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A Mind for Claw’s Game
By Dessik

Chapter One

Blaize sat on the edge of the creek, her hands hugging her legs to her chest. The green, crisp leaves on the trees around her waved as breezes picked up momentarily. Kant Creek ran smooth today and she easily saw the fish swimming under the shimmering surface.
She longed to run in the woods free this night but living with no one to help made relinquishing her responsibilities impossible. If she made a list of the chores she had around the house, it would be never-ending. She ached to live back in the city where these things were non-existent.
But she could never go back there, to them. Before she dwelled on what was lost for too long, she shook her head, black hair held back away from her face in a ponytail and stood. She turned and headed back to the house.
She hadn’t any money to buy this plot of land Blaize lived on but she had acquired it through inheritance just before the problem in the city happened. She hadn’t even thought of keeping the thirty acres. Blaize had been thinking of selling it until she had fled from the city and its tribulations.
Life here was so much simpler and yet it was complicated. With the house she inherited from her grandmother on her father’s side, the better, saner one, she also earned herself two years supply of utilities she didn’t have to pay for. That was, she considered, great for now. But it was lonely at times and sometimes she caught herself wanting someone to chase away that feeling. She wished she could look forward to seeing someone at home, wanting her attention or wanting to give her the affection she so desperately needed.
After being forced out of the city, her confidence had plummeted for the first year out here. But for the last six months, she’d wanted to venture out. She had thought of selling the house and the land and use the money to relocate but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. The land had been in the family for more than a century.
She reached the porch that wrapped around the one-story white and blue farm house and sat down on the steps. She couldn’t stay out here forever, she thought, anger slowly rising in her chest. Those bastards didn’t keep tabs everywhere, did they?
Who was she kidding? Of course, they did. She used to be one of them.
If anyone entered the city, every one would know about it. Kersi would know about it and when he did, he would come after her and tear her apart. Or worse, he would make her suffer and be the b***h. But she had to go. And besides, Hero was her friend.
He might still help her if she got in a jam. Or maybe not, because when she had been taken before Kersi, Hero hadn’t stepped up to protect her. She had been put on her knees and she’d looked up into Hero’s face, trying to get something out of him but he stayed stony-faced. Blaize understood though. The horde of them was family and no one wanted to leave the family to risk being alone.
That was the day she’d acquired all the scars on her body. One day she had been bored enough that she had counted them. Seventy five variations of dark scars claimed space up and down her arms, back, legs, and waist.
She’d tried to protect her vitals from the punishment Kersi and his mate had inflicted on her by curling into a ball, covering her head, before they made her get up and walk down the longest road in the city with no help.
She’d walked and she had stumbled but she never fell. Blaize wouldn’t have let herself fall, which would have showed to them she was weak and that she apologized. The road went right out of the city and into the rural town that just bordered it. They left her when she crossed into the lesser developed neighborhood.
When she was sure they were out of site, she’d let her torn up body do what it had been aching to do for the past two miles. She fell to her knees and she hadn’t felt the pain when they slammed into the concrete. She’d bent over, her hands supporting her from collapsing. Blood did not fall now. It had dried in the harsh wind that had whipped into her cuts like a merciless fiend.
She did the only thing she knew would help heal them faster. She stood on shaky legs and began the Change. It came faster, the wolf inside knowing she needed help. It spared as little pain as possible as her bones alchemized, changed and rearranged.
Her fur burst from her blood soaked skin as she stood on four stable legs. Then suddenly the pain shot through her body again, making her howls out into the night sky tortured. She catapulted into the night, into the woods. That was the last the city had seen of her. The last time in so long since Blaize had seen Hero was the worst time. She loved him like a brother, and was in desperate need of her cohort.
She got up and went to shower. She could do it. She was stronger and faster now. Smarter though was what was most important. She could sneak into the city for a while.
Yeah, she convinced herself as she stripped, leaving the clothes where they fell as she stepped in her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes trained to look past the scars. She could cover her scent. She could cover her tracks and stay invisible.
Then, her vision blurred and the scars appeared on her in their appropriate places. The wolf was trying to tell her this was stupid. She was trying to convince Blaize that going against Kersi’s word was going to get her killed.
She messed with the knobs on the tiled wall until water came falling out, warm enough to melt away the chill in her heart and cold enough to snap to her to her senses before she went to go the stupidest thing ever.
She made it short before she had time to talk herself out of it. She dressed in a black shirt and blue denims.
