Once again, contains the pairing ToumaXMasaruXTouma, so if you don't like it, please don't read. -_-;; Just that simple.
And on ff.n, I changed my name to TaKoJi-ToMaTo
Valentines’ Edible Vegetable
By: TaKoJi-ToMaTo
Summary: It’s Valentines day and Touma still has no idea what to give his lover, Masaru. One the other hand, Masaru has a special little surprise in store! (ToMaTo, 1-shot)
A/N: I know some insane people, and Splash is no exception. She gave me inspiration for this fanfic because of a quote on one of my piccus. I’ll kinda explain that later, like when you’re done reading the fanfic; it’ll kinda spoil it.
Disclaimer: I own no Digimon, in case that hasn’t sunk in your head by now. If I did, ToMaTo would be as real as the tomato sitting right next to me. ( Funny thing is, there is no tomato, I don’t even like tomatoes! )
Warning: It contains ToumaXMasaru as a pairing… well, I guess since it IS ToMaTo, it could be MasaruXTouma…. Either way, it’s a pairing I like. Everyone is not entitled to my opinion, so if that person concerns you, don’t be a nOOb and just press the back button like a nice Mary Sue/Gary Stu little girl/boy.
“Tomorrow, y’know. Do you have any idea what day it is tomorrow??”
“Yes, Yoshino-chan; I think I know what tomorrow is.”
“Aww, c’mon! You aren’t in the least excited??”
“Sure I am. But I like to keep that to myself if you don’t mind.”
Yoshino Fujieda frowned and kicked the dirt beneath her. She and Touma Noirstein were taking a short walk before the two headed home. Shirakawa and Kurokawa both left early that day and Masaru Daimon went off to a nearby boxing ring. Yoshino and Touma wanted to take a walk before they separated. At least it gave them something to do together before tomorrow.
Valentines day. The day to spend time with the one you love. And oh, how Touma knew it. Yoshino was spending some time with her new boyfriend while Kurokawa and Shirakawa decided to go out for dinner and a movie. Touma, on the other hand? He had no idea what he was going to do with his lover, but he had to think of something quick.
“So…?” Yoshino said, trying to break the silence. Touma turned to her direction. “What’re you and Masaru-kun doing?”
“Well, that’s why I suggested the walk; I honestly don’t know where I want to take Masaru.” he replied sadly.
Yoshino smiled and thought for a moment. “Well, how about that new restaurant we both have been hearing about? I heard they have some delicious Takoyaki! I actually tried it out myself once and--”
“That might work.” Touma replied. “Anything else in mind?”
“Well…” Yoshino thought for another moment before she spoke up, deep red blush spread across her face. “You could invite him over to your house… if you uhh…”
“Eh?” Touma raised an eyebrow. Yoshino shook the thought away and laughed hopelessly, waving her hands in front of her.
“Nothing-- forget I said anything.”
“This totally sucks. I have no idea what to give Touma-chan! A little help here?”
“Well, what’s exactly going on?” Shya replied. She thrusted her hand forward to give Masaru a punch, but with no prevail.
“Well, he’s supposed to take me out for dinner, or so I heard.” he replied, giving Shya a punch in the face. Shya stumbled back and wiped the blood trickling down her cheek.
“Okay, good start…” she replied, knocking Masaru down in the stomach. The brown-haired boy took a few deep breaths and slightly ducked, giving Shya a counter-attack in the stomach. She grunted and took a few deep breaths as well. “So… lemme ask you a slightly personal question.”
Masaru stopped and stood back up in position as Shya scratched her head full of green hair. “Which one of you is seme?”
“What??” Masaru blurted out, blushing. He thought for a moment and shrugged. “Y’know, I’m not even sure about the answer…”
“Ya know, Masaru-san, this gave me a funny thought.” she laughed off. “I like to put pairings together to make funny pairing names. Beats having to say Masaru and Touma, or Touma and Masaru… things like that!”
“And your point is…”? he asked. He blew a punch at Shya’s face again and the girl fell onto the floor. She picked herself back up, trying to heave punches at Masaru, but only with blocked arms in reply.
“Well…” she said, smiling the whole time. “Doesn’t it remind you of a tomato?”
“What?” Masaru said, a confused expression on his face. Shya grinned and threw a punch at Masaru’s face. The boy stepped back a few inches and rubbed his injured cheek.
“Well, I have some pretty insane things runnin’ in my head, and the first thought was tomato.”
“Why?” he had to ask.
