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Monkey Airplane Soldier
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Alright, guys, this one is pretty long! I reallyreallyreallyreally need opinions from my actors, so please read and COMMENT! Or pm me! Thankees! I can't tell if it's shitty or a work of art.... sweatdrop

SCENE 4: The Chamber
Raven: [camera close on face as he twitches, than wakes up and glances around groggily. Gradually becomes more aware, and a little scared. Looks around, then shoves Kate (lying next to him) and wakes her up] K-Kate….
Kate: [gradually wakes up and becomes aware of their surroundings. Pause where she blinks, then starts talking in a hyperventilating way] Oh-crap-where-are-we….? [breathing in and out really fast]
Raven: [opens mouth, closes it, swallows. Opens again to talk] I…have no clue….[frowns] what-what happened?
Kate: [hyperventilating] Kid-napped-oh-crap!
Raven: [turns to look at her] Whoa, whoa, girl slow down…relax, okay?
Kate: [eyes widen] Lily?!
Raven: [glances around, then puts hand on Kate’s shoulder] Over there. [gestures to Lily, unconscious by the gate]
Kate: [sighs in nervous relief] Oh, whew….[swallows] wha-where….
Raven: [squints] Uh…we got kidnapped…wait….[frowns in concentration] All I remember is walking along the alley and then someone shoved a smelly rag over my mouth and…..well, I must’ve blacked out. [pauses] Cool, I’ve never blacked out before….[nods and grins like it is just SO cool…]
Kate: [stops hyperventilating] Oh, god! Roger! Thank god you’re alive! [hugs him]
Raven: A little delayed, aren’t we? I, RAVEN, have been alive this whole past minute…
Kate: [pulls away] Oh, Roger! [angry relief, sort of. Shoves him in shoulder] How could you? A shortcut?! You scared me half to death! Never again do I listen to you. Never again!
Raven: Hey! Who’s brilliant idea was it to WALK to the grocery store? I voted for Bill….AND MY NAME IS RAVEN, FOR THE LAST TIME!
Kate: I’ve explained this a million times you moron! Oh, but that’s not the point. The point is….the point is we need to figure out what is going on here.
Raven: All we know is we’ve been kidnapped by two guys and now we’re in some sort of, like, chamber or something, with a candle. And Lily. Who’s still unconscious….
Kate: Should we wake her up?
Raven: well, she’ll just make noise and cry…I don’t want whoever kidnapped us to show up before we can figure out how to get out of this mess.
Kate: I don’t even know how we got IN TO it….[muttering] At least Dad will send a search party.
Raven: Yeah, once he realizes we’re gone. Which could take DAYS….[bitter, hopeless]
Kate: Oh, come on Roger, [Raven glares at her, she ignores him] he’s preoccupied, he’s not STUPID. [pause] He’ll notice…[not sounding too convinced]
Raven: Well, if there’s no search party coming [Kate tries to object but he covers over her] Which there ISN’T [pointedly], than we need to find some way to get out of here.
Kate: Well, [short skeptical laugh] good luck with that. There’s nothing but….[glances around] A candle, an unconscious nine-year-old and a gate.
Raven: [frowning, glancing around, considering escape routes] Well, it looks like the gate is gonna have to do.
Kate: Roger! They’re probably out there!
Raven: who? The kidnappers? To hell with them! [standing up] I’m getting out of this place! [pause, and then almost on second thought…]And don’t call me Roger. [walks over to gate but trips on Lily who yelps]
Lily: ow! Hey, what’re you doing?! [comes more awake and realizes where they are] What….Katie? What’s going on?
Kate: Don’t worry, Lily, we’re working on getting out of here. Some…bad guys took us, but…….uh, we’ll be okay…
Raven [jiggling lock] I think I’m onto something here….it should open…gimme a sec….
[book case opens. Figure framing the doorway, Charles]
Charles: It’s no use, you know. It’s not as though it’d matter if you got through that anyway, lad.
Raven: Oh yeah? And who’re you? What the hell do you know?
Kate: [puts hand on his shoulder warningly, and also pulls Lily behind her protectively]Roger…
Charles: It’s quite alright, Katie. [Kate stares at him]
Kate: how d’you…
Charles: She wouldn’t perform a kidnapping if she didn’t know everything about her subjects, my dear. More than just names.
Raven: She?
Charles: [smiles, but doesn’t answer question]
Raven: Look, pal, I don’t know who you are, but I’m getting out of here! [bursts gate open, grabs Kate’s arm (who grabs Lily) and shoves past Charles heading towards bookcase]
Kate: Roger!
Raven: [reaches bookcase, and moves to go through but is stopped by and invisible barrier] Owch!
Charles: Why you little-! What a bloody disgrace….you hurt my spleen…
Raven: [Spins around and addresses Charles angrily] What is this? Some kind of trick?
Kate: Roger! Get a hold of yourself! [Raven ignores her]
Charles: [regaining his dignity] No trick, my friend. But I’m afraid you won’t be getting out THAT way any time soon, lad. Not so long as these worlds remain separate…
Raven: What’re you talking about?
Charles: Have a seat, Raven.
Raven: No, I don’t want to sit down!
Charles: [pulls up a chair] Very well. Ladies?
Kate: [moves forward with Lily. Raven grabs her arm. She turns slightly to face him] I want answers. [pulls away and cautiously sits down.]