‘You can do it’ became the mantra in her head as she headed out to her small compact car.
She started the car with shaking hands and gave the engine gas with an even less stable foot. “I can do it,” she yelled to the ceiling of the car as she made her way into the city. She had some business to do in there.


“Damn it,” Blaize yelled as she was walking into the website company. She was sure she had seen Lazura, one of Kersi’s bitches, staring at her. It had to be, which meant she was dead or worse. Lazura was sure to tell Kersi and she knew they’d be waiting for her outside. Why had she thought she could get past them? She was contemplating running when the receptionist called her over.
“Hello, how may I help you?” She said with a million dollar smile. She could be an actress.
“Hi, I’m Blaize St. John. I called here earlier about an appointment. Your people called back and told me to come today.” Blaize felt ridiculous, being underdressed for the appointment but she hadn’t wanted to draw too much attention to herself in a flashy suit.
“Ah, yes, Ms. St. John. Actually, Ms. Gerald is free right now. So you can knock on the door upstairs on the fifth floor and down the hall, you know which one when you see it.” She said looking at her laptop. She typed quickly and nodded her head to Blaize.
Blaize moved on down the hallway, her heart pounding, more nervous about what was outside then what was inside. She glided past the various doors and found the elevator.
It moved really quickly for a building with only five floors. There was barely anytime to listen to the catchy hard rock. She stepped out of the elevator and down the hallway and could see the only door in the entire space which was rather long and narrow. The door had a giant golden name plate with ‘Ms. Lana Gerald’ blazoned on it. She knocked twice and was greeted with a sultry voice.


“Come on in.” Blaize twisted the real gold doorknob and walked into a really nice office for a website company manager. Its theme was definitely red and black with red crowning, black walls, and red carpet.
“Ms. St. John, please sit down.” She sat in the black easy chair in front of her cherry wood desk. The room was kinda of lively in a way. She had plants lining the side walls as well as some French paintings from artist she couldn’t remember the names of and behind where Ms. Gerald sat was a giant window that looked over some of the smaller building of the city.
Ms. Gerald was a slender, busty woman with hazel eyes and blonde hair down to her shoulders. She was not what Blaize had expected. She was dressed similar to her and she felt less like she was underdressed. She began to see the tactics of the woman. She began to think she was going to like her as a boss.
“Now, I bet you didn’t know something about me, little doggy.” She said it slowly, making sure Blaize heard her.
She did and Blaize gaped at her. “How… Who are you?”
Lana smiled and came around to the front of the desk and sat on it in front of Blaize. “I am Lana Gerald. Your name is… Blaize, right? Yes, anyway, so I hear you aren’t welcomed here, anymore, eh?”
“Answer me.” Blaize was furious with her and she had barely met the woman.
Lana just simply smiled and leaned closer. “Okay, bud. I guess I can trust you to keep my secret. I am a vampire. Surprised?” She smiled again, Blaize seeing her teeth were filed down.
“Why?” She said, quizzically.
“Why am I a vamp or why do I trust you? Honey, you’re going to have to be specific.”
“Both.” She said quicker than she meant to.
“Okay, I trust you because I don’t know. You’ve got that kinda look about you plus I am a woman of very little inhibitions. Not to mention, I remember you from somewhere. Now about the vampire thing…”
“I would have known if you were.” She growled and she couldn’t help it. Blaize was shaking on the inside and she didn’t know why. She wasn’t afraid of a vampire, was she?
“Yeah, except I have been the subject of a test for a new chemical. Obviously the chemical works well. You’re closer than most werewolves have gotten in a closed-in area. Even your pack leader Kersi was close and he was none the wiser.” Lana got off the desk and walked to the door, looking out and then closing it gently.
“Who made this?” Blaize asked, just running the possibilities in her mind of what that chemical could do in the wrong hands.
“I did. But, I got a little help from this company called Logicorp though.” She came back around to her desk and past it to the window. She closed the shades and sat down in her chair. “You do know of them, don’t you?”
Blaize knew about Logicorp. Kersi had come from there, a test-tube baby who escaped. They’d had a man hunt that had encompassed the whole United States. They had wanted to experiment with a pure body so they made him, unfortunately. “If you are a vampire, why aren’t you burning from all this sun?” She flicked her hand, indicating the sun rays pouring into the small slits between the blinds.
