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View User's Journal

Welcome to my world heart
Chapter 5
Chapter 5

Elizabeth shielded her eyes when the lights came on. “Can you worn me before you do that?” She asked Geoffrey when he was by her side. Geoffrey didn't answer her, but smiled instead. When she brought her hands down from in front of her she came face to face with big bookcase. It was full of really old books by the way their binds looked on them. The room smelled of dust and by the looks of things it didn't look like the room has been taken care of in a really long time. Book shelves were lined up along every wall covered in books. The room inspired Elizabeth for some reason. She felt at home in this dusty common sized library. It looked small from the inside because of all the bookcases, but Elizabeth was sure it was bigger then she thought.
After a few minutes of silence Elizabeth became inpatient with his silence and asked, “Why did you take me here? And this time answer me.”
“I wanted to show you something.” He answered with that gorgeous smile of his. He walked through the long aisles with Elizabeth following close behind. She noticed dates on the binds of some of the books they passed by. Astonishment over took her with some of the dates she read. 1720, 1750, 1800's it goes on. One even read 1600's. 'Did books date back that far?' She wondered to herself before bumping into Geoffrey when he stopped suddenly.
He searched through the books for a couple of seconds then pulled out a beautiful red and gold cover book. It was dusty like all the rest of the books, but it looked like it was in better condition then the rest. Geoffrey handed her the red book and Elizabeth took it with caution. “Relax. It won't bite you.” He said with a laugh building up in his chest. She yanked the book out of his hand annoyed with him always joking. She read the cover. “The Forgotten Memory by Geoffrey Conner.” She read out loud. “No way! You wrote this book?” She asked him in amazement and disbelief.
He nodded his head. “Please save all question until after you read it.” He turned around and walked back toward the door. She chased after him. “How could I have questions about it? I haven't read anything yet, but the cover so far.” She asked when she finally caught up to him.
Geoffrey turn around to face her when he was about to step out into the hall way. His face was very serious now and Elizabeth wonder if she should of kept her mouth shut. “I want you to read it.” He said in a stern tone to his voice. “Don't ask questions about what you read until you have finished the book. Some of the things you may not like what you read. If you feel uncomfortable staying here after that perfectly fine. Just asked Sarah to take you home and you forget about everything
that you've read or seen. Is this all very clear to you. I don't want you to feel like you have to stay here with vam. . . . . .” He stopped himself then continued. “My family and I. I just want you to know the truth about my family and I, that shouldn't be hidden from you.” He finished what he was saying and waited for a very confused Elizabeth to respond.
She has never really seen him this serious since that night in the subway. Shivers ran down her spine when a flashback of that man on top of her came to mind. She shook it away and asked. “What's this book about? I know you told me to wait until after I read it before asking question, but I have to know. Is it boring or is it good because if it's to boring then I most likely won't read it.” She was watching a mouse scurry from the corner of the room to the other side of the room when she asked him.
Geoffrey was patient with her and breathed in a deep breath and then let it out slowly before answering. “It's about our kind, my kind and it's not boring. You might be interested in it if you like that kind of stuff.” He waited for her to answer.
“What do you mean you kind? You mean like a religion?”
Geoffrey shook his head the smile same back on his face. “No not like a religion, more like a... Well just read it You'll know what I'm talking about.”
Elizabeth sighed. “Why can't you just say it. Tell me what you mean because I'm still lost here.”
Now annoyed with Elizabeth question he decided not to answer her. Instead he glided over to her and kissed her on the forehead. Once again Elizabeth felt like she was melting under his cool lips. “I'll be back in a few days.” He whispered into her hair. Elizabeth was to much in a days to realize what he had said. He stepped back from her with a smile across his his face and walked back out into the hall way. Before reality came back to Elizabeth, Geoffrey had left her side. She ran out in to the hall calling his name. She glanced down the hall to see if he was there, but no luck, he was gone. She turned in sadness not knowing where the sadness came from or even why she was sad in the first place. Just a she turned around Geoffrey was standing in front of her. He caught a tear that had fallen from her face. She didn't even realized it had fallen.
“Do you think that I would leave with out saying good bye?” He smiled as his hand tilted Elizabeth's chin up toward him. Her face blushed under his cold fingers as he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. This kiss was different from the other kisses he had given her. This kiss meant something more then just trying to get pleasure from it. What was it? Elizabeth didn't know, but something in her gut told her that this kiss meant something more then just fun and games, it meant love.
