Loving ... (cute stuff here)
Loving him, loving us,loving you, loving me, loving things, loving her, loving it, loving hugs, loving kisses, loving cats, loving dogs, loving colors, loving flowers, loving candy, loving food, loving kids, loving adults, loving each other, loving everything forever, loving never ending, Loving he who loves her, loving she who loves him, loving rain, loving sun, loving god, loving nothing, loving life, loving death, loving faimly, loving no one, loving gold, loving being poor, loving to get along, loving to fight, loving to fear, loving to dare, loving to dream, loving to run, loving to play, loving to walk, loving to sing, loving to do things with each other, loving no other, loving the ocean that he is sailing or the girl that is acting to get your every heart and atteshion there loving the reation, loving to make you want one another, loving you, loving forever...