zabuza~ann what's wrong?
ann looked at him then slapped him. zabuza sighed
zabuza~you want something? your bottle? pacifire?
zabuza~ *sigh* she was bound to ask at some point...when she gets home ann. you just wait...
he tried to pick her up but all she did was raise her arms up to fall back down and began screaming out for her mom
zabuza~when she gets back ann which is never for ane...maybe auron if he still has his a**
ann~no no no!!! mama!!!
zabuza~sorry kid but she isn't coming!
she slammed backwards hitting her head against the wooden floor and started screaming and crying
zabuza~this had to be coming sooner or later...atleast...she isn't doing this later...
he laid down on his bed leaving ann to her tantrum
after what seemed like hours, which was really half an hour, ann went over to the bed and tried pulling at some part of zabuza's clothing
ann~bobble zaza?
zabuza picked her up onto the bed then went to get her a bottle. after he gave it to her she laid down beside him. zabuza wiped her eyes
ann~night night....
she quietly fell asleep, still sniffling
zabuza~auron you better be back from that damn mission of yours...been over two years and you really should know that you have a daughter
he sighed and got up, not disturbing ann at all. he got some bottles for her and set it on the pillow then left
kisame~hey zabuza. why are you showing up less and less lately?
zabuza~what's it to you, fish paste
kisame~what was that?!
raiga~oh quit it fish paste and eyebrowless freak
they both glared at him
raiga~it's his own business that he doesn't show up as much kisame, so it shouldn't matter much to you. we never ask why you look so much a like a fish and not a person
kisame grumbled and sat back down
zabuza~thanks...but have you heard anything from auron?
kisame~you're sister's boyfriend?
zabuza~dumbass they're married
kisame~yeah what ever him?
zabuza~of course...
raiga~it's said that he died, but others are saying that he's still carrying out that mission of his
zabuza~ *sigh* great....
kisame~why do you need to know zabuza?
zabuza~he owes me s**t
kisame~what about your sister?
zabuza~what about her? just mad that she died...since now i'm stuck with a brat for another three years
raiga~kisame leave him's better to pick on him when he's here for a mission
zabuza~then i'm leaving...
he went to the fridge they had to get his food from his last mission
kisame~hey i thought you said i can have that pudding
zabuza~too bad dipshit
he left
kisame~damn...i wanted that pudding...
raiga~i thought fish were alergic to chocolate
kisame~milk chocolate...
raiga sighed
View User's Journal
annaliesalayoshi and zabuza momochi
i'm a super fananic of naruto. i even made my own naruto character, annaliesalayoshi (or ann), and i made her zabuza's niece (that is if he ever had one). later in the story i mix it with final fantasyX
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