Elizabeth pulled away from him. He didn't stop her while she pulled away and she was great full for that. He smile once again and said, “Bye Liz. I hope to see you when I come back.” He winked and sprinted down the hall. A moment
later she heard what sounded like Edmund's voice calling Geoffrey.
She shook her head to focus on things happening now. She looked at the book that was on the floor and picked it up. She didn't notice it fell out of her hands. It must have been when Geoffrey kissed her that she let it slid from her shaking hands. Elizabeth read it again and wonder why it was called The Forgotten Memory. She sighed and walked back to the room she woke up in. 'Guess there's nothing for me to do accept read this book.' She said to herself while walking slowly down the hall trying to remember where the room was.
It wasn't long before she found the room. With a thankful sigh she opened the door and walked in. For some reason she looked from side to side before she entered the room. No one was out in the hall. No butler, no main, no one. Elizabeth felt awkward being in a house alone. Feeling depressed by being alone she flopped on the bed. She sat up and picked up the book to read it. “I guess I should read you before Geoffrey gets back.” She said to the book as she opened up to the first page. It read:
“My name is Geoffrey Connor and I am a vampire.”
Did Elizabeth read that right? Did the book that Geoffrey wrote himself say that he was a vampire? She read it over and over again hoping that it would some who change, but it didn't. It stayed where it was in ink. She continued to read a little more interested in reading it now.
“This journal will tell you everything you need to know about me and my kind. It tells you my life's story. From the day I crossed over to the vampire world and then 100 years after. I know what your thinking and it's most likely not true. Keep reading my little journal and I will tell you everything about my world. It will probably open new doors to you life now that you know what I am.”
It's funny. When Elizabeth read the journal it was like he had written it for her and her alone. She had read for hours chapter after chapter, page after page. She didn't put the book down for any reason. Mostly because she had nothing else to do, but she really enjoyed Geoffrey's journal a lot. Some parts she cried in other parts she laughed. There was one part that caught her attention the most. It was a girl named Elizabeth in his journal. It might be just a coincidence, but everything that Geoffrey explained about this girl was something that Elizabeth would do or be like.
He had met Elizabeth before he became a vampire. They were inseparable from the moment they laid eyes on each other. They did every thing together even though their family's didn't really like each other, just like Romeo and Juliet families. They met in secret after hours, but one night Geoffrey didn't showed up and Elizabeth began to worry. He didn't show up the next night either or the next. Days turned into a week then that week turned into two. Elizabeth got the point after two weeks of Geoffrey not showing up and she, in return didn't show up either.
One night when Elizabeth was walking home from her grandmother's house she had unexpectedly ran into Geoffrey. When their eyes met Elizabeth didn't feel the connection between them anymore. Her heart couldn't take it and so she push him away. “How could you!” She cried out to him. He did nothing, but stare. He knew she was hurt, but he couldn't be with her anymore. He leaned into kiss her one last time before saying he was sorry and that he loved her with all his heart. Which was why he must leave her. He wouldn't be able to handed himself if he killed her.
It all happened so fast Elizabeth didn't know what hit her and Geoffrey tried to stop himself, but it was to late. He was hungry. His hungry for blood over took him and he fed on Elizabeth. He had lost control of himself. His mind went blank as he fed forgetting who or what she was to him. The hunger inside him won as he drained her dry before he had realized what had happened. He was sickened with himself as he stared at his lovers cold dead face. His heart sank so deep he wept. Tears of blood streamed down his face as he yelled out into the world that was meaningless to him now. He bend over Elizabeth unmoving body and caressed her face while saying, “I'm sorry. I love you Elizabeth.”
Geoffrey left her in the dark ally way for he could not bare to look at his lovers face again. He was disgusted of what he had become and tried to kill himself many times after that cold night. That's was when he met Edmund. He himself was a vampire, but was already a couple of years older then Geoffrey was. In vampire years that is. In human years he looked to be in his mid thirties. Edmund had stopped Geoffrey from killing himself and told him stories of when he was a young vampire. It wasn't before long that Edmund had grown attached to Geoffrey and took him in under his care. They both decided to leave England with a group of religious people that were heading to a place called The New World. Edmund thought it was a wonderful idea to leave all the bad memories in England and start over in The New World. They boarded a ship called the Mayflower unnoticed. Which was what the religious people called the little boat.
