The legend of werewolves has been around for god knows how long. Some people believe in it, many don't. I for one think it's just a big scandal. I mean, look at the price of silver compared to that of gold. Don't you think there's something in there? I'm sure I can find a spike in silver sold at some point in history, around the time it was decided werewolves had an allergy to silver. How was that decided? Some village vote? Maybe everyone decided that silver looked pretty so it had to be magic. I mean, the only thing these people had to go on was religion, so these creatures were basically spawned by the devil. I mean feel sorry for these insanitary, uneducated Europeans who almost died out from war, famine, and plague. They thought that the god who created them wanted to kill them, and people who took a bath once a month were clean freaks. But back to the topic, what was it that gave these poor creatures the idea that there were now evil wolf things after them? And how did they decide that you turn into when you are bit? So then they go into killing everyone that is accused of being one in a very painful manner, along with vampires and witches. Judging from how they reacted to werewolves, vampires, and zombies for Bob's sake, it's surprising they didn't think that you turned into a witch after you wee bit by one of them. Then again, witches were the only ones that didn't really bite, they just used potions and spells to kill you and worship the devil. And the worst thing about their trials? Vicim's accounts were held above all other evidence. If you were convicted of being a witch, it didn't matter how many times you went to church, or how many bibles you owned, to would need a miracle to keep from being burned alive. Well, that is all I have to say. All hail Bob!