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Rufus's Journals (Stories)
Well, these journals are more like stories. Stories of my character Rufus. I'm writing out his whole past, and sense I was getting more addicted to Gaia I felt I should post them up here. ^^ Please Enjoy!
Heaven and Hell chapter 1
White wisps of water flew clearly over the world, a new world without beings or feelings, its creation was still in process, by the almighty god. Molten ash and lava slowly craved out rivers and mountains, in which the basis of all existence seemed to appear out of nowhere, and flow down the new mountains and the new hills, grass and tree’s blossoming, creating air suitable for creatures to scurry upon and survive.

All hail the almighty god.

The protectors of the earth sat on the water wisps of the sky, ever innocent and pure. Their wings glew a bright white, so white it cannot be found on earth. As heaven was already a paradise, in which angels survived alongside each other without quarrel or hate. Angels where created like clones, and it was only when two gods loved that an angel was made naturally. Most angels had no parents or siblings, they just simply… existed.

“…Cain?” A voice spoke as Cain sat on a hillside, his yellow eyes watching the grounds before him. Their heaven was already covered in grass and tree’s, far before earth had even. “Cain?” Cain blinked and looked up to the young woman, a soft smile appearing on her lips. “…are you hungry…?” “….we don’t get hungry Everest.” “Yes, but even so the taste is good.” She knelt down to the young Cain, who was fifteen at this point, and held out an apple to him. “Try it. It’s good. I found it over the hills on the east side.” “East? That’s far. What is this called?” “They say its an apple.” Cain smiled softly and took the apple from her, biting it. It was good. “…thank you Everest.” She nodded and stood up, almost glowing. Everyone almost glowed here. Cain stared at her, unlike most angels he watched her figure, examining her curves…. Then she walked away. Cain stared then bit into the apple again.

“I see the way you look at her.” Cain chewed and looked over. “…hello Kiden.” He smiled innocently as Kiden stood there, crossing his arms. “You gotta stop this. You’re going to get in trouble.”

“Not if I don’t tell anyone.”

“…I know, isn’t that an ‘anyone’?”

Cain froze, and slowly looked over smiling. “…Kiden. Come sit. You know I don’t want to bother with this kind of thing.” Kiden stared then sighed walking over, as he sat down. “…what is that?” “She called it an apple.” Kiden stared then took the apple from Cain staring at it. “…Kiden, I was in the middle of eating that…” Kiden glanced over then broke off a small piece for himself, handing it back to Cain. “Why do you sit over here by yourself all the time Cain?” Cain stared and bit into another piece of the apple. “…no reason. The other angels find me creepy I suppose. They don’t like me all that much. You’re the only one that talks to me, really.”

“…other then Everest of course.”

Cain stared over to Kiden. “…what is your problem with her Kiden?”

“Y-you look at her in… sexual ways Cain. We are angels…. We aren’t supposed to feel things like that… e-expecially…. Sense she’s your… your….”


Kiden watched disgusted. “How can you keep so calm about that…!? You are the only angel I’ve ever heard of that had sexual thoughts in the first place, but to your SISTER!?”

Cain finished off the apple and tossed the center to the side. “…I was raised by her, but neither of us had parents. We were just creations of god himself. Technically everyone would be brothers and sisters according to your logic. Infact, we’d be siblings. But sense neither of us were born with parents, there is nothing linking us to being related.”

“….Cain stop turning things against me. I hate it. Besides, even if you didn’t have parents, wouldn’t god be considered a parent!? Wouldn’t that make you siblings!? When god gives one angel to another that’s when siblings are created here! You both were chosen as siblings by god!” Cain watched the blank blue sky above them. Sense they lived above the clouds…. The sky was always such a creepy open blue. “…Kiden. Are there any food charities today?”

“Of course…. There are charities everyday.”

“What fruits? I’m really craving some oranges.” Cain smiled innocently over to Kiden as Kiden stared. “…yeah. Think so. Then get up if you really want to go.” Cain got on his feet swiftly as he kept smiling. “Hurry Kiden! I don’t want to miss out!” Rushing forward to the town, Kiden blinked standing. “W-woh! Cain! Wait!” He turned and began to run after.