It was the year 1620 when the ship sailed away from Geoffrey's home. He left his memories behind, but he never really wanted to forget about his love for Elizabeth so he wrote all his memories in this journal. Edmund became quickly know on the ship and said he would gladly help as a doctor on the ship. When someone became sick they would die shortly after. Well Edmund and Geoffrey had to feed some how. Not everyone that went and saw them was eaten by them. Edmund said he would help and he did like he said, but if every time someone went to him for help and came back dead. People would get suspicious about those too. So they just stuck with one human a week to share. They would only fed on a person if they both knew that that person wasn't going to survive even if they did try and help. The ship was crowed anyway so one person each week wasn't bad. It kept them at bay until their trip was over when they landed in The New World.
After what felt like hours of reading Elizabeth stopped reading. She set the book down on the night stand and said to the book, “I'll finish you tomorrow.” She hopped off the bed and fell to the floor with an aching stomach. Clenching her stomach to make the pain go away she said as her her stomach being to growl. “I guess I'm hungry.” She laughed at herself and headed out into the hall to find her way to the kitchen. She was sure Geoffrey wouldn't mind her raiding the fridge while he was gone. Did he have food? After all he is a vampire. Did they eat normal food like she did as well? While she was thinking and looking for the kitchen she didn't even realize that she was being followed.
“Can I help you with something dear?” Came a friendly voice from behind Elizabeth. It made her jump and it caused her to whirl around to see who it was. It was a woman fairly young maybe in her early twenties. She giggled at Elizabeth reaction. “I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to frighten you. My name is Sarah. You must be Elizabeth that Geoffrey was talking about? It's very lovely to finally meet you dear.” Sarah, Sarah where has Elizabeth heard that name before? Oh yeah it was when Geoffrey said to look for Sarah if she wished to go home after reading his journal. Sarah was very pretty. She had reddish brown hair that came down to her shoulders with green eyes. She was pale like Geoffrey and wonder if she was a vampire as well, but didn't ask. She didn't want to be rude. She really truly didn't mind Geoffrey and Edmund were vampire so if Sarah was one of them to she could accept that as well.
“Oh it's nice to meet you too Sarah.” Elizabeth had said as her stomach began to grumble with hunger. Sarah smiled and took Elizabeth arm and dragged her into the kitchen. “Lets see now.” Sarah asked while searching through the fridge. “What do you like to eat Elizabeth?”
“Umm anything really.” She responded quietly.
“Well that makes things easier for me.” She giggled and pulled out some eggs and sausage. “I hope you don't mind if we have breakfast for dinner.” She said while putting the stuff on the counter.
“No I don't mind. Is there anything I can help you with?” She thought she'd ask to be polite.
“Oh no thank you dear. You just make yourself comfortable at that table there.” Sarah told her while pointing to the kitchen table.
Elizabeth didn't argue and sat down while Sarah cracked eggs into a bowl. “How do you like your eggs to be cooked?”
“I like them scrambled.” She answered Sarah's question. Sarah nodded and got the milk out of the fridge and poured it into the eggs and began to scramble them.
Elizabeth mind began to wonder back to Geoffrey's journal. He must have been so heart broken when Elizabeth died at his hands. She also wondered why he wanted her to read it in the first. Was it because he didn't know how else to tell her
that he was a vampire. Elizabeth would have accepted him anyway. No matter how he confronted her about it. She was at first skeptical about it, but was sadden by his story and became sorry for him. What was it like to loose the one you love?
“Is everything alright hun?” Sarah asked when she saw the sad look on Elizabeth's face. The food was ready and because of how hungry Elizabeth was it smelled so good to her starving stomach. Sarah place a plate full of eggs and sausages in front of her.
“I'm fine. I think.” She insure Sarah while taking a bite out of her eggs. “These are really good!” She cried with joy. She wasn't sure if that was her hunger talking or if she really meant it, but they were good.
“Thank you. There I plenty here so eat up.” Sarah said in a cheerful tone.
Elizabeth nodded her head and took another bite. Her mind wonder back to Geoffrey. Sarah gave her a convincing look when Elizabeth expression fell again. “You found out didn't you?” She asked while preparing a plate for herself. This time Sarah's tone wasn't cheerful, but sad. Elizabeth didn't say anything, but nodded her head when Sarah turn back to her again.
“Do you wish for me to take you home?” Sarah asked while sitting down.
Elizabeth shook her head franticly. “Oh no. Please I wish to stay.”
“Then why are you sad then dear?” Sarah asked her with a worried expression on her face.
“I'm sad because... well I'm sad for Geoffrey. How he lost Elizabeth like that. It must have been hard on him. To lose his first love and to become a vampire all at once. I pity him so much.” A tear fell from her eye.
