Strong Man Competition
Lifting the weight above his head
His arms swell like a ripe tummy
Strength and life, 9 months in the making
Confidence flaring, smiles glaring, pictures taken
He held the whole world over his head that day
The day he made history
The day one sweaty hand
Would change History
The Worlds strongest man
Must have seen it in painfully slow motion
There was nothing he could do
It was out of his control
His best friend, life partner, and coach
All of them turned on him all at once
And the world came crashing down
Stale air settled into the lungs of every man and woman
Their breaths would have been a waste
Of the precious oxygen a champion needs
And with resounding footsteps paramedics trickled forward
To the fallen Goliath and his faithful David
“He’s dead…”
Flowers filled the room
Almost as many flowers as there were speechless faces
No wife
No children
His only friend was his unraveling
And now he lays
Unrecognized, underappreciated, and disgraced
They buried him in his best suit
They buried him with his best friend
And they buried him with his worst enemy
I closed the book
Of this disgraced fallen hero
On his shoulders stood the smiling faces of 1938
A time of hardship and suffering
A time where one weightlifter held the world on his shoulders
And one slippery hand
Spelled his early demise
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The Misinterperated Misadventures of Me
Im just gonna post some wierd s**t
Lvl: 0
Exp: 34/100
HP: 8
CP: 8
Lvl: 0
Exp: 34/100
HP: 8
CP: 8