*** I warneth joo... this contains the pairing ToumaXMasaruXTouma (ToMaTo) so if you don't like the pairing, it's best if you leave. Otherwise, your eyes will burn with yaoiness... and I have no money to spare to you. I'm broke.
The Arrogant Mind
by: Yaoi_Yuri_DigiFreak
A/N: HAHAHA! You know that they always say-- you are never alone! Yep, so Pleasurable Haycock also likes the pairing Masaru & Touma from Digimon savers like I, & Ichi-Freak helped me with the plot, so I owe it to the both of you who inspired me to make this crappy fanfic... only because I can't write smut with crap! *continues reading "writing smut for dummies"* Anyways, enjoy. XD
Disclaimah: I own no Digimon Savers. I would have never came up with a brilliant idea of a digimon season quite like this one. *savers now becoming my 2nd favourite season*
WARNING: In case you have no idea of my interests. this is a fanfic about the pairing Masaru & Touma... which I MUST add are both guys. If you don't like fanfics with 2 guys screwing eachother like bunnys, then I'd advise you not to read it. I can't stand flamers, so if you reply with a "Masaru & Touma are NOT supposed to be together", then you will feel the wrath & fury of my ice mistress digimon. And this fanfic will only have HINTS of Shirakawa & Kurokawa, who are both girls. It's a shoujo-ai, allright?
Plotline: They say some people are good at some things, but in Masaru's case, he's good at everything-- no questions asked. Can Touma prove him wrong? (contains violence, language, alcohol usage & yaoi)
********** ^_^;; **********
Daimon Masaru was not going to lose. Not like this.
The pain was excruciating, but he knew he had to finish this mission. With that in mind, the boy slowly got up and balled his right hand into a fist while Gaomon threw punches at the enraged Growlmon. He was their next target back at DATS, so he, Fujieda Yoshino and Nortenstein Touma drove over and gave him a fight. Unfortunately for Masaru, Growlmon's Pyro Blast attack nearly took him out while protecting Touma when he was off guard.
The blonde-haired boy layed a hand on Masaru's shoulder, a small frown on his face. "You know, you didn't have to take that attack to protect me."
Masaru only grunted and pulled his shoulder away from Touma's hand. "Whatever, I've been through worse, trust me."
Touma could do nothing but sigh in frustration. He knew that was a lie. Masaru was still a little shaken up from the attack, but he knew how stubborn he is. He never likes to admit he's wrong.
It was then that Touma noticed Masaru's hand was slowly being surrounded by small orange flame data. He grinned-- Masaru was ready to take Growlmon down. That's when the boy ran up to Growlmon, jumped up & took a punch, a bundle of data forming a huge circle around his punching spot.
Masaru finally landed on the ground as Agumon smiled. "It's about time!" He too was ready for some action, since his Baby Flame attack wasn't injuring Growlmon at all.
Masaru grinned in accomplishment and held up his Digivice IC, placing his right hand on top of it, then held it in front of Agumon. "DigiSoul Charge!"
Agumon was starting to glow as he started to form in front of Growlmon's eyes. "Agumon skinka-- Geogreymon!!"
Growlmon snarled as he raised his hand up, ready to slice him with his Dragon Saw attack, but Geogreymon blocked it with his arms. He counter-attacked with his Mega Flame, his opponent surrounded in flames. The only thing he had to do was blast him one more time & Growlmon was done for.
"All right, show 'em who's the best!" Masaru called out to his partner. Yoshino sighed and buried her face in her hands. After the fight, she was certain Touma was going to critique Masaru of his work while fighting yet another digimon, & that was only going to piss Masaru off.
Geogreymon took Growlmon and raised him in the air, tossing him onto the ground. He jumped back and took a deep breath, another Mega Flame shooting from out of his mouth. Growlmon only cried out in pain as he was slowly being deleted, transforming into nothing but a huge red digiegg.
"We did it, Aniki!" he replied while de-volving back to Agumon. Masaru grinned & took a seat on the ground.
"Well glad that's over with, I need some rest!"
Touma took a look around. Not much damage to the towns, but it still needed improvement. He only sighed as Gaomon shot a glance at him. "Lemme guess-- progress on the towns, right?"
Hearing that come out of Gaomon's mouth made the brown-headed boy spin around in anger. "What was that?"
Touma shrugged in reply. "I'm saying you need to work on fighting without causing such a mess. It would save this place a lot of time and money."
"Who are you, my mother?" Masaru blurted out. "We fought Growlmon and we won, so I don't see what the damn problem is!!"