“A side affect of the chemical. I have to say, I was happy about it. I wanted for so long to roam out in the light like I used to as a little girl.” Her voice had started becoming hoarse so she cleared her throat before starting again. “So about your job. I suppose we are going to have to be close friends now that you know. I couldn’t risk someone going to Logicorp and tattling on me.” She held out her hand over the desk.
“I wouldn’t dare.” A smile came to her lips. Yeah, what would that bring her anyway? She took the outstretched hand and shook it.
“Thanks.” Lana stated, as she sat back. “As I stated before, I know that you are not exactly welcomed here. Why?”
“I’d rather not talk about it.” Blaize stood, getting ready to leave.
“Wait, I suppose I have to go with you. I don’t want you to get jumped by your big friends waiting outside.” When Blaize gave her a puzzled look, she crooked her finger and turned her chair towards the window behind her.
Blaize came over slowly, already knowing what she would see. Lana moved a few of the light shields over and Blaize saw him. Kersi was waiting outside. He must have caught the movement of the blinds because he looked up and their eyes locked. She was dead.
“s**t, what am I going to do now? I can’t go out there.” From then on she kept on rambling to herself and pacing the office until Lana grabbed her arm.
“This is an expensive carpet. No holes please.” She joked hoping to lighten the mood.
“You can’t be joking at a time like this. How the hell am I going to get out of here? Why did I think I could come here with out him knowing?” She jerked her arm out of Lana’s grip and went to the window again, peeking out the blinds. Damn it. He even brought his mate with him. If she stepped out of here, they were going to punish her worse than before.
“Why did I forget to bring my coffee? Why do some people wear only tube socks?” Lana shrugged her shoulder sarcastically, wishing she could get in a meaningful word soon. “Look, if you want to go home, then I’ll help you. Besides, you are my newest employee and you’re starting to grow on me.” She went to her small closet that blended in with the rest of the wall so well, Blaize hadn’t noticed it.
Lana pulled out a jacket and slipped it on while she reached down for a gun. “Why do you own a… never mind. What makes you think that is going to stop them?”
“You’ll just have to trust me.” She took hold of Blaize’s hand which by now, had been sweating. She pulled her along as they rode the fast elevator to the lobby. But they didn’t get out. Lana took a key out of her pocket and inserted it into the lock under the floor buttons. When she turned it, red lights came on in the elevator.
“Um…” Blaize usually not at a lose for words watched as a key pad came out of the metal paneling of the elevator. Lana punched in the numbers so quick she couldn’t have followed it if she tried.
The elevator gave a jolt and then proceeded to lower further into the ground. When the door opened, Lana stepped out, still pulling Blaize with her.
“I never thought I would ever have to use this.” She said, trying to explain her excited nature. “I put this down here just in case of an emergency, in the form of Logicorp coming for dues, but I guess this counts.
”0…….” Blaize’s eye widened. The woman liked long hallways but this one was like no other Blaize had ever seen. Small lights on the ceiling bathed the corridor in blue and the side walls were made of glass aquariums that rivaled Sea World. Lana still had her hand gripped tight but Blaize was mesmerized by the beautiful specimens of fish. “I’ll buy you sushi some other time, okay? Let’s go.” She tugged on Blaize and finally got her moving faster than a snail moving at the speed of molasses. They reached the end of the hallway and there sat a Lotus Elise in red.
Blaize moved much faster then, feathering her hands over the car as though it would break if she touched it. “This, though, I won’t buy you.” She inserted her car key into the lock and the click seemed loud.
“Um, how do we get out of here?” Blaize asked. That was the end of the hallway and there were no other exits.
“Honey, are you sure you are a werewolf? You have just about no senses.” She said, teasingly. She pointed up before she got in the car. Blaize raised her head and saw that this was an elevator shaft.
“Who built this for you?” Blaize inquired. She slipped inside the car and sat down in a seat that hugged her bottom and held her spine in the right positions. “My best friend. We are on good terms and he owns a construction firm. I got a great deal on it.”


Michael ran through the thick forest, panting and sweating like he’d run twenty miles straight and now that he thought of it, he just might have. He’d laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious.
He could hear the dogs behind him. They had been getting closer the last mile. He was sure of it because of their intensity and he’d been tripping where as the dogs were probably getting through the underbrush easily. He was trying his best swinging the heavy machete in one hand and carrying the brown bag under his arm. He didn’t want to hurt the dogs or anyone else. He just wanted to get away.