Charles: There, now, isn’t that lovely! Oh, dear me…there seems to be a spot on the table…[pulls out a purple handkerchief and dots at it in a feminine way] No, that simply will not do….
Kate: Focus, Mr…..
Charles: [glances up] It’s Charles, actually. Charles Butler. [glances over to Raven] Are you entirely sure you do not wish for a seat?
Raven: [glances at him warily] I-[takes a breath] Oh, fine, whatever…I don’t want my sisters here without me….[muttering, walks over and takes a chair]
Charles: Oh, lovely then! Let’s see now…how shall I explain all this….
Kate: Why don’t you start off by telling us why we’re kidnapped!
Charles: Oh no, there are much more….ah, worldly things to discuss at the moment…besides, she can tell you why you’re here. I am simply going to explain where “here” is exactly.
Raven: Well are you going to get going, or not?!
Charles: [laughs] You’ve got quite a foul temper there, lad. It’s not like you’ve anywhere to be…but alrighty, let’s get started. [pauses] That entryway over there may appear to be but a simple exit to the world outside. It is not, my little companions, anything near that simple. You see, besides being a secret passageway, artfully designed by yours truly if I may add….
Raven: [clears throat in irritation]
Charles: …it is also a bridge of sorts.
Lily: What kind of bridge?
Charles: A bridge….[pause]…between worlds.
[camera focuses on all three kids staring at Charles in confusion, their mouths hanging open]
Children: heeeeeh?
Charles: [wrinkles his nose in distaste] Why, how lovely of you all to show me the marvelous inner workings of your sloppy, spitty little traps.
Raven: Hey! Who do you think you-
Charles: Oh, would you kindly shut up already?
[Raven about to get angry but Kate intervenes quickly]
Kate: So it’s a bridge, then huh? Well gee, tell us more, Mr. Kidnapper Sir…
Charles: [stares] Uh….
Raven: [imitating a British accent] Oh, shut your trap now, sah! I say! My my! Blah blah blah blah blah!
Charles: Please ALLOW me to get ON with this. [stiffly]
Kate: Yes please do….and may I just add you have lovely eyes…..
Charles: [stares at her uncomfortably for a moment] Mm, ahem, yes, well….ah, where was I….ah, a bridge. It is the connection between your world and ours.
Kate: What?
Lily: Are you an alien? [amazed voice]
Charles: Pardon me?!
Lily: From Mars? Cause that’d be cool. But you’re supposed to be green. Maybe we can paint you. Can we paint you green, Mr. Alien sir? Huh? Can we? Can we?
Charles: [tries to regain dignity] I am not an alien, I-
Kate: FOCUS!
Charles: Yes, yes! No more talk of Mars, you little…things…[clears throat] Our world is quite a bit different from yours. I, in fact, do research on the subject of the connection. You see, technically, there is not supposed to BE a connection. Milady was clever enough to create one.
Raven: Who is this-
Charles: Now, the major difference between our world and yours is that we can do magic, primarily. Besides that, we also have different….um, well, we have advanced differently. I mean, we can do magic, but you have technology, but well, see, we’re sort of living in a different time, except not really it just, well, uh, seems that way.…oh dear [gets flustered]. Let me start at the beginning. [takes a deep breath] At the earliest time our philosophers can uncover, the two parallel worlds, ours and yours, started at the same point. Then we each began branching off, different people shaping the way we twisted and turned into our own unique societies. Your world advanced through technology. Our world advanced through magic. So we may appear to be living like a….well, medieval type person from YOUR world, but in truth, we simply live like that because we have progressed in other areas, primarily the art of-
Kate: Magic.
Raven: Whoa.
Lily: Oh. My. God.
Raven: How’re we supposed to believe you?
Charles: I don’t usually demonstrate this, but….well….[stands, straightens clothes, and shoots magic stuff from fingertips….it’s pink…]
[pause where kids gaze in amazement]
Raven: HOLY s**t!!
Kate: [dazed] don’t swear in front of Kelly….Lily, I meant Lily…[staring at Charles]
Charles: [uncomfortably clears throat] Don’t’ look at me like that! [straightens shirt] It’s not that unusual around here! Although, [looks smug] I HAVE got a rather handsome talent for it….[takes a step forward and stubs toe] Ow…[rather whiny voice] Ow that hurt…oh I hope it didn’t ruin my new shoes….
Raven: [stares…raises eyebrow] Can we say, “GAY?”
Charles: No! For goodness sakes, I am NOT gay! How many times is someone going to suggest that to me? Just because I am clean, I have a decent fashion sense, and my mother and sister raised me properly does NOT mean I’m gay!
Kate: That’s good…[gazes dreamily]
Charles: [walks away in a huff] And for goodness sakes, girl, buy some Prada! Goodness knows you can afford it, you’re the child of a millionaire, and Gucci just makes you look prissy…[leaves]
Raven: Not gay my a**.
Lily: I like his shirt. It was like a lacy purple dress. It was pretty.
Kate: So….d’you think he’s dangerous?
[Charles’ voice coming from farther down] Oh, dearie me, I’ve gotten a spot on my trousers! Now where’s my hankie? No…wrong hankie I need the pink striped one…
Raven: Nope.

