I'm gonna die. Just watch. I'm gonna get a bladder infection due to an excessive amount of bacteria in my.....
Today, second period, I just had to urinate so bad. Then I realized, "Uh-oh... my pads are in my backpack." I didnt want to just take one out in front of everybody! I mean, the wrappings are bright yellow. SOMEONE was bound to notice. So... I left without one.
I've come to the conclusion that if I get a bacteria build-up in my YEAH, its the school's fault and I can sue them. Yep. Their fault for forcing us into an uncomfortable environment. Oh, and are they really allowed to lower our grade for the day for needing to relieve ourselves?! Mine got lowered to a B for the day. I'm gonna take this to the proper authorities.
One more thing. I dunno if its just me, so please answer. HAS ANYONE EVER NOTICED THAT SOMETIMES YOU GET GOOSEBUMPS WHEN USING THE POTTY?
It happens to me and I dont know why.... eek
heart Alli~Monae
Alli~Monae II · Sat Sep 02, 2006 @ 08:07am · 2 Comments |