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Continuing on from the "Journal description", this is also a place where I will make random stuff, and a place where I will show off my "artsy-fartsy" side. :XP:
Senseless Hating: WHY?
MOOD: Apathetic and VERY sick
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Take That - Broken your Heart

Okay, let me ask everyone a question. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH ALL THIS SENSELESS HATING? [pantpantgaspgasp] Just when I think all the hating on Inuyasha characters (especially Kagome and Kikyou) had finally died down, I come back and find something like THAT piece of garbage sitting around in the AMC forums. Whether it's an actual topic or a post within a thread, it's rather offensive, in that this person was insulting the actual mangaka.

I know this is something trivial, but this IS my journal, and I definitely labled it "Rantings you really don't want to hear". So anyway, the first this this chick does is rape emotes. I've seen this done before, but the fact that this lady was trying to sound intelligent, yet, at the same time, raping emotes like that just annoyed me. Hence I could not keep myself from writing a reply, which is written below. Without further ado, my rebuttal to her stupid response to Satsun-chan's Pro-Kagome thread.

Before I begin my rebuttal, allow me to clear some things up. By insulting Kagome as being a "Mary Sue", then you're accusing Takahashi of being in the exact same level as those foaming rabid fangirls out there, correct? Well, let me set some things straight. If you're going to accuse Takahashi of putting down her "day-dreams" on a random piece of paper, then just go and hate the rest of the writing and comic book community.

A lot of people get their inspiration from many different things: movies, other books, commercials, random things they see in the streets, personal experiences, and yes, LE GASP! things like dreams and day dreams also fall into this category. Just so you know, characters are developed out of these ideas and a lot of authors model their main characters after themselves or people they're very close to.

If you're going to insult Kagome as being a character created out of Takahashi's wild fantasies, then just hate the literature and arts world, why don't you? Honestly, if you want to hate a character that isn't even the slightest bit Mary-Sue-ish, then why don't you take your abnormally large nose out of the world of writing and comics. It should be good riddance for the rest of society.

The only difference between a rabid fangirl-created story, and a successful and well written story is that the writer will not make the protagonist "annoyingly perfect" to the point where the reader hates him/her. Because, as you know, protagonists are designed to be liked. They all have their pitfalls and their ups and downs. Yes, Kagome is included. And I will show you just what separates her from Mary Sues.


Of course I could be wrong, but that's the impression I'm getting from your hatred towards Kagome's character.

Now, enough of my rant and on with the rebuttal.

rofl rofl rofl rofl


Don't rape emotes. What the hell did they ever do wrong to you anyway? Honestly, what is WRONG with Gaians these days? Whatever happened to nettiquette?

Anyways, on to my point. I don't hate Kagome for ANY of those reasons. I hate Kagome for one simple, reason. She is a big fat...MARY-SUE. She's JUST like those characters we all hate, that are written into fanfiction.

Don't think that you're any different from the raving, "ANTI-KAGOME-RAWR-RAWR-SHE-DESERVES-TO-DIE", psychotic fantards out there, because by simply reading this, I can smell jealous fangirl all over it.

Kagome isn't a Mary Sue. Like every other character, she has her flaws, and they are NOTICABLE... VERY noticeable. Just because Kagome admits her flaws, doesn't necessarily make her perfect. Despite the fact that she understands them, she keeps on making mistakes anyway.

And do you want to know what the typical "Mary Sues" from fantarded fanfics are REALLY like? Let me jog your memory with several "TYPICAL" Mary Sues and give you reasons WHY Kagome does not fall under them.

1. A perfect girl who is so beautiful even the villains fall in love with the character, hence leaving her completely unharmed. Houjou, Kouga, and Inuyasha may be in love with her, but Sesshoumaru isn't, and neither is Naraku, Hakudoushi, Byukuya, Toutousai, myouga, Miroku, Shippou, and many other male characters.

2. Someone who has ultimate power; in other words someone who is so strong, killing off 10,000 henchmen at once isn't much of a workout. I don't think Kagome ever took out that many youkai with her haja no ya.