“Ya see, since you’re both confused on who’s seme, Touma comes first-- that’s where To comes from-- then you, Masaru-san. That’s the Ma. And Touma again, it’s To. ToMaTo, tomato!”
“Well, why couldn’t it be MaToMa?” Masaru asked, crossing his arms.
Shya laughed and sat on the floor, her legs spread out in front of her. “That’s weird, Masaru-san. You see, ToMaTo sounds like a vegetable, doesn’t it?”
Masaru thought for a moment and snapped his fingers. “Shya-kun, you just gave me an idea! I know what to give Touma-chan for Valentines Day!”
“You do?” she asked. “Glad you do; I still have no clue on what to give Kitten-chan.”
“Well good luck with that.” he answered, and with that, he gave Shya a light punch on the shoulder before heading into the locker room.
“Ouch.” she moaned, and fell onto the floor.
“The day is here. Thank goodness!!”
Masaru smiled as his little sister, Chika Daimon, sprinted around the house, looking for the presents she was supposed to hand out for Valentines Day. Masaru pulled out his present from the fridge and started toward the door. “Okay, I’m heading to school now. Happy Valentines Day.”
“Okay, bye!” Chika exclaimed as the boy shut the door.
By the time Masaru was down the block, Touma was seen on the other side, walking towards the Daimon household.
“Oh, I was looking for you.” Touma said, handing Masaru a small packaged present.
“Thanks.” Masaru replied, eyeing the neatly wrapped box. He looked through his bag, careful not to mess up his present for his lover, and held out with both of his hands. “For you, Touma-chan!”
In Masaru’s hand was a small, clean, red tomato.
Touma raised an eyebrow, still eyeing the tomato with more of a deep concern. Masaru kept smiling while he let his lover examine the fruit. “Tomato... what? My logic does not comprehend the reason behind this.”
“Which one of us do you think would be on top?” Masaru asked.
“Eh? Well…” Touma slightly blushed. “I’m not really sure.”
“Exactly.” Masaru pointed out. “To for Touma, Ma for Masaru, and To for Touma. ToMaTo, tomato. Get it now, Mr. Logic?”
“I suppose.” Touma replied, giving Masaru a soft smile. He took the fruit from Masaru and eyed it carefully again. “Funny.”
“I know, isn’t it?” Masaru replied, and gave Touma a light kiss on the lips. “So, are we still up for dinner?”
Once again, Touma blushed a deep red and cleared his throat before continuing. “Yes. And how about after that, we, uh… head over to my place?”
Masaru blinked a few times and smiled. “I’d like that very much, Touma-chan.” And with that, Masaru leaned over to give Touma another kiss. The blonde wrapped his arms around Masaru’s shoulders as the brown-headed boys arms laid down on the blondes’ waists. A few moments later, the two break the kiss.
“I guess I’ll be heading to class now.” Masaru replied, giving Touma a wide grin of accomplishment.
“So it seems.” he said, walking the other direction. “I’ll be seeing you afterwards.”
Masaru smiled, watching Touma walk off in a distance. A special thing to remember him by on Valentines Day, both the kiss and the tomato. But it looked like that wasn’t the end of it. Tonight would prove him right
HA! I made a premiere in my own fanfic. I am Shya, as being read in some of my fanfics that only my friends here in Athens read, so meh, whateva. But yeah, I try my hardest to fight, but I might only win like 50% of the time. ( snickers ) and as for that little ToMaTo sounds like a vegetable, doesn’t it? Quote, sometimes I get tomatoes mixed up as a veggie. Dunno why. ( shrugs )
For most who may not know, Kitten-chan, as I mentioned in the fanfic, is my girlfriend. What’s funny is that most of the time I do know what to get her for whenever. ( laughs )
Okay, and time to explain myself a little. If you want to find me on Gaiaonline, my name is Yaoi_Yuri_DigiFreak. And about a couple of months ago, I made up a Digimon: Digital Destiny Guild. One of the topics I visit most often in the guild is Splash’s ToumaXMasaruXTouma topic. So I told myself for awhile what I wanted to draw a piccu of Masaru holding out a tomato for his beloved one. And when I shown the piccu on the page, Splash said she could only imagine Touma’s reply, which was where the quote Tomato... what? My logic does not comprehend the reason behind this came from… and how inspiration of this fic was found. Silly, isn’t it?
Anyways, comments are loved, flamers will feel my wrath, and all that jazz, so… I’ll be seein’ ya on the other side! Nyahahaha~!! ( clouds into darkness )
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