"The damn problem is you're always causing a mess." he pointed out, his arms folded across his chest. He was just about tired of hearing that come out of Masaru's mouth everytime he gave him a note on what to improve. "The best is just gonna have to deal with some things he needs to improve on-- not everyone is best at everything." And with that he turned around and headed towards the car, Gaomon trailing right behind him.
Masaru groaned in frustration. He hated it when someone used his quote against him. "Wrong Touma-- I am better at everything, just try me! Whever the hell it is, I can do it best!"
Touma simply turned around, deeply staring at him. Yoshino and Lalamon both sighed and walked to the car as well. "This is the worst!"
********** X3 **********
"I say Touma will definately win."
"Wrong again, Kurokawa-- Masaru's gonna win this one!"
Word about the argument went across to Shirakawa and Kurokawa, who decided it would be a perfect bet for their next date. Shirakawa was rooting for Masaru to win because of his stubborness, and if she won, they'd go out to the movies. As for Kurokawa, she was certain Touma would win because she thinks he is prefect at almost everything he does. If she did win though, they'd go for a walk in the park.
Yoshino, on the other hand, took no part of any of the activities being held for their fight.
Shirakawa flipped her long purple hair back & turned to Yoshino, a slight smile stretching across her face. "And what about you, Yoshino? Who do you think would win?"
The pink-haired girl just laughed lightly & waved her hands on front of her face. "I'll pass."
"It's really no competition." a voice voted. The girls turned around to see Masaru and Agumon right next to them, arms crossed and a grin on their face. "There is no way Touma's gonna prove me wrong. I'm good at everything, but he'll figure that out once I kick his a** at whatever comes at me."
Agumon nodded in agreement. "If there's anyone who can do it all, it's Aniki."
Shirakawa took a glance at her computer screen before pulling out her purse from the drawer, searching for her pink lipstick. "I'm rooting for ya, Masaru. Don't let me down."
Masaru grinned. "Heh. No way in hell that's gonna happen."
Touma walked into the room; it was the thing that got everyone in the room to shut up at that moment. Gaomon followed, watching Agumon as he quickly turned away.
"I figured out a way to prove to me that you're better." Touma replied, digging his hands in his pockets. Masaru listened in as he continued. "Got any video games you think you're good at?"
"No." was Masaru's reply. "There are some, however, that I know I'm good at.."
"Ooooh, looks like the smart-a** strikes again." Kurokawa said, rolling her eyes. Yoshino nodded.
"Whatever." Touma muttered. "Just bring it over my place at 19 o'clock, got it?" he glared at Masaru once again, letting him know he's serious. "And don't be late."
"Fine by me." he replied, waving his hands in front of his face.
Touma gave a little smile & turned to Yoshino. "Hey, think you could watch Gaomon and Agumon for awhile? I want to do this alone."
Seeing as Touma gets his way most of the time anyways, Yoshino straightened up and took a glance at the digimon before coming up with her answer. "Uh-- sure.... but why?"
"Hey, I'll watch!" Shirakawa volunteered. "I can be your official referee, y'know?"
"Alone." Touma repeated, with a more darker tone.
Everyone looked around & turned to Touma. "All right, alone then." Shirakawa answered. She then sighed & turned to her lover. "Kids these days."
Touma grinned in reply.
********** X.x;; **********
"Finally, it's time to show Touma I am the best! He'll regret he even said I'm not best at everything."
Masaru grinned as he started towards Touma's house. He had a couple of video games packed in his school bag while Agumon scratched his head.
"Hey Aniki, any reason why Touma wants to do this alone with you?" he asked.
"Beats me." was Masaru's answer. "No matter, I'll still win, don't worry about it."
Agumon formed a small smile across his face & waved Masaru goodbye as he headed towards Yoshino's place. Checking his clock, he cleared his throat & knocked on the door a few times before Touma answered the door.
"Uh-- hey, where's the butler guy?" Masaru asked, ushering his self in. "Seems pretty empty."
Touma shrugged & closed the door shut. "Well, it seems everyone went out for dinner. I told them I didn't mind staying here & watching the place, y'know?"
Masaru, on the other hand, stared at the house in awe, ready to play some games.
"Hmm.... I see someone has their game face on." Touma pointed out. "Just what I needed-- attitude."
"No need to tell me that twice." Masaru said through grinning teeth. "But I'm starting to get a little thirsty."