This is what the man who owed those dogs wanted. This package was the package that could just about change the entire world. It wouldn’t seem that way seeing as it was being carried in a stained paper bag that had fallen in mud, gotten wet due to his haphazard crossing of a river a few miles back.
Most bad guys would have turned back awhile ago but the ones who were following close behind the dogs were to either catch him or parish at the hands of Dolometrio Cataloni. He owned the estate and people Michael was trying to escape from. He thought he owned what was in the bag, but Michael knew better.
He ran and he ran but he was pretty sure if he didn’t see sweet civilized land in the next few minutes he would- “Holy Crap! God why?” He’d gotten what he had asked for. It not forested but even worse it was an open field. Dolo owned helicopters which had been circling around over head at thirty minute intervals. He stood on the edge of salvation and death all at the same time.
He covered his eyes from the light and was pretty sure he saw a house on the horizon. Oh, if only he could make it there to hide out ‘til every thing calmed down. He looked back and could just see the dogs as they leapt through terrain he’d stumbled over.
He made his decision in a flash. He pushed from the trees and ran with all his strength which was not much of nothing at all though. He was going straight on will as he crossed that open field in record time he was sure. He looked behind him and nearly stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the dogs stop in theirs. They sniffed the line between forest and field and started to whimper, if he was sure of the sound. They did an immediate about face and ran the other way.
Michael smiled up to the heavens as he vaulted onto the wrap around porch and ran into the solid wood door. When he tried the knob to find it was open, he nearly collapsed onto his face to kiss the ground. He entered slowly, cautiously as was his training. His ears were sharper than most but he didn’t hear movement or bustling that would come with a busy household. He stayed wary though. The owner of the house is out somewhere but he or she could also be asleep or just not moving or talking at the moment.
After he checked the main floor to clear that level, he carefully made his way up the stairs on the right side of the house. The stairwell was closed in so it would give him more cover, just in case.
He peeked around the corners at the top of the stairs and saw no one, so he proceeded to check the rooms and found no one. He could find no attic anyone could hide in.
But along the way, he’d noted particular details for his mind’s eye later. Only one person lived here, judging by the fact only one bedroom out of the two here, was being used and there was one drawer and one closet full of women’s clothes. But he couldn’t find any picture which was weird.
And he’d guessed women when he walked in here because there was no T.V. and no major appliances for entertainment at all. Then the subtler things like the way the person had decorated the house. Light hues of brown on the walls and white carpeting on the floor made it a neutral territory in the entire house. In the bedroom, which he had to say was rather large, a painted forest in great detail touched each wall and the ceiling had stars and a giant harvest moon he felt he could touch. In fact he did, putting the brown bag down on her plush bed.
He scratched his head and stretched realizing just how tired he was, forgetting to pick the bag up. He made his way across the hall to her bathroom, so glad to push open the swinging doors; first thing entering his sight was a bathtub with a shower attachment. And in her bathroom was her washing machine and dryer set. He stripped faster than a nudist as he threw his dirty clothes in the washing machine and messed with the knobs on the facet of the tub until it was hot enough to get the tension out of him. He pulled the latch that made the water come out of the shower and stepped in. At first it seemed scalding but then he got used to it and it was heaven. He had nothing to use but his hand and some of her soap. He reveled in the smell of intoxicating vanilla as he washed away a layer of dirt he was all too happy to get rid of.
When at last he was done and his clothes were drying, he went to the second bedroom and lay inside the white sheets that felt good against his skin. This was just about the coziest bed he’d ever had the pleasure to illegally sleep in. He spread out his limbs as he dozed into a peaceful sleep. He would get up later, before whoever she was got home.

Blaize stepped on the front step of her house and already she knew someone had gotten in. She should really lock that door. She stepped in and could smell male but luckily, it was just a human male. They had no morals. As oppose to her kind of males who beat and hurt her with no remorse, she thought.
She sniffed the air and was all together mad. He used her soap. That was her soap. And she could hear the dryer going. Her fist clenched. He could have trashed the entire house but he decided to use her soap. She really liked that soap. There was no telling how much of it he used.
She hurried upstairs inspect the damage. And he went into her room. She rounded the corner and saw the guest bedroom door slightly open. She never left that door open. She was not ready to handle the man. She needed to calm down. She closed her eyes and walked into the bathroom before she opened them in horror.