3. The Mary Sue is the MAIN CHARACTER, as in the NUMBER ONE protagonist. Kagome may be the female lead, but she is certainly not the main character, nor is she stronger than Inuyasha himself - physically.

4. Mary Sues normally have a bitchy attitude that everyone else in the story doesn't seem to mind. Kagome may get angry at Inuyasha, she may osuwari him, but she does NOT have a bitchy attitude, nor is she sassy.

5. A girl who has absolute control over all the characters. She outsmarts everyone around her, and everything she does is completely flawless. In addition, the Mary Sue will often flaunt this in a manner so annoying it makes people like me want to e-rip the story to shreds. Kagome certainly does not outsmart anyone. She may come up with good ideas here and then, but never does she flaunt them. And she's not the only one who comes up with plots. Miroku is also someone who comes up with clever ideas.

6. A Mary Sue's plan will ALWAYS work, no matter what the cost is. Kagome's plans don't always work. Example: in the latest chapter, she tries to hit Kanna's mirror monster with her Haja no ya, but it doesn't work.

7. Again, Mary Sues are always overly angsty (hence their bitchy attitudes) and over-the-top dramatic. Kagome may be "over-dramatic", but that is normally done as humor for filler episodes (which aren't even canon) and some humorous canon episodes. And she is certainly NOT overly angsty. Kagome is relatively satisfied with her life.

8. Though this is not always the case, a lot of these Mary Sues are called "Goths" and hang out in cliques acting as though they own the world. Once more, Kagome is certainly NOT a goth, nor does she belong in any "clique". And no, the Inu-tachi is not something I would consider a clique. Here's my reason why:

A small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.

As you've witnessed in the anime, Kagome more than willingly proposes to Miroku, Sango, and Shippou to come along with her and Inuyasha with their quest to find all the shikon no kakara. She is not forced, and she is very cordial about it.

9. If the Mary Sue starts off as a weak character she always gets some sort of over-the-top power-make-over. Kagome may turn hanyou in those deluded fanfics I run into at FF.net, but she certainly does not in the orignal show. Kagome's skills may have improved, but never has she gone from being very bad at the bow to suddenly aiming and whacking at youkai buttholes and eyeballs. Like all other characters, she has a gradual development in her skill with the bow and arrow.

I've always been anti-Kagome...I will ALWAYS be anti-Kagome. She is a boring, typical character. You see Kagome's EVERYWHERE.

Correction: no you don't. Kagome has a rare personality. I don't suppose I've ever met anyone who openly accepts his/her feelings like her, anywhere. if you hate her so much for being "typical", then go around hating every other Japanese anime female protagonists, won't you?

Oh, I'm so proud of you! Now go take your senseless hate and shove it up your jealous fanbrat a**.

And then her friend came along and started posting all this B.S. So I gave her something to chew on. But since she called herself a "mule", I don't think it's going to get across her lead-skull and into her pea-sized brain.

Mary-Sues aren't just fanfictional characters. They can exist in books, comics, television shows, and successful anime alike. A prime example would be Phoebe Halliwell from Charmed. Even Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Your very ignorant if you think otherwise.

I know that. You don't need to remind me - which makes you ignorant for not reading my post properly. I never once stated that Mary Sues only existed in fanfics.

As for my opinion on Kagome....she just doesn't do it for me. Her personality is atrocious. It's so common in the world of anime, yet some how...she's far more annoying then a lot of other characters (Bulma and Chi Chi from Dragon Ball Z were just as bad).

Yeah, because anime has a specific style. Again, as I've told your friend, if you don't like Kagome then go ahead and hate every other female lead characters from anime. Oh, and atrocious doesn't describe Kagome's personality. Just so you know, Kagome is not brutal, black-hearded, or cruel. Nor is she "mannerless". You chose the wrong word to describe her.

Not liking Kagome is fine, but comparing her to other characters is retarded. Characters vary, you obviously do not know that. If Kagome just doesn't do it for you, then state it and leave it at that, or else you're just asking for trouble.

It's nearly identical to the manga, and anime, Blue Seed. The difference? Blue Seed isn't nearly as dragged on, boring, and predictable as Inuyasha has always been. It was an original idea. One that Takahashi recycled, and destroyed.

