I arrived to CA just a little bit before AX began, so I had some free time to do the whole tourist thing surprised but not in a noob way. Growing up in a tourist location, not nearly as big as the whole LA and Hollywood and Disneyland thing, still I knew some of the basic things of how a good tourist should act. One, never ask for directions. Two, don't walk around with your mouth hanging open. Three, no stupid screaming or pointing at anything even if Jesus himself was walking down the street. I think those are some pretty universal things a good tourist shouldn't do...and my goodness I hate it when people do that where I live.
So I actually took a Hollywood tour. Really. My boyfriend found a cool tour called Dearly Departed, which showed all sorts of non-shiney happy things which you wouldn't get on a normal tour. And I saw Bob Barkers house xd ! While I was in Hoolywood I went through the Genuis Book of Wold Records museum...not very impressive, I don't reconmend it. Sadly the Erotic Museum was closed or I would have gone in there *tear*. And of course I expierenced the terror of driving in LA traffic. The only other things I did before the convention was see Superman Returns in a theatre next to my hotel, and I ate at a few resturants that aren't around where I live but I get the ******** commericals for them anyways....man Carl's Jr. has some good food!
At AX I was really impressed with how big everything was. The only other convention I had been at before was Anime Detour in the lobby area of a hotel in St. Paul. AX was huge! The crowd was huge too, so I didn't get to see some of the main events like the Full Metal Alchemist Movie or the Masqurade. (Personally, I think the staff they had for video and sound was full of s**t. All things on video displayed constantly went fuzzy which took too ******** long to fix, or they would just cut the feed! Sound levels were rarely right either. And I'm not just talking from no expeirence. In High School I was part of a club which worked lighting and sound in the theatre, autitorium, and other system wired throughout the school. In my Junior High I helped set up a camera system which allowed people with small children or for the physically disabled to watch a presentation that occured in the gymnasium in the comfert of the lunch room. Me and other high school kids set that up, those tech people at AX who should be professionals have no ******** excuse).
I also bought hentai ninja more to come later! GTG!
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Anyway I think one of my cool moment at AX was when I asked a question for the admins (why haven't more awsome hats like the Ducky Hat been released, fyi) and L0cke totally knew me by my signature. Oh yeah. That made my little heart happy, afterall signatures are suspossed to be...ya know....someones signature! And bobble bobbley bobblehead works great for me. I heart Bella McKain for making it for me.
(now for bitching!)
Now I forget a lot of what I meant to say about my trip. Ever since I got back things haven't seemed to go well for me. For the entire first half of this year I worked my a** off because my parents were paying for the majority of my trip. I slaved to get a 3.75 GPA at school while doing hours of yard work and house chores everyday. Also my boyfriend was doing the same for his Mom because she just moved into a new house and was also paying for the majority of his trip. See, I figured since I was working before I went my trip once I got back things would be back to normal. I mean if I was actually working a job doing yard work and house cleaning I could have made shitloads of money, but no, I did all I did for my parents. So now that I'm back they have the nerve to tell me how I reneed to repay them for what they put into my trip. ******** assholes! I could have gotten a standard job to pay for myself but they insisted I don't get a job and just do things for them. They insisted that part of my job for them was to do well in school which I owned at. And now that I completely did everything they ever asked of me they ******** want me to be their little slave for the rest of this year.