She’d seen the mud tracks the mongrel had left on her carpet and she wasn’t as mad at that as what she saw here. The tile was muddy with foot prints he hadn’t even bothered to maybe clean up.
The buzzer for his clothes in the dryer blared and she opened it, catching herself, her arms automatically starting to fold the jeans. She threw them on the floor and marched out the bathroom and into the guest room.
The man was naked in her bedroom. Well, not her bedroom but it was the principal of the matter. He had the nerve to look welcomed and relaxed in the bed. She couldn’t resist pulling the cover his naked thigh was tangled in. He jerked in the cover nearly falling off the bed.
She had to admit he wasn’t a normal, everyday human. He caught himself with one hand pressed flat against her white carpet and rolled back to the opposite side of the bed, bringing the top cover with him. “And what do you think you are doing in my house?” She propped her hands on her hips, cocking her head to one side.
“Good afternoon to you too.” He pulled the fabric tighter around him. “You look like you use a lot of Neosporin. Did those hurt?” He gestured to her forearms which were exposed because she pushed her sleeves back when she came in the house. Some of the scars showed.
Blaize quickly slid her sleeves down, having never let any being see them before. She was mad he had even gotten a glance. “I have scars, too, if that makes you feel better.” He presented his back to her. His back had about twenty distinct slashes riding across it along with some very faint ones. He was whipped with something similar to a cat o’ nine-tails, she could tell by the marks.
“Who–,” she nearly asked what had happened. She didn’t want to know. She just wanted him out. “Just get out.”
“Hey, are you going to get my clothes or should I?” He started to move towards her, towards the door.
“Just stay there. I got it.” She turned, opening the door and shutting it behind her. She went into her bathroom, nearly pulling the door of her dryer off the hinges as she took the man’s clothes out.
She heard the door knob jiggle and heard his footsteps on her plush carpet until he stepped onto the drying muddied tile floor. He scratched his head as he assessed the mess he’d made. “I…I am sorry for this.”
“If you were really sorry, you wouldn’t have come into this house out of all the houses out there.” She threw his clothes into his face and brushed by him and went into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Then she saw the brown bag sitting on her bag.
Had it come from him? Blaize moved with the caution of a bomb team. It wasn’t food or anything like that or she would’ve smelled it.
“Hey!” Michael called out, pounding on the door. She was reluctant to take her eye off the bag as though it was a precious jewel.
She opened the door and was almost pounded on by Michael. “What?”
“That bag, I need it back please.” He tried to look over her.
“What’s in it?” She said, curiousness bubbling up in her.
“You can’t go asking me personal questions unless you learned my name. Hi, I’m Michael, and you?” He extended an arm for her to shake. She stared down at it for a moment before looking back up at him. Damn, but he was handsome. Stubble formed around his chin and his trimmed sideburns.
His cheeks were just the right height and his nose was straight and perfect. And then his eyes, god his eyes were the lightest blue she’d ever seen and she could tell they weren’t contacts. His brown and gold sun-bleached, collar-length hair was in a ponytail held by a rubber band she was sure he had borrowed from her bathroom. He was dressed in his black shirt and worn jeans that had conformed to his physique almost too well.
She mentally shook herself and took his hand with hers. Unexpectedly, he pulled it up to his lips and kissed her hand. Shivers ran down her arms to other barely mentionable places.
She noticed he moved quietly than most humans and far more gracefully than a lot. Sort of like a cat burglar or thief.
His beautiful eyes were locked with hers. Before she did something stupid, she pulled her hand away. She turned and stretched grabbed the brown bag off the bed and pushed it into his hands, but not before she noted how heavy it was.
“I’m Blaize.”
“Alright now, we are getting somewhere. Now I think I already know you are a werewolf. Right?”
Honestly, she couldn’t say she wasn’t. Apparently, she was popular or notorious around these parts, either way, she expected Big Bird to show up as well. “No…how do you know?” She crossed her arms over her chest, somewhat mentally firming herself.
“Well, the people I once used to work for two hours ago had files on a lot of people. You just happen to be the one I remember the picture of.”
“Could you tell me why you are in my house?”
“I can tell you I was running for my life from a pack of dogs and their trained Dobermans. But I can’t tell you why. When I found your house, it was like a sign from heaven maybe that I was saved.”
“Are the people chasing you idiots?” She said, pissed off in an awkward way. “Any dimwit would figure out that if you were running away, the best place to look is the house right in front of them,” she cooled, “though I don’t want anymore uninvited guest busting in than I already have.”
