Bad News'' written in bold across his forhead, ''Danger'' written on his back, and ''a*****e'' written on the air around him. She tryed hard not to glare, but couldn't stop her eyes from narrowing.

"Ricky, this is my friend, Bri. Just thought I'd introduce you..." Ryan said, trail off as Ricky walked forward in a way that was menacing and graceful all at once. He stressed the word friend slightly, Bri noticed.

"Hello, Bri. Would that be short for Brianna or Brittany?" Ricky asked, ignoring Ryan almost completely. His voice was smooth and oiled as though he had swalled a mouth full of the s**t before speaking. He had a slight Roman accent, but the looks of a Chinese-American.

"Brittany," Bri said.

"Brittany," Ricky purred, rolling the name around on his tongue.

Bri almost threw up, gagged the bile back down and managed to force a smile onto her face. Ricky was definitely the down-side to this aspect of Ryan and Zeek's life. Oh, where is Zeek? Bri thought, looking down through the window she hadn't realized she'd backed up towards.

There Zeek was, off to the side of the ladder, down on the ground where Bri wished she still was, smiling like a mad man while a girl wearing a hot pink tube top over a black net top, with a skirt almost to short to be called that hanging all over him.

"Get him up here!" Ricky snapped, noticing where Zeek was standing.

Ryan looked anxiously at Bri before climbing back down the ladder. Bri frowned slightly, chewing on her lower lip. Ricky ran his eyes down her body shamefully, ignoring her glare, which surfaced soon after he decided she was just a prize that needed winning.

Zeek climbed through the hole in the floor before Ryan, still smiling insanely. Ryan looked sick.

"I'm glad you've decided to join us, Zeek," Ricky said, a bitter note hanging in the air. "I have a new job for you two. Just a regular pick up job. Mike has money he owes... Take Bri with you. I'd like to involve her in our orginization."

Bri raised and eyebrow as Zeek said something she didn't pay attention to and took three one-strap backpacks that seemed empty, handed one to Ryan and one to Bri, and started down the ladder once more. Ryan followed but before Bri could, Ricky took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

She was almost sick again.

As she made her way down the ladder, she pasued, eyes entranced by the rather large pile of money beneath the oak desk Ricky was moving towards. Her eye wide, Bri decided her best bet was to get as far away as possible from this guy. She let go of the rung she was holding and moved her feet to the outer edge of the ladder, allowing her to slide to the bottom faster than she ever would have been able to climb.

"Come on guys -" Bri started, but was cut off by Ryan in mid-rant.

"- And if Ricky gets her killed like he got Emily killed -"

"- Killed? I can't get killed! My mom'll kill me!" Bri shouted, beginning to realize just how in over her head she was.

"He won't get her killed! Didn't you notice? He's got the hots for her!" Zeek shouted, laughing as he said the last bit. Ryan paled even more at that, and Bri almost got sick. I'm doing that a lot today.

"And if he ever gets sick of her, I'll take full resposiblity for everything that happens to her," Zeek said, clapping Ryan on the back.

Ryan smiled weakly as he said, "That isn't very comforting."

Bri, Ryan and Zeek headed towards the door, Zeek trying hard to make everyone laugh while Ryan sulked. Bri paused at the door and turned to look back at the box hanging from the ceiling. Ricky was standing at the window, staring down at her again.

She got the impression that he did that to everyone.

I know there's more that I wrote, but I can't get to the journal on the other user, so you'll just have to wait 'till I can get to the computer I originally typed it on. sweatdrop Oh, please critic me all you want, I need it.

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