This is my story as a loner. There is not much to tell so here goes nothing....
I have had an extremely hard life and now I have to start over again. My pass life still remains unknown even to me. I believe that this is my second chance for a new begining but what does the future hold for me? I have beem forced to live in the human world and gain control of my demon side, there is alot of anger inside of me. sometimes I have trouble controlling I but hopefully I will to regain that control. I realize that I'm new here and I have to humble myself to those with more knowledge than me. At least here I can be more of myself. I find that the human race is very deceptive and I have a hard time trusting them. I feel that everything seems so confusing to me......what do I do now? As you view my daily writings please post you opinons I will keep you update as my life progresses.
Thank you and ENJOY!!!
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Life As the White Wolf
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