Sarah got up and hugged Elizabeth. “Oh sweetie. It happened so long ago Geoffrey is over that by now. Do not pity him for he doesn't wish for anyone to pity him.”
Elizabeth hugged Sarah back awkwardly and nodded hear head. They eat in silence the rest of their meal until they did the dishes. Elizabeth had agreed to help with the dishes when she asked Sarah out of the blue. “Are you well a vampire?” She asked shyly feeling stupid for asking afterward.
Sarah started to giggle. “No I am not a vampire. In fact you and me are the only humans in the house. Well for the next couple of days we're the only ones in house.” She giggled again. Elizabeth shivered.
“Why are they gone?” Elizabeth asked feeling sick after she asked.
Sarah took a deep sigh and sat down. Elizabeth sat in a chair next to her. “They went out hunting.” Sarah glanced at Elizabeth face to see her reaction. She was confused. “You do mean animal hunting don't you Sarah?”
She shook her head slowly. “Not like animal hunting dear.” Elizabeth was hurt by her answer, but knew it was the way that they both had to survive. Sarah saw her sadness and quickly thought of something to make her feel a little better. “They are not hunting close to here. They leave the state to hunt and they only hunt
once a week. Don't be upset with them. I'm glad they go out and hunt ever week. When they starve themselves it's not a pretty sight.” Her voice became sad.
“Sarah? How long have you lived with Edmund and Geoffrey?” Elizabeth was now curious about her. Sarah was a little shocked that some one would want to know something about her. “Well...” She started out, “it was a long time ago. I was only two when I met Edmund. See Edmund and I met in a non pleasant way. He killed both of my parents in one of his hunger strides. He had no idea that they were parents to a two year old daughter. That was until I stepped out from my hiding spot from behind some crates. Yes I was able to talk and walk by the age of two. When he saw me I could literary see his heart fall. It must have hurt him more then it hurt me to see my parents both dead. I understood him I knew what he was. I wasn't afraid. I reached out my little hand for his and he took me as his own. When I was old enough to understand better he told me he was sorry and I wouldn't listen. Sure I cared about my parents death, but something inside me said he wasn't evil. Edmund had a kind heart which made me love him as a father. I know it sounds weird to say you love someone when they have killed your parents, but I can't help it.” She smiled a slight smile and looked up at Elizabeth's face to see her reaction.
Elizabeth felt sorry for Sarah and began to feel selfish when she thought loosing money was bad. To lose parents was far worst then loosing a couple thousand grand. Elizabeth couldn't imagine loosing her parents. It must have been awful for Sarah to lose her parents at a young age. “I'm sorry Sarah..” Was all Elizabeth managed to croak out without crying. Sarah stood up and patted her on the head. “Don't be dear. What's done is done. All in the past. Now...” She said changing the subject. “I bet you would like a relaxing bath since the boys aren't here.”
“Oh that would be wonderful!” Cried Elizabeth. Sarah laughed and lead her out of the kitchen into the hall. A few minutes later the arrived at what Elizabeth assumed was the bathroom. Which it was when Sarah opened it and they both stepped in. The room was bigger then any normal bathroom Elizabeth had seen. It looked like it was one of those Roman bath houses. It was pretty and Elizabeth liked it a lot. “This is one of my favorite bathrooms to take a bath in.” Sarah whispered in Elizabeth's ear breaking her train of thought. Elizabeth could see why.
After Sarah had shown her how to use the faucet on the bath and shown her where the towels were she left. Elizabeth filled up the bath and got in. The water felt warm and relaxing. She enjoyed the bath a lot and was thankful Sarah had brought it up. She relaxed in the water until it grew cold. Sadly yet relaxed she got out and wrapped a towel around herself. Sarah knock on the door before entering. She made sure Elizabeth was covered up and handed her a pair of pajamas. “I hope they fit. You look about my size when I was your age.” Elizabeth thanked her and
slipped them on. They fit perfectly not to tight not to loose. “I'm a little tired so I'm going to head to bed now. Good night.” Said Elizabeth while walking out of the bathroom. Sarah grabbed her wrist and pulled Elizabeth close embracing her in a hug. “Glad your here. Night honey.” She said while letting her go. Elizabeth smiled, but said nothing as she walked down the hall toward her room for the time being.
When she got there she was tired. She couldn't believe how late and tired she was. Not caring about brushing her hair like she did every time she took a bath or shower. She just hit her pillow and was out like a light. She dreamed about all that's happened today and all that she's read feeling then need to be with Geoffrey more and more.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 07:22pm
enjoy. mrgreen sorry it's so long. sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 01:53am

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