“Yeah, well, they were far back so we’ll have to see won’t we?”
“No, we won’t have to see anything. You are leaving.” She pushed him out of her room and towards the door. He planted his feet so she could not push him further unless she used her strength.
He turned and grabbed her arms, locking eyes with her. “You’re really something, girl.” He draped her arms around his neck and moved to fit them together. “I wonder what it’s like to kiss a fanged woman.” He ducked his head to kiss her, his lips and tongue nibbling, licking her bottom lip.
All the while those eyes mesmerized her with their beauty. When he got her mouth to yield under his, he invaded and conquered as he tasted her for the first time. “Ah, you’re sweet,” he said against her lips. He ran his hands through her hair dislodging the rubber band keeping her hair in place.
Blaize couldn’t believe the power he was having over her. He was nothing but an ordinary human who… She came out of her haze to hear pounding on the door as though whoever it could be was intent on knocking the door down.
They broke apart slowly and her worst nightmare came true. She sniffed the air and Kersi and the pack were at the door. “Holy s**t! Michael, you have to hide somewhere.”
“Why, jealous boyfriend?” He said cockily as though he wasn’t going to leave. “Besides, I meant to tell you that I-,”
“Now, Michael,” she nearly growled, her frustration was so high. She knew her eyes were glowing and the wolf inside her was clawing to get out. The punishment would just be too much for her to handle. They would break her. Michael saw the intensity in her eyes and followed her directions quickly though he was not happy about it.
When she knew he was safe, she opened the front door. Kersi immediately jumped on her knocking her onto her back. He was half wolf and half human but just as strong and angry. “What the hell what you doing in the city, b***h? I told you to never set your paws there again.”
The wolf in her was taking control and automatically offered her belly and if she’d been the wolf her tail would have been tucked. “I’m sorry.” His nails bit into her skin and she was pretty sure they were going to leave marks. “I’m so sorry. I did not want to but I had to.”
“I don’t give a ******** what you think you had to do. I told you to stay away and you ignored my orders. Do you think you are better than anybody else that you can go wherever the ******** you want to?” His teeth stayed bared all the time, a mouth full of sharp pointy daggers.
Her wolf was confused at what to do. Sorry wasn’t cutting it with Kersi and it seemed every word she said made him madder. She licked his chin as a last resort but he tried to bite at her. “I am so angry, Blaize, I could kill for this. You challenged my authority.” Then he smelled something awkward on her. He leaned down to smell her and found what he’d been looking for.
“Aw s**t,” she said very low. He could smell Michael. Now she had to hope he wouldn’t find him.
“So now you are ******** the meat, Blaize?” He looked back and signaled for his mate and the rest of the crew he’d brought with him search the house. She nearly cried, because if they found him they’d snap his neck. She choked back a sob but Kersi caught it.
“I should punish you just like that, Blaize. Find this meat and kill him right in front of you. Make you suck down his d**k like you’ve already been doing.”
“I haven’t.” She whispered.
“What, Blaize, I can’t hear you?” He leaned closer to her.
“I didn’t do anything with him. I only kissed him.” She pleaded.
“Well, that doesn’t change anything, Blaize expect you were planning on it. Don’t you realize that the only one allowed to touch you is me? I am your master, your protector, your world. Not some piece of meat itching to grab some tail.” He took his eyes off her for a second to look at his second-in-command, his mate, Malevia.
She motioned him over and he came to her. She whispered words into his ear. He frowned and looked back at Blaize, still angry. “Where is he, Blaize?” He growled ferociously. “The human could go and call the police so we need to find him, now,” he roared.
Blaize hated the meekness she automatically took on when he commanded her. She was stronger than this. But the thing is she wanted to live. “I am not sure where he might go that you couldn’t find him.” She turned herself right-side up and crouched low. “But I doubt he would call the police though. He’s a thief trying to get away from some people. He would be hard to find.”
“I know that.” He yelled. He barked and in came some faithful servants of his, hunters. And Hero was one of them. He glanced at her before turning his attention to Kersi. There was no feeling in his eyes she could see. “Find the human and bring him to me alive when you do. I want to see the face of the man who touches my property.” He turned to Blaize and sneered at her. “I’ll leave you with Malevia while I go attend to something. She’ll take good care of you.” He chuckled as he left.
And all she could think was where the hell Michael was. He couldn’t have possibly gotten away, right? He was a mere human.

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