Touma walked towards the kitchen, with Masaru following close behind him. "I am too." He reached into the fridge & pulled out a bottle of what Masaru recognized as sake. The boy shot a look at Touma, who was pulling out 2 tall wine glasses.
"Heh... bet you I can win at a drinking contest." Masaru blurted out.
The blonde-headed boy took a look & shook his head. "Not the best idea, Masaru."
"I knew it!" Masaru yelled, pointing a finger at Touma. "You ARE scared! And to think Kurokawa was going to win her bet!"
Touma stopped for a moment & thought. He knew getting drunk wasn't the beast idea in the world, but if he wanted his plan for Masaru's surrender to work, he had to take chances. Even if he was 14. Besides, he already the sake out, they might as well use it for more than to quinch their thirst.
"Fine." he answered after some hesitation. He poured the sake in both glasses & waited for Masaru to take his.
"Ready?" Masaru grinned.
"I guess--"
Before Touma could finish his sentence, Masaru picked up the glass. "GO!" Touma quickly pressed the tip of the glass to his mouth, chugging down the sake. He was starting to feel dizzy, but he pushed that aside as Masaru set the glass on the table, almost shattering it to pieces. "DONE!"
Touma stopped & took deep breaths, glancing at Masaru. "No fair, you cheated!"
"That's what they all say." Masaru replied. He stopped & took a look at the half-emty bottle of sake. "Okay, if it'll make you feel better, we'll do best 2 out of 3."
********** O_o;; **********
Touma was done drinking for the day, he was ready to put his plan into action. Especially since Masaru won the battle. After Masaru winning a stunning 3 out of 5, they decided to stop there-- but not after Masaru took another bottle of sake with him.
"So this is your room." Masaru said, taking a look at his surroundings. "Looks clean." He stared at the computer, a smile stretching across his face. " C'mon, the video game!!"
Wow... at least he's not too drunk, he can think halfway straight, Touma thought. Surprising.
"Masaru was starting to feel more & more dizzy, & with that, he took a seat on Touma's bed. "Geez, you're keeping a guy waiting, I'm about to sleep out."
Touma, a confused expression on his face, sat next to Masaru as well, who was staring at him with a slight blush across his face.
"Trust me, that's not from drinking." Touma replied. Masaru looked up & smiled. "No offence or anything, I mean--"
Masaru wasn't hearing it. He jumped on Masaru, positioning himself on top. "Anyone ever told you you're cute?"
Touma blushed in reply. "You know, I'm not really gonna believe you, you're drunk."
"And that's where my awesome Daimon skills come from!" Masaru answered, stoking through Touma's hair. "It takes a lot more than 6 bottles of sake to get me drunk. It's usually 9."
"Uhh-- that's great." Touma replied. He then gasped. His plan was starting to work.
"Yep, I had some clue to where you were coming from back at DATS. "Masaru pointed out. "But it still doesn't mean you're gonna win this competition. ******** the video games, the real games start here."
"What makes you think you won already?" Touma asked.
"Well, for starters, take a look." Masaru answered. "I'm--"
Touma had an idea of what he was about to say. He grabbed Masaru & flipped him across his bed, with Masaru now on the bottom.
"The underdog." he finished.
"Aww, no fair!" Masaru whined. "You che--" once again, he was cut of by Touma, who pressed his lips against his. A soft moan managed to escape Masaru's lips as the two continued, Touma pulling off Masaru's red shirt.
"Mmph-- Touma..." Masaru said between kisses. The blonde-headed boy stopped & stared at Masaru, who was stripping off his green shirt. "You were ready for this, weren't you?"
The boy only smiled in reply, taking off Masaru's white shirt. "You could say that."
Masaru only smiled as both boys pulled clothes off one by one until the both were able to stare in awe at the beautiful body before them.
Masaru blushed harder & turned away as Touma stoked his finger across his bare chest. "Look who's winning now? C'mon, don't be shy."
The boy only wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck & pressed his lips at Touma's again, teasing him with his tongue. Touma's hands started to play in Masaru's hair again as the 2 broke the kiss, Touma starting to explore lower to his left n****e. He took a soft bite as Masaru's moans grew louder, digging his nails into the blonde's back.
"I-- I'm sorry if it hurts." Masaru managed to say through gasps.
"Hmm, it's okay." Touma replied. He took a good look at Masaru's manhood before finishing his sentence. "I can tell it's not gonna be the hardest you can do."
The boy blinked a few times & a loud gasp escaped out of his mouth as Touma slowly stroked his c**k. "Of course, nothing's gonna happen unless...."
