
This is a quest to get 1 of every item from Crate and Apparel. I need as much help as i can get because undoubtably it will take a long time to get these items... I will take Gold as well as items even used items that are on the following list in order of price:
The Masque - 100g

White Castaway Shirt - 150g

Pearl Castaway Shirt - 150g

Black Castaway Shirt - 150g

Grecian Top Brown with Rose Trim - 250g

Blue Grecian Top - 250g

Green Grecian Top - 250g

Castaway Blue Shorts - 250g

Castaway Stone Shorts - 250g

Castaway Rust Shorts - 250g

Suede Ribbed Shirt - 300g

Grecian Sandals Brown with Rose Trim - 300g

Blue Grecian Sandals - 300g

Blacklight Ribbed Shirt - 300g

Castaway Stone Jacket - 300g

Castaway Rust Jacket - 300g

Castaway Wash Jacket - 300g

Green Grecian Sandals - 305g

Castaway Leather Boots - 313g

Castaway Black Boots - 313g

Castaway Rust Boots - 313g

Grecian Shorts Brown with Rose Trim - 350g

Grecian Shorts Blue - 350g

Grecian Shorts Green - 350g

Sandy Baggy Jeans - 365g

Black Baggy Jeans - 365g

Coal Baggy Jeans - 365g

Sky Ribbed Pants - 375g

Blue Jeans - 385g

Brown Jeans - 385g

Slate Jeans - 385g

Suede Ribbed Pants - 400g

Brown Work Gloves - 400g

Green Work Gloves - 400g

Blue Work Gloves - 400g

Wrinkled Yellow Shirt - 430g

Wrinkled Orange Shirt - 430g

Wrinkled Green Shirt - 430g

Olive Loose Cotton Cargo Pants - 495g

Pale Green Rough Walking Shoe - 495g

Wooden Sandals - 500g

Tan Rough Walking Shoe - 500g

Brown Loose Cotton Cargo Pants - 505g

Grey Rough Walking Shoe - 510g

Blue Loose Cotton Cargo Pants - 515g

Green Bannded Shirt - 545g

Red Bannded Shirt - 545g

Blue Bannded Shirt - 545g

Gung Xi Pants - 550g

Rough Blue Jeans - 550g

Rough Black Jeans - 550g

Rough Off Blue Jeans - 550g

Brown Wrinkled Pants - 555g

Black Wrinkled Pants - 555g

Blue Wrinkled Pants - 555g

Brown Hiking Shoes - 575g

Sky Hiking Shoes - 575g

Bark Hiking Shoes - 575g

Brown Sleeveless Rough Top - 595g

Red Sleeveless Rough Top - 600g

Red Trim Work Shirt - 600g

Green Trim Work Shirt - 600g

Grey Trim Work Shirt - 600g

Blue Sleeveless Rough Top - 605g

Brown Wrinkled Vest - 626g

Black Wrinkled Vest - 626g

Blue Wrinkled Vest - 626g

Blacklight Ribbed Boots - 635g

Smoke Ribbed Boots - 645g

Suede Ribbed Boots - 650g

Rough Stratus Jacket - 680g

Rough Cirrus Jacket - 680g

Rough Cumulus Jacket - 680g

Brown Work Shoes - 700g

Green Work Shoes - 700g

Blue Work Shoes - 700g

Crimson Slick Cargo Pants - 745g

Gray Slick Cargo Pants - 750g

Blue Work Jeans - 750g

Purple Work Jeans - 750g

Black Work Jeans - 750g

Navy Slick Cargo Pants - 755g

SKA Wristband - 760g

Blue Pawprint Pajama Shirt - 850g

Red Pawprint Pajama Shirt - 850g

Green Pawprint Pajama Shirt - 850g

Blue Pawprint Pajama Pants - 850g

Red Pawprint Pajama Pants - 850g

Green Pawprint Pajama Pants - 850g

