Regions Windaria (wind-arya)- Rain's home city and kigdom to some of the last spirit elves. Mysteria(mist-air-re-ay) Rival and neighboring kingdom to windaria Helena- (Hell-en-ah)- Troy's home land Adalantia (add-a- lan-ti-a)- the region where the school was. Carnasia (car- naus- e-ah)- The middle range for spirits, where neutral or gray/ silver angels reside. orient-(ory-ent)- The place where Yuna grew and basically what is Japan and China/ Asia today
Races ~Elves(defined) a dying race of human like creatures, their graceful figures and pointed ears distinguish them form humans. like their ancestors are intuned with nature and are powerful. Their craftsmenship is said to exceede all ofthers. They are very solitary and most of them stay hidden form the world. ~"great" elves - Elves that draw their energy from their own being. Their colonies are mainly composed of half elves and one pureblood elder. ~"spirit" elves- Elves that draw their energy form nature and spitirts as their ancestors did. They are a dying race and soem of the most powerful magic users and craftsmen of weapons of power, magic, and legend ~Siren- Beautiful women whoe weave haunting songs that stupify men entrancing them to do their bidding. ~ Ice aparition- Masters of ice and water, they are an elite group. the women's tears turn to priceless crystals so they are trained from birth to remain emotionless. They are a dying brees and highly sought after by slave traders and the blackmarket for their powers. ~Metal alchemist- shapers of metal turning it into a liquid form and shaping it to their liking. ~Demon- super humans that posess animal like powers and charistics. Such as fangs, ears, tails, eyes, ect. Their keen sense of smell, tasts, and vision beasts most other races. ~vampire- undead beings that survive by drinking the blood of the living. Despite tales, they can touch crosses, go out in hte sun, can go near garlic, and can go into churches They posess super human stregnth asn senses. ~Angels- winged human like figures that are supposidly form heaven or hell depending on whether they are dark or light angels. ~Familiar- Creatures that stregnthen and controle a magic users power. Dragons- Giant winged reptiles that can be ridden by humans, elves, ect. used greatly in battles ~Shapeshifter-creatures that can taek on any form, they usually perfer one form, but they are genderless. and can copy anyone's voice and looks ~necromancer- Magical users that can summon creatures and bring the dead back to life ~Surian- a race of humanoid beings characterized by pupiless eyes, claws, upward pointing feet and sharp teeth and pointed ears ~technoid- a race that can turn anythign that is technology into higher technology or fix it ~Shade- humanoid creatures with matching colors of hair and eyes like purple, crimson, maroon, ect... they have necromantic abilities and are incredibly strong. They are thought of to be evil due to their use in dark arts
Vampire-Girl-13 · Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 10:28pm · 0 Comments |