Masaru tried his best to hold his moans in as Touma grinned. He knew exactly where he was coming from-- he wanted him to admit defeat. "Uhh-- not gonna happen."
Touma faked a frown as he gave Masaru a small hug. "Aww, stubborn, are we? Looks like it's plan B." His finger trailed to the tip of Masaru's c**k as he stuck a finger in. "Ready to surrender now?"
A wave tingled through Masaru's body, a small moan coming out of his mouth as he gripped onto Touma's bedsheets. "Ahh--! Not yet..."
"I see." Touma stuck a 2nd finger inside Masaru, his moans growing louder as he wrapped his hands around the blonde's waists. "Just-- please, do it."
" Ah ah ah..." Touma answered, waving a finger. "The deal was to surrender. I know you're enjoying yourself there... if you just say I win, then all of your troubles will be over. You know you've been waiting for this..." he decided to add the 3rd finger in while the brown-headed boy screamed in pleasure.
"So, are you going to say it?" Touma asked.
"Okay, okay! You win, you win! Just ******** me, please!!" Masaru litterally screamed at the top of his lungs.
"That's what I thought." Touma grinned, ready to take himself in Masaru. As soon as the task was done, Masaru moaned loudly in pleasure, letting his arms go & wrapping his legs around Touma's waists. Knowing what was going to happen next, Touma figured out he wanted more. He thrusted himself on Masaru harder as the brown's body moved into the same rhythm as the blonde's. Masaru panting loudly & huge waves running through his body, he knew it wouldn't be long until he was ready to release.
"Ahh-- Touma, I think..." Masaru quickly shut his eyes as Touma continued, his c**k moving in & out of him faster.
"Mmm, don't worry Masaru... I am too." Touma said before his started to moan himself.
Masaru couldn't take it anymore, he was ready to c** now. He wrapped his arms around Touma's shoulders as he tilted his head back & made a last ear-piercing scream, cumming inside Touma as the blonde shuddered, laying himself on Masaru.
Masaru, who was panting loudly, started to play with Touma's hair as Touma started to c** as well, leaving white liquid on his clean sheets. "Damn, looks like I have to wash the sheets." he said in between deep breaths. "But-- it was worth it."
Masaru smiled, & with that, Touma embraced his angel as the two started to kiss again, the window revealing the orange & yellow sunset behind them.
********** >.<;; **********
"Told you I'd win!" Kurokawa exclaimed, as she entered the headquarters. Shirakawa, an angry expression on her face, smeared the lipstick on her lips while looking at her mirror.
"So I heard."
"Oh, don't feel so bad!" Kurokawa replied as Yoshino & Lalamon entered the room. "I knew you wanted to see that scary movie, but you know how much I despise horror movies."
"Aww, c'mon, it's one of those few times you clutch onto me!" Shirakawa pointed out. "I actually enjoy that, so how about both movies & the park?"
"It wouldn't be much of a bet if we did both." she replied. "You lost-- we'll just have to see the movie later."
"Oh, so you mean Touma won this one?" Yoshino exclaimed, turning around in her chair.
Shirakawa scoffed. "Masaru let him on too easy."
Touma, Agumon & Gaomon entered as Kurokawa applauded the blonde. "I knew you would win! So how did you settle it?"
Touma grinned in reply. "Let's just say the game was a bit extreme."
"You mean like snowboarding?" Agumon asked.
Shirakawa thought for a moment & gasped, pointing a finger at Touma. "I know what you're talking about!!"
"Mind clue-ing me in?" Agumon asked.
"... yes, I do mind." Touma answered, glaring at Shirakawa, who quickly covered her mouth with her hands.
"All right, all right, I didn't think it would be that much of a secret." she quickly answered, turning to her computer.
Touma smiled as he took a seat at a nearby computer chair. Masaru was busy at the boxing ring, trying to figure out things. In the end, Touma knew for sure, Masaru would come crawling back to him, asking for more.
********** XP **********
A/N: Oooh! What did I tell you! I suck at smut! I told Haycock earlier that it never came out how I wanted it to. Ah well, it's done, I have yet to improve, that I do know. Anyways, I'm out. XDD ***
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Something about the world of Donnimon. Contains yaoi, yuri & digimon, where in my world, rainbows attack homophobes & Duskmon is president. Yinkies! O_o
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Digimon, Digital-Dorkster!
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The drinking thing is especially interesting because of what I'm working with currently... XD but I should keep that secret for now~
Happy tomato <3 heart heart heart heart heart