thanks, hope you liked it! Please comment! I made some minor, unnoticeable changes just now, so yeah....just so's you know!

User Comments: [8] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 12:23am
zoe, I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is gunna be so much fun to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 12:24am
HAHAHA!!!! I laughed outloud like 4 times!!! I usually don't laugh outloud too much when I'm reading somthing. But I like the way Kate is slowly starting to like Charles. Lily is cute, can we paint you green? I wouldn't change anything, except for a few things......

1. When Charles is complaining about his spleen, it wasn't clear to me who hurt him....

2. Katie keeps switching between Roger and Raven, so I thought she would only call him Roger....

3. Was Charles telling Kate that she needs to wear Prada?

Other than that, I absolutely loved it!!!! You have NO idea how excited I am when I see that you've put up a new scene!!!!!! KEEP WRITING< DAMMIT!!!!!

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the silver fire
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 12:24am
I'm so glad!!!
I am going to freaking INTERROGATE you on pros and cons when I get our pm....just you WAIT honey.... rofl twisted

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 12:52am
1. Raven hurt him. It says so in the script if you read carefully, but either way it doesn't matter because it will be clearer once we block the scenes. thank you for pointing that out, I'll be sure to make it clear.
2.RIGHT! I keep forgetting! thank you for reminding me, I'll fix that! sweatdrop
3. Yeah, just an example of his oh-so-very girlyness.....

I'm glad you laughed!! Thankees!

the silver fire
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commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 01:49am
Pink magic.....pink, striped hankie........my spleen....? Oh my dear god.....what have I gotten myself into.....?

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 02:10am
Oh my... you make me sound so regal in this scene... whee

And I LOVE IT! It's such a great dialogue and it made me laugh... AND I'M IN THE NEXT SCENE! YAY ME! W()()T!

Midnight Treat
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the silver fire
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 02:23am
Claire, all I can say is....THINK GAY.

And Emma, I'm so glad you like it! I decided the early references to you should be rather intimidating.....fun fun fun, I am going to just LOVE making your character work....start practicing being evil, hurt, having soft spots, and being a magical genius all at once...... mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen I never said it would be easy.... mrgreen

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 05:34am
Ohhh!!!!!! Hahahaha!!! Sorry, I just realized the tiny little "shoves past Charles" part. Now it makes more sense!!! Sorry!! 4laugh 4laugh

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