Reaching the town Cain smiled and looked around. Oh… how he hated this place… everyone was too happy… things were too bright and shiney… and it always stood behind this small town…. The golden gates that reached up to god’s castle. It was bright like the day. Why did everything have to be so shiney…?

“C-cain! Jeese!” Cain looked over to the tired Kiden and smiled. “Oops! Sorry.” “Yeah. Right sorry.” Kiden spoke looking up to Cain. Cain walked over to a booth and picked up a few oranges. “Thank you.” “No problem.” The lady smiled back. People were too nice here.

Cain looked over to Kiden and smiled. “Should we go back?” “Already? We just got here. Come on, do a little socializing Cain.” “…I don’t really want to. I’d rather go back.” “…cause Everest is back there?” Cain stared slightly irritated at Kiden as Kiden shrugged nervously. “…sorry. Either way, you need to get out more. That’s why you’re being corrupted. You don’t get out enough and these thoughts take over.” Cain stared around as he walked over to the fountain, tossing one of the oranges at Kiden as Kiden caught it and ripped off some of the skin. “I don’t know why you like oranges so much Cain. Their good, but not THAT good.” Cain smiled and ripped off the skin, as he pulled out a piece. “I don’t know, I always thought they were the best around. Do you think oranges will be put on earth when earth is done?” Kiden shrugged and ate a little. “No clue. Who knows what their planning on with earth. I don’t understand myself why it exists in the first place. We have heaven, why make earth?” Cain shrugged, still smiling. “No clue, except perhaps it is an exile? For those who sin?” Kiden stared around nervously. “…l-lets not talk about sinners…. Sinners do not exist, it is just a bad fairy tale…” Cain stared up to Kiden, his eyes holding an unusual seriousness about them. “…am I a sinner Kiden?”

Kiden froze and looked over. “W-well… u-um…. Sexual desires are s-sin… look, not around people Cain. Not around people.” He stared around nervously, scared of someone hearing then looked back to Cain. “You’re not healthy Cain.” He whispered. “That’s what it is. Look, I’m saying this as a friend. Love is okay to feel, but not the kind you’re feeling. Those feelings are reserved for gods only anyway. There must have been a mistake in your creation… maybe the god of life is becoming tired and making faulty souls…” Cain continued to smile, twitching a moment. “…A…. a faulty soul…?”

Kiden’s eyes widened. “N-no! I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t! I swear, its just, the feelings you feel… they’re wrong…!” He whispered again harshly. “No other angels feel that way, so there must be something wrong…!” Blinking he was accidentally pushed into the fountain as water splashed over him. Coughing a moment another angel, unknown to him, rushed over. “Man, I’m sorry!” Kiden blinked as the angel pulled him out. The angel was male, he could tell that much. Wiping the water from his eyes he stared up.

His eyes widened as he seemed fixated. This angel had light brown hair, almost like a dirty blonde, but it fell down messily among his face. He was very feminine looking, as most of the angels were. “Sorry, me and my friends were just playing a few games, and I accidentally hit you in the water. Are you alright?” Kiden stared up stunned at this angel, he somehow… looked different from the other angels…. “U-um…. Yes…. I’m fine….” A small blush appeared on him as the angel watched. “…? Kay, well that’s good. I’m Lucifer. And you are?” “…Kiden.” Lucifer smiled. “That’s cool. Oh, they’re running off without me, gotta run!” He turned and rushed off, Kiden still staring. Cain watched Kiden and knelt down next to him. “…faulty soul really…? If that’s true, then you must have one too.” Kiden blinked and glared over to Cain, still blushing. “Hey! Leave me alone, don’t compare….! He just looked strange to me, just… different I suppose…”

Cain just stared, eating more of the orange. “…and that’s how I see Everest. Come on.” He started walking off as Kiden stared and stood. “…alright….” He just rushed after Cain.

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