I've seen a lot of episodes for Blue Seed, enough to know the plot, and let me tell you this. IT. IS. NOT. LIKE. INUYASHA. PERIOD. Quite frankly speaking, in my opinion, I found Blue Seed boring, yet you don't see me trashing those threads with senseless hate, now do you? "Inuyasha" was, as Hanibi says, based off of "Firetripper" and Japanese mythology. I fail to see how Blue Seed and Inuyasha relate to each other.

Momiji was a GREAT character. Kady was a GREAT character. Kusanagi was a GREAT character.

Kagome is an AWFUL character. Kikyo is an AWFUL character [Compared to Kady at least]. Inuyasha is an AWFUL character.

Again, it's only a matter of opinion. You may think that way, but there are plenty others out there who beg to differ.

Obviously Takahashi isn't such an imaginative person after all, hm?

Oh yes, she isn't and neither are the rest of the mangaka. Funny how - with her "crappy stories" - she's quickly become VERY popular. There are reasons why an author or mangaka becomes popular, and that is because most of society choose to like it. Don't like it? Deal with it.

Now, why the need to insult my friend? Why the need to get bitter, and hateful? She merely stated her opinion (Though those emotes weren't called for, but knowing Lee...she used them for emphasis). Learn to accept it, after all everyone in the world has an opinion. Some of us share those opinions, some of us don't.

O-ho! She merely stated her opinion, AND added a bit of hatred into that. Being anti-character is not cool, and it's also one of my biggest pet peeves. And I merely shot back. Learn to accept the fact that not everyone is going to be nice about it.

I'm not going to be able to make you see the reason why Kagome would be considered a Mary-Sue (I don't believe that is the correct term...I'll need to research it on Wikipedia, though the term has a very similar meaning as Mary-Sue). Lee's not going to be able to do it. In fact, no one would be able to do it, as judging by your post, your a 'full of yourself' hateful person. At least, to people who don't agree with you.

You're not, because you can't. Why? Because she isn't one.

Edit: Also, making assumptions, about people you don't know nothing about isn't the wisest of things. You DON'T know Lee. You read a mere three sentences, she wrote after having a bad day (She usually isn't so straight forward with things. She's usually more inclined to stay silent, so her mere posting of that is proof enough that she had a bad day.)

But, as I was saying, don't make assupmtions about people you don't know. Lee is not, nor has she ever been a 'jealous fantard'. Inuyasha is one of the very few animes that she has seen, that she dislikes greatly. Some characters more then others. Kagome would be that character in this case.

Don't make things PERSONAL. Another one of my pet peeves... which is probably why we will never get along.

And you ask us not to make assumptions on people we don't know? Let me tell you this missy, how the HELL do you know who I am? Who the hell do you think you are telling me not to make assumptions about others and then immediately calling me a "hateful" person who is so full of herself? Do you KNOW me? No. So shut your trap.

Since when did I make any assumptions about your friend, huh? LOOK at my post. I may have called her names and I may have been insulting, but I haven't judged her personally. I simply made a comment based off her post, you hypocitical little p***k.

I am a mule. I'm much to worried, your bitterness would spread to leaving hateful comments on my profile page.

So what? Who cares? I don't care if you're stubborn or not. That isn't going to stop me from adding a bit of my own two little cents, now is it?

You don't know me, so you shouldn't jump the conclusions and call me a bitter hateful person because, I'm actually quite the opposite. I also say that you have the brain the size of a sesame seed. I don't insult people through PMs or comments. You can check them all you'd like, and you'll find that I have NOT written any comments, and I never will. Oops! You just judged me... AGAIN! ZOMG! THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END!!!!1111!!! rolleyes

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 13, 2006 @ 08:41am
Saw that post and replied to it (as you well know - still agree with you 100% even with the addition). smile Wat makes it worse is that even when you correct them and point out their faults, they deny it and claim they're using their right to 'freedom of speech'. Yeah, whatever.

Jealous fanbrats...seriously. Wish there was some kind of internet repelent that we coudl just point and click to make them disappear off the face of the earth.

::sighs:: Alas...it can never be.

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