Fitted White Shorts - Tan Trim - 900g

Fitted White Shorts - Grey Trim - 900g

Fitted Black Shorts - Black Trim - 900g

Purple Beatnik Sandals - 950g

Brown Beatnik Sandals - 950g

Black Beatnik Sandals - 950g

Gold Tiger Pants - 950g

Pink Tiger Pants - 950g

Red Tiger Pants - 950g

White Tiger Pants - 950g

Black Beatnik Top - 1000g

Blue Beatnik Top - 1000g

Green Beatnik Top - 1000g

Gray SKA Shoes - 1090g

Blue SKA Shoes - 1090g

Brown SKA Shoes - 1090g

Chairo Cache Socks -1200g

Aoi Cache Socks - 1200g

Midori Cache Socks - 1200g

Green Star SKA Tshirt - 1200g

Yellow Star SKA Tshirt - 1200g

Red Star SKA Tshirt - 1200g

Purple Beatnik Skirt - 1350g

Brown Beatnik Skirt - 1350g

Black Beatnik Skirt - 1350g

Streaked Denim Jeans - 1650g

Streaked Brown Jeans - 1650g

Streaked Black Jeans - 1650g

Girls Gung Xi Shoes - 1700g

Yellow MehTRO T with Cross - 1900g

Blue MehTRO T with Cross - 1900g

Red MehTRO T with Cross - 1900g

Light Tanbark Leg Warmers - 2000g

Light Grey Leg Warmers - 2000g

Light Purple Leg Warmers - 2000g

Firestorm Dragon Slippers - 2000g

Icemist Dragon Slippers - 2000g

Jadeleaf Dragon Slippers - 2000g

Nightwind Dragon Slippers - 2000g

Straw Hat - 2095g

SKA Spectrum Belt - 2600g

SKA Rainbow Belt - 2600g

Chairo Cache Shoes - 2600g

Aoi Cache Shoes - 2600g

Midori Cache Shoes - 2600g

SKA Prism Belt - 2600g

Blue MehTRO Sports Jacket - 2890g

Red MehTRO Sports Jacket - 2890g

Green MehTRO Sports Jacket - 2890g

Navy Plaid SKA Pants - 2899g

Sauce Plaid SKA Pants - 2899g

Asphalt Plaid SKA Pants - 2899g

Girls Gung Xi Top - 3100g

Red Checkered Apron - 3410g

Green Checkered Apron - 3410g

Blue Checkered Apron - 3410g

Chairo Cache Pants - 4300g

Aoi Cache Pants - 4300g

Midori Cache Pants - 4300g

Chairo Cache Coat - 4900g

Aoi Cache Coat - 4900g

Midori Cache Coat - 4900g

Acid Wash MehTRO Jeans - 4969g

Tan MehTRO Jeans - 4969g

Black MehTRO Jeans - 4969g

Blue SKA Coat - 5900g

Red SKA Coat - 5900g

Green SKA Coat - 5900g

Nightwind Dragon Gown - 7000g

Firestorm Dragon Gown - 7000g

Icemist Dragon Gown - 7000g

Jadeleaf Dragon Gown - 7000g

Green Upsidedown Coat - 9120g

Purple Upsidedown Coat - 9120g

Brown Upsidedown Coat - 9120g

Dark Upsidedown Coat - 9120g

Spring Green Kimono - 9300g

Wild Orchid Kimono - 9600g

Autumn Leaf Kimono - 9900g

Inner Fire Kimono - 10100g

Royal Kimono - 10777g

Purplemarine Upsidedown Boots - 18200g

Redhot Upsidedown Boots - 18200g

Aquamarine Upsidedown Boots - 18200g

Neos Upsidedown Boots - 18200g

Purplemarine Upsidedown Top - 19500g

Redhot Upsidedown Top - 19500g

Aquamarine Upsidedown Top - 19500g

Neos Upsidedown Top - 19500g

It Wont Take Much For The First Items But I really Have To save Up For The Others So Please Donate Used Or New Items Or Gold. Thank You.
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