Judgement Day
We all judge without thinking. We all want to be accepted. But are we really? We are judged by looks, by how much we are worth, by who we know, or what we know. The years go by and what changes? We get older, but do we get any wiser? I don't think so. I'm judged by my parents, my friends, loved ones, strangers, Who the hell gives you the right to judge me without getting to know me! I'm just me - I care way too much, it gets me in trouble, I could never let someone suffer, I take your pains, live your pains. And yet - do you get to know me? What do you see? A troubled individual, I hide behind the safety of the walls I created. To hell with you if you can't take the time to know me. Cuz I would take the time to know you. Is it just me? No - it's who you are that makes you insecure with the unknown. Take the time. Don't judge me for what you don't know or think you know. Behind these walls is a sensitive person. A shy person, someone who would give his life, so that you wouldn't suffer. Judge me not for my looks, not for what I own, Judge me for what's inside. For that's what counts. Nothing more, Nothing less. Look in a mirror... Do you like who looks back? Can you say that you truthfully don't judge others? Hell - I'm not perfect, but damned if I'm going to lay down and be judge by you!
Vv_Stefan_vV · Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:55pm · 1 Comments |