So the Yoyogi Animation Gakuin is this crazy cool anime school in Japan, and the main campus, I'm guessing is in Tokyo. I just got my application the other day, and I'm procrastinating on filling it out because I'm hella nervous. Wouldn't you be? I mean it's what I want to do. you know become a manga-ka. But it's so far away from everything I know. It'll be a major culture shock, and not to mention the language. I'm doing Japanese lessons, but they are those self learning, computer programs. It's where you pop the disk into your computer and it's supposed to teach you the language. It's ok, for now. I need to get into a real class that teaches the real stuff.
Anyways I'm just crazy nervous because i have no doubts I'll get in. My drawings are wicked awesome and I've got good references. I don't know, it's all just something about spending 2-4 years away from home I guess. All I need is a little reassurance.
Kuroda Uchiha · Wed Nov 08, 2006 @ 02